
The struggles of spiderman.

Amarri jackson. a teen misfortuned by fate and wronged by the world is given the powers to do great wrong or great right. what path will he choose? i do not own spiderman or the cover of this story. all rights are reserved

bakaro · Anime & Comics
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Amarri jackson

I frown as rain begins pouring. The bustling streets of New York stay the same. People arguing, crackheads begging and randoms passing by. Everyone has their things going on. Everyone is wary of one another all the same.

After a 10-minute walk, I shove past a group of slightly older teens in front of the hospital I was headed to. Ignoring their disrespectful remarks at being shoved aside I head to the lobby of the building.

My phone buzzes slightly as I look down at it just before I can approach the lady at the front desk. 

Petra Parker: Hey, amarri. I was wondering if we could talk today about something really important we can meet at this cafe near my place my treat?

I frown slightly at the text from the nerdy girl from my class. How did she even get my number? I shake my head before responding.

Amarri Jackson: I'm doing something more important than whatever you want to talk about. talk to me about it tomorrow k?"

I leave no room for argument as I put my phone back in my pocket ignoring the immediate text back I approach the fat brown-haired middle-aged lady at the front desk.

"Hey! I'm here for Cynthia Jackson. I'm her son amarri" I greet casually ignoring her and staring at my unique appearance. it's something people tend to do. 

"Err, S-shes in room 270" the lady stutters but I ignore her heading to my destination.

I don't have much time with my mother. I've been working 2 jobs to pay for her cancer treatments with little to no results of recovery despite my paying top dollar. 

Heading inside of the room I feel my face shift into a forced smile. I can't let my mom know how I truly feel about our situation. 

"Ooo is that my sweet baby?" My mother looked up from the book she was reading. her brown eyes seem to have regained light upon noticing me as I choke back a sob looking at her sickly thin form.

My mother is a middle-aged African American woman with a beautiful afro and light brown eyes coupled with her light brown skin She is gorgeous.

My father died when I turned 13 3 years ago in a car accident. I and mom cashed out on his life insurance but we got extorted by one of the many many local gangs. That day I realized how cruel this world was. Since then I've kept myself in shape and I have taken self-defense classes.

I move forward and give my mother a tight hug. holding back the tears that threaten to spill I notice her form getting thinner and thinner by the day. Brain cancer has ruined her.

releasing my mom I look down at her as she smiles up at me despite her condition and situation. nothing but pure motherly love in her eyes as I frown.

"Drop that frown baby, you look more and more like your father by the day." I immediately stop frowning at my mother's command as a slight smile graces my lips. my mother has always said I look like my father but I believe I'm a perfect mix between the two of them.

My father unlike my mother was caucasian. with the typical blonde hair and blue eyes. I inherited my father's eyes and my mother's skin tone. light brown skin and deep blue eyes. paired with my father's facial features the girls at school swoon over me due to my 'exotic' looks.

I of course pay them no mind and treat them all the same. The only thing I care about in this world is right in front of me right now. some girls are more stubborn than others. Like Petra or Mary Jane. Even after I openly told them to leave me be they seem to ignore that and pursue me even more both claiming that they want to be friends but I know better. 

Sighing at the unpleasant memories of my first girlfriend freshman year I kiss my mom on the cheek and pass her some papers. 

"I was just checking in ma', but I need you to sign these permission slips so I can go on a field trip to Oscorp. I want to see if I can score a job there and hopefully find a cure for you." my mother's dazzling smile drops at my words as she signs the papers.

"*sigh* Baby you shouldn't worry so much about me. save your money and focus on your future it's what your father would want." my mother tries to coerce me into giving up on her as I growl.

"I don't care what he would want! he left us years ago!" I can't contain my anger as I clench my fist. angry tears threatening to spill. I sigh as I immediately regret my words.

"Mom I'm sorry it's just-" I'm interrupted as my mom sits up and pulls me into a tight hug. even tighter than the one she gave me earlier. 

I feel my shirt gets soaked by tears as I grip my mom. feeling worry as I hear her cry silently into my shirt. 

"I'm so sorry amarri... you shouldn't have to suffer so much at such a young age. if only I weren't so pathetic then you would be able to enjoy your youth even a tiny bit." my mother sobs as I frown 

"Don't ever call yourself pathetic again!" I can't contain my mother at her self-hatred. even while sick my mother worked her ass off up until I was 15.

"You haven't failed at anything. you've done more than any other mother could think of. you are not to blame for our predicament no one is!" I can't contain myself as I grip the metal on her hospital bed so hard my knuckles turn white.

I contain my anger and turn away. my fist still clenched and my lip bleeding from me biting it. 

"Mom, the next time you see me I will have a cure i promise you this. and then we will be a family again," I vow to my mom and myself as I leave her hospital room.


School the next day was bland as usual. petra and her friend Ned sitting near me despite my protest. one for bully protection and one for other reasons I can't comprehend.

Sighing as the school bus finally arrives at Oscorp I and the other students get in line, Ned immediately hides behind me as flash Thompson approaches. 

It's not like I give a damn about Ned or anyone other than my mother for that matter. It's just that my body moves on its own when one is in danger, my father used to call me a 'natural hero' when he was alive.

"Leave the guy alone Eugene" I command. Looking flash in the eye. I'm the only one in the class who can do that anyway flash stands at a towering 6'5 me a bit shorter at 6'2 but still close enough to make eye contact.

"Move out of the way Jackson this doesn't involve you hero." flash speaks menacingly as I frown stepping forward with a frown. 

"Make me move." I don't like bullies nor do I like people trying to tell me what to do. holding Flash's gaze unwavering. A crowd formed around us as Ned slowly inches away. Not that I mind since he would just get in the way. 

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" the crowd instigates as Flash growls "I've had enough of you getting in my way..." just before Flash can charge me the Oscorp scientist arrives 

"Stop your catfight and follow along." a bored voice speaks as everyone turns to a short fat man with glasses and brown hair.

Exhaling as the tension leaves the air I follow along with the class as two familiar females approach me. 

"Woah tiger, almost getting into a fight during a field trip no less. That's gutsy even for you." scowling as the redhead rubs my arm I walk ahead as a brown-haired girl with glasses follows behind the two of us timidly.

"Thanks for helping ned amarri..." Petra smiles up at me as I grunt. "I didn't do it for him." I turn away as Petra turns red for some reason. Probably misinterpreting what I meant. 


"As you can see here is the spider exhibit. we have experimented with various types of spiders for cures for certain diseases. like STDS or genital herpes." the fat scientist explains as some of the immature few in the class snicker at the mention of the sexually transmitted diseases.

Turning to the two girls that seemingly follow me everywhere I spot a spider crawling on petras arm. thinking quickly I grab the spider before it can bite her and I cringe in shock as I feel its fangs pierce me instead.

"Shit" I grunt as I crush the spider in my hand before rubbing my hands together to get rid of the gunk. the part of my hand where the spider bit me is already red and bulging slightly as I furrow my brows.

Petra seems flustered as she stares at me with a blush confused at why I grabbed her arm but I ignore her.

'Every spider here is non-venomous according to the scientist. but why was that blue and red?' shaking my head free of those thoughts someone finally notices the missing spider.

"Hey, mister why is one of the containers empty?" a short Asian kid points out as the class bursts into murmurs. some kids joking about the spider being on Ned who panics 

As the chattering continues I'm hit with a wave of nausea.


hope this chapter emphasizes what type of guy amarri is

bakarocreators' thoughts