
Chapter 15 Testing The New Magic

It was the next day after I had finished creating two new spells. I had no idea if they actually worked, but I felt like they would. I would still need them to be tested so I was going to ask Ana and Astra. I'm sure they wouldn't mind it either, but I am going to make breakfast first. Can't start the day on an empty stomach after all. I didn't feel like making anything too complicated today so I'm just going to make bread and put some jam on it. The jam was created earlier from berries found in the forest. There is a surprising amount of edible ingredients in the forest. I guess it is because of all the excess mana.

For this meal all I had to do was crush the grains so I set them to be crushed. Once they were finished being thoroughly crushed I then got some water. Pouring the water into the crushed grains I began to mix it up. After making sure it was mixed thoroughly I shaped the dough into bread. I then started the fire with the flint and steel and began baking the bread. I sampled the bread and though, it didn't look like the bread found at the bakery in the village, it still tasted fine. With the bread made I spread a healthy amount of jam onto each slice and waited for Ana and Astra to come.

They came pretty quickly after the food was done. I wasn't sure if they had naturally woke up or they woke up after smelling my food. Either way I served them the bread with jam. I could have toasted the bread, but I wasn't in the mood to cook the bread twice. Plus I felt like it wouldn't do much to enhance the taste. Well anyways we all ate our food in peace. I wasn't told that it was the best food that they have ever eaten, but that was to be expected with this simple meal.

"So Sylvain did you finish the spells you wanted to make?" Astra asked once we were all done eating.

"Yes I'm pretty sure that I did. All that is left is to test them to make sure they actually work. While I feel pretty confident they will, I still need to be sure."

"Yeah, that would be a good thing to check sylvi. After all it would be pretty bad if the spell failed while in the middle of a battle."

"Yeah so I want to test it out, but I don't want to test it in the cave. Their could be some pretty nasty effects after all."

"Yeah your right Sylvain. It could be like yesterday were the fireball spell turned out more powerful than intended."

"Yep which is why I want to do it outside the cave. However then you would have to come with me outside. I don't think we should do that right know. Especially since Watson and his group could still be looking for you:"

"Maybe they left yesterday. I wouldn't want to continue searching in the dark. Would you sylvi?"'

"No I wouldn't either Ana, but I still feel like we should still be low key. While they could have left they also couldn't have. Another thing they could have done is leave to the forbidden zone and then come back searching. We don't know what they are doing."

"Yeah your right sylvi."

"Hey I have an idea. Why don't you try to use the spells without us their?"

"What do you mean by that Astra?"

"Exactly what I said. We should test to make sure that we can use our link even if we are far away from each other. If we can then that would be very helpful."

"Yeah your right. Their is so much potential if the link works regardless of distance. We could share mana and maybe even use it to determine our location or health."

"Yeah, but Sylvain, we won't know any of this if we don't test it out."

"Your right Astra, but I still don't want to cause any commotion."

"Then why don't you do it outside of the forest sylvi. I'm pretty sure most would think that the humans were just trying a new method of getting into the Forest of Calamity."

"I guess you are right. How many times have they actually tried getting in again?"

"I think they have been trying something different every five years. So 3 times in total then, sylvi."

"Man it's weird to think that I have been living in this forest for 15 years already."

"It's still surprising that we have all been together for 12 years." Astra then continues to say something, but in a smaller tone of voice. I am not able to pick it up though.

"Did you say something else?"

"Huh no. Just thinking about how much of an impact you've had on our lives."

"Okay, then I'll leave you two to reminisce while I head out to the entrance of the Forest of Calamity. O spell of wind flow around my body to hide myself."

With that said, I chanted my hiding spell to be able to make it out easier. I also didn't want to be seen by anyone on the other side of the Forest of Calamity. It was a little bit of a trek to make it outside the forest, but I eventually made it. I then tried to feel our link, and I could feel it. However it was very faint, and felt like, if I took my mind off of it, I would lose track of it. Focusing on the link I try to move some of Astra's mana to me.

I wanted to start with hers since I would be able to clearly see the effects of the fire tornado spell I created. However the amount of mana I was receiving was pitifully low. While I was taking some mana from Astra it felt like most of it was seeping out as it travelled the large distance to me. So we would be able to share mana over distances, but most of it would leak out as it travelled that distance. It took longer to gather the mana necessary for the spell, but once it was gathered I started chanting.

"O spell of fire, combine with the wind as a tornado that comes forth to burn my enemies."

With the spell completed I felt mana leave my body. However it didn't recover instantly like it would normally. I felt a little confused, but quickly remembered, I was outside of the Forest of Calamity. This meant that my mana would recover slower since the mana outside was of less quality and quantity. While thinking of these things the fire tornado had already formed. It was a success and it burned brilliantly.

It also wasn't a spell that I would need to keep mana in it while it was still going. It would continue to function until it ran out of mana. It took a while for the fire tornado to dissipate, but this just meant that it would last longer against the enemy. This would be a good thing especially if I got it to stop in place right on the enemy. Well since this spell was a success I couldn't wait to see if my healing spell would be one as well. I did really need a healing spell as it would help a tremendous amount.

So I felt for the link between me and Ana. When I found it I began to move some of Ana's mana through the link. The same thing happened, and I received a pitifully low amount. Since this was to be expected I was patient as I began to gather the needed mana. When I finally had enough I chanted the spell.

"O spell of water, combine with the wind to cover my body and heal myself."

Since I was using a healing spell I had already injured myself. It was a small injury, nothing that would leave a scar if healed naturally. However even after the spell was chanted nothing changed. It felt like that time when I was a kid and had failed in making a spell. The spell felt fine up until it got to my body and heal myself. I didn't know what went wrong their, but I knew something was. Well at least one of the spells had worked. Now I need to figure out how to fix the other one. I should first head back though and tell Astra and Ana.

"O spell of wind flow around my body to hide myself."

With that spell finished I then reentered the Forest of Calamity and went to the cave. However when I had arrived the barrier had been broken. I don't know how, but it was no longer active. I couldn't believe that it was done by Ana and Astra. They should have learned their lesson a long time ago. This can only mean that someone was able to break through it on their own. I don't even know how much mana would be needed for that. Even the amount of control needed to actually realize their is a barrier is insane.

The only good thing is that there doesn't seem to be any signs of a struggle. This means that whatever came here didn't have any ill intentions. Their power and motive is still very worrying though. I doubt I would be able to win against them in a fight, but I couldn't just leave Ana and Astra though. With my resolve set I headed into the cave. In the kitchen I found Ana, Astra, and a third fox that I didn't know. This third fox had the same rainbow coat as Watson, leading me to believe he is of the rainbow fox race.

"I can sense you are there so come out already." The fox suddenly said. I was surprised. My hiding spell had never been seen through before. I was usually able to tell when it would be seen through and actively avoid situations like that. Also my mana quality amplified its effects. Even so this fox was able to see through it. This just reinforced the idea that I couldn't win in a fight. I stopped channeling mana into my spell to make myself visible again.

"May I know why someone of the rainbow fox clan would come all the way here?" I decided to test the waters and gauge his reaction.

"Is it wrong for a father to come and see his daughters."

"So I can assume you are the king of the rainbow foxes." After he nodded to my statement I continued.

"Well normally seeing your daughters is fine, but I don't think that would be the case when you have abandoned them."

"Well you're right. I have indeed come for other matters. I'm sure you've had a run in with Watson." This time he waits for me to nod and continues once I do.

"Then do you know anything about his death?"

"I don't know what you're implying here."

"I'm implying nothing. It's just that Watson was last seen fighting against Ana and Astra. According to some foxes Watson was killed in this engagement by an unknown third party. At first I doubted that Ana and Astra were alive. They shouldn't have been able to control their elements. When they lost control of it they would have surely died. Yet they are still here alive and their is a third party. I need to find out the truth so I can appease those hurt by Watson's untimely death."

"Well our story would be different from the one you've been told. Ana and Astra did have a run in with Watson a couple days back. In this engagement they were badly hurt. I came in to save them after they used a huge spell to force Watson and his crew back. Then we escaped using the spell you so easily saw through. They wouldn't let up though and continued following us. I let Ana and Astra rest in the cave while I went back to cover up our tracks. After that I observed them for a bit before leaving."

"And you did nothing else?"

"No. I immediately came back after realizing they wouldn't find us. After that we stayed in the cave. I would occasionally go out to secure food, but nothing else."

I told him it all as truthfully and respectfully as possible. I felt like he would know if I lied in any way. I also didn't want to be seen in a negative light because of my speech. I just hope that this situation will all end after that.

"I can tell that you have spoken the truth. There is no falseness in your voice. Be that as it may, the foxes wish for the death of Ana and Astra. In fact those children should have died once they were born. I don't know how they were able to control their elements till now, but they will one day lose control. When they do it would be horrible, and the longer we wait the bigger the calamity. However since you are my daughters I will give you a chance. Leave the Forest of Calamity completely. If you do, I will not chase."

Ana and Astra seem particularly discouraged after his words. It seems like they don't have the spirit to stand up. They will most likely leave the forest in order to not die. They both look at each other briefly as if deciding something with that glance.

"My king we will leave this place peacefully. All we ask is for you to let Sylvain continue living here. He has helped us control our elements and should be allowed to stay."

"Yes king. Please allow sylvi to stay in the forest."

"That is fine. I am only forcing you two out of the forest. This person is allowed to stay within the forest."

"Thank you for your generosity my king." They both say.

I am stunned by the process of events that has just happened. I thought that Ana and Astra would be concerned about themselves, but no. They were more worried about me and my life within the forest. I am very touched because of this. However while my mind was in a jumble, Ana and Astra were already heading out of the cave. They didn't really have anything they needed to pack and were probably going to leave. I know that I may not be able to win against this king, but I would hate myself for not trying. They both were leaving to help me so I should try to help them. I would also be very sad and lonely if they left. We have been together for 12 years now.

With that thinking in my head I said, "king, you are concerned about the possibility of Ana and Astra losing control."

The king nodded to my statement. He seemed to be curious at what I was getting at. I quickly continued talking for fear that he would lose interest.

"So if I were to prove that I was able to contain their elements from going out of control, would you allow them to continue living in the Forest of Calamity?"

"This seems like an interesting idea. However how will you prove that you can control it? How can you guarantee that you will be able to control it in the future?"

His words have me at a loss. I can easily prove that I can control their current power. I have this confidence because I was able to use a spell with their mana. However I can't prove that I will be able to control their power in the future. If their power does keep increasing as they grow I won't have any way to prove that I will forever be capable of controlling it.

Seeing me at a loss for words the king continues, "you can't. You may have a way to control their power now, but it will only grow. Their power will eventually overwhelm you and when it does you won't be able to do anything. Give up and pretend that all of this was a dream."

"Yeah Sylvain, we'll be fine outside of the forest."

"Just forget about us and live your life."

For some reason as I was hearing there words I remembered something. It was the time in which my life had changed greatly. Where I was staring at the face of an opponent that seemed insurmountable to me. While I was cowering in fear my friend Sylvia was standing tall fighting. Even when she knew she wouldn't win she was chanting her spell to kill the demonic beast. I was once again giving up before I had even started.

"What do I need to do to prove that I will be able to control their power forever? I can't believe that I won't be able to do it. No, I know that I will be able to do it."

My declaration was only heard by the king who was leaving. Ana and Astra had already left the cave a little bit ago. The king hearing my words stopped and looked at me.

"You have a large resolve in your eyes. I will give you an opportunity to prove your mettle then. You will have to complete two different challenges. If you pass both of my challenges then I will allow Ana and Astra to continue living in the Forest of Calamity. However if you fail even one of my challenges or don't meet my expectations then you will be kicked out along with them. Do you agree?"

"Of course I do." I respond preparing myself for his challenges.