
The struggle to Survive (Rewrite)

A young man awoke from his sleep to find that he was no longer in the hospital. Confused, he tried to figure out what was going on. Where was he? Why did the doctors move him? But those thoughts quickly faded as he realized he could breathe normally again. He was brimming with joy, unaware that he had lost everything dear to him. The story follows young Masaharu Musashi as he tries to survive in the world of Bleach. Disclaimer: I don't own the anime or any characters in it. Only my OC. I hope you enjoy it.

Apandora · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

A new foe has appeared!

(Musashi POV)

It's been a month since I met Rin and the others. They've grown on me a bit, and I have to say, it's quite fun spending time with them. I've started talking to them more. I'm still somewhat quiet, but when they start talking to me, I'm not afraid to speak a few sentences with them.

I've become part of their group. I enjoy spending time with Rin and Minoru the most. Sometimes I also talk to Arata, who's the clown of the group.

It's a bit difficult with Hideaki, though. Whenever I do something, he starts arguing with me and criticizing me for every little thing that happens. Rin usually jumps in and defends me, but I can't even defend myself anymore. I've sunk so low.

I started helping the others with collecting scrap. Among our group, I'm the fastest. So my task was to alert them about any danger that comes our way. Well, it's quite a boring job being like a sentinel meerkat, watching out for various predators.

"Musashi, we're done for today." I looked at Arata and nodded, slowly making my way back to the others. "So, what did you guys catch today?" Everyone showed their catches to Minoru, well it want much but i cant complaine, since I got nothing. "Well, today wasn't successful, tomorrow will be better. It's time to go back." So we slowly started returning to their base.

They still don't know I sleep on the streets, so I always go back to the alley halfway through the day. But I wish I could stay with them a little longer. "I can stay with you a bit longer today." They all looked at me and took it positively, except for one particular person who clicked their tongue. Minoru opened his mouth. "So your parents won't mind? I guess you didn't tell them in advance. Won't they be worried about you?"

"N-no, they won't," Minoru looked at me for a moment, and I started feeling a bit nervous. Then he nodded.


(Next day)

(Musashi's POV)

When I woke up, I was back where I always was, in the dark alley. I slowly got up and stretched, thinking to myself, 'Well, it's time to join the others.'

I slowly walked out of the alley towards the hideout.


'I hate the sun, why is it so hot anyway?'

Before I could contemplate that, a voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I saw someone waving at me.

"Hey, Musashi, are you home?"

"Good morning."

Rin smiled at me and opened her mouth. "Good morning to you too. So, how was it with your parents? What's it like to have parents? What are their names? Are they rich?..."

In the background, I spotted Minoru and began pleading for help with my eyes. Being the good angel he is, he came to my rescue. He placed a hand on Rin's shoulder. "Hey, Rin, it's just morning. Let Musashi breathe a bit."

"Okay." Rin glanced at Minoru and then slowly walked back inside.

"Well, Musashi, come inside. We'll start hunting in a bit." I nodded, following Minoru into the hideout.


(Inside the hideout)

We all looked at Minoru, who was lost in thought, contemplating something.

"Nariko and Satoru will stay and guard the hideout. Arata and Hideaki will be in one team collecting, and Rin and I will be in the other team." Minoru turned his attention to me. "As always, you'll keep an eye out for anyone showing up, and if yes, you'll alert us." I just nodded.

At that moment, Rin jumped into the air. "What are we waiting for? Let's go, adventure awaits." Everyone looked at Rin and smiled a little.


We slowly walked to the dump, and as we approached, I moved a bit forward, scanning for any signs of others. To my surprise, there were more kids. I walked back to Minoru.

"Someone's there."

Minoru went to check the situation. "That's Kabuto. I don't know what he's doing here, but this is our territory."

"We'll have to challenge them to a war." I looked at Hideaki, who seemed a bit like a madman. "I agree with Hideaki." I looked at another seemingly crazy person. Hideaki glanced at Rin. "What about you, Rin? Count me in." Are they out of their minds?

Everyone except Hideaki looked at me. "Musashi, you probably don't understand, but this isn't a war like a war. It's just a treasure hunt competition. Ahhh, now I feel relieved, but why do I feel like a newbie in the middle of a mafia."

"What are you waiting for? You're useless; you can't even decide on such a nonsense. And why are you looking at me like that, do you want to get a hit?" Rin stood between me and Hideaki. "We don't have time for this; let's declare war on them."

Everyone slowly went after the unknown group. I looked at them in amazement and then returned to reality and ran to catch up.

Minoru ran after a guy. "Hey Kabuto, this is our territory."

A guy named Kabuto turned to Minoru. "Minoru, I declare war on you and your group."

"Kabuto, how many times are you going to declare war on us?"

"I won't stop until I win. What are we waiting for? Let's fight."

'This guy is too loud and energetic. He reminds me a bit of a pink-haired fire-spewer.'

Minoru started talking about the rules of the war (game).


(Two minutes later)

So, there will be two three-member teams hunting for treasures. The one with more or better treasures wins. No attacking each other, and the hunt will continue until dusk.

(Minoru's POV)

I looked at my friends and family. I had to pick two representatives for our three-member team.

First, I chose myself, then Hideaki, but now, who would be the last one? I could eliminate Rin from the selection right away; she's not that good when it comes to competitive things. So, it's between Arata and Musashi. I've known Arata longer, and we have better teamwork, but Musashi is faster and more aware of his surroundings.

Suddenly, I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. "Come on, Minoru, what are you waiting for? Choose Arata; Musashi is useless." Hideaki spoke up.

I thought for a moment and came to a decision. "I choose Arata. Sorry, Musashi, but Arata and I have better cooperation." Musashi just nodded.

(Musashi's POV)

"Don't worry, Musashi, we'll win." I turned my gaze to Rin, who started patting me on the back.

"Hn." I nodded.

"Minoru, Hideaki, Arata." I looked at Rin, who had become a cheerleader without me noticing. I couldn't help but smile.


Rin stood in front of the two teams, ready to start. "So, get ready, attention, start!" With the start, both teams set off towards victory. I walked towards Rin. "What now, Rin? Well, let's start supporting our friends and maybe take a little nap."

I looked at her expressionlessly. "If you want to sleep, just say so."


I sat on the ground, and Rin slept next to me. I saw how a guy from Kabuto's gang approached me. "Hey, you're the newcomer from Minoru's gang, right? I'm Gabimaru, what's your name?"


"Hahaha, you don't have to be so on guard, Musashi. This is our, I don't even know how many matches, it's normal for us. Our boss Kabuto is a bit more competitive, so he challenges Minoru to war about every week."

"So... like rivals."

"Yeah, you got it exactly right."

I chatted with Gabimaru, or rather, he talked, and I added something here and there.

Before I knew it, it started getting dark. Both teams returned, and I must say, it will be quite close.


Kabuto looked at Minoru. "I'll win next round." Slowly, Kabuto and his gang started to return to where they came from, and Gabimaru waved at me. I returned the gesture.

Minoru looked at Rin. "She fell asleep again." Minoru was the first to reach Rin. "Rin, wake up; it's over."

"Just 5 more minutes."

"Ouch, I'm up." Rin said and started holding her head.

So, we started heading back to the hideout.


We were just outside the hideout, and I wanted to go back to the alley, but someone's hand stopped me. I looked behind me and saw Minoru.

"Musashi, do you... have a family?"

I started sweating a bit. We looked at each other for a moment. "I guess it's okay to tell them; at first, it was about distrust, what am I kidding, I was just scared."

"Yes, I don't have parents, but

 how did you find out?"

Minoru looked at me. "I look like a fool; from the way you acted, it was pretty clear to me."

"But Rin, I think she doesn't suspect anything." Minoru looked at me without emotion. "Rin is an empty head; she's just happy to have one more friend."

Minoru extended his hand. "Do you want to officially join us and live under the same roof with everyone?"

I looked at his hand for a moment, then took it, and a normal smile appeared on my face. Minoru looked at me in surprise for a moment and then smiled too. "Welcome aboard."

"Mmm, I hope I'm not disturbing a romantic moment here." We both looked behind the voice, and it was Arata. "So, what are you standing there for? Come inside already."

So, we crawled into the hideout, entered the room where everyone was. "May I have everyone's attention, please? Thank you for all looking at me now; I want to show you our official member." Minoru pointed at me before I could do anything. Before I knew it, someone rushed at me with the victim, none other than Rin. In the meantime, Hideaki was giving me murderous looks.

"Mmm, Rin, can you please let me go?" Rin let me go and came over. "And will your parents be okay with this?"

"Rin, you know, I don't have parents; I lied to you." For a moment, my heart stopped. "Well, is that all?" I looked at Rin and nodded, and she smiled. "Minoru, aren't we having a party for our new member?"

"Yes, we will. Nariko and Satoru will be back with food in a moment." In a while, those two came back with food, and the pseudo-party began. We played a few games together, and it was already late at night. So, I went outside and climbed onto the roof, started looking at the sky, and thought about everything that had happened to me up to this moment.

"The stars are beautiful, aren't they?" I looked beside me and saw Rin. I began looking back at the sky. "Yes, it's beautiful." Rin sat next to me, and we watched the sky together. "What do you want to do when you grow up?" This question caught me off guard; in this world, I've only been around for a short time, and it was only recently that I stopped thinking only about survival.

I simply answered, "I don't know."

Suddenly, Rin started talking about her dream. "You know, Musashi, in the future, I want to be a Shinigami. I would be strong, live in a palace, and we would all be happy—me, you, Minoru, Hideaki, Arata, Nariko, Satoru, and even Kabuto's gang."

I looked at her, and I started opening up to her about what had happened to me. After I finished. I looked at Rin and saw her frowning; she approached me and hugged me. After a while, she fell asleep, so I helped her and together we went back inside the hideout.

(End of a chapter)