
Chapter 8: Trouble in the Private Room

This part-time job was going to give him around $30 but now he already has $50 in his pocket. John was overjoyed by this development, he only wished if he could encounter such customers the rest of the night. He checked his watch, " I still have one and half hour on this shift, maybe I will be lucky". It was 20 00 hours and the restaurant would close at 22 00 hours but his shift ends at 21 30 hours. The last 30 minutes was for Hot Spot workers to prepare for the early shift so they will be cleaning dishes and plates for those who will be coming early.

John was standing in the west side of the restaurant close to the door from the kitchen. He was noticeable by customers as that place was close to the light. Any customer who needs assistance would be able to call for him. There were other waiters who were standing in the same spots as his around the restaurant.

Suddenly, a door of one of the private rooms swang open. A waitress emerged from the room with red cheeks and she was in tears running towards the manager's office. She was one of the waitress who was waiting to be recruited with John when he arrived so she was also a part time waitress.

Every waiter who was in the room saw this and knew, trouble was coming. They all try to find something or a customer who needs assistance even with tiny assistance. They were trying to occupy themselves for them not to be picked to replace that waitress. Suddenly, every waiter or waitress was busy doing something. Even those customers who were ignored for the past 20 minutes were being attended. John was not an exception on this matter, he occupied himself.

Not long since the waitress emerged from the private room, the door was opened with a bang. A muscular man in his thirties emerged with a angry face that send shivers to everyone who looked at him.

This muscular guy was a small version of Goliath from the Bible, though his height was not of a giant but his muscles closed the gap. One swing of his hand could send an average man to the grave. Customers who were closer to the private room were frightened that some of them paid their bills and left.

"Where is that damn waitress! WHERE IS THE MANAGER!!! Is this how you treat customers here?!!" The muscular guy shouted, veins bulging on his forehead, his eyes were bloodshot red and his voice vibrated the whole restaurant. Everyone was silent, they held their breath, afraid that if they breathe they will unintentionally offend the muscular man.

He was about to shout again when the manager walked out of his office. He was a short and stout guy who had a big stomach. He was wearing a suit. Sweat could be seen on his forehead. He recognized the muscular man, he was a member of a gang that was rising in the capital city. He knew that he was in trouble.

This gangster had tried to force the waitress to strip naked in the private room but she refused. These guys were used to eating takeaways in their club but today they came here because they had a meeting with their corrupt lawyer. The lawyer had already left but they stayed for a meal and they couldn't resist the beautiful waitress who came to serve them.

The Hot Spot manager already knew this as the waitress had already told him. However, he had to trade his words carefully because he might loose his head the moment he stepped out of Hot Spot Restaurant. That's why he was so afraid.

"What's wrong sir? Can you come to my office so that we won't disturb other customers who are enjoying their meals." The manager said with a waived voice.

"I want another waitress in our room , I don't want to come to your office! I want another waitress!!!" He said this and left for the private room without giving the manager a chance to talk.

The manager looked around only to notice that every waiter was busy with a customer, no one was idle. 'What do I do now? I can't sent a waitress to be harassed and I can't ignore them either. Calling security is out of the option because I won't see tomorrow if I do that'. Suddenly, his eyes fell on John, 'he will do, I hope '. He started to walk towards John and all waiters and waitresses who were in his sign of vision started to pray for them not to be chosen.

When he was 15 yards away from John he said," John follow me and Sekai please serve these customers too". He said while pointing at the waitress named Sekai. Other waiters and waitresses sighed a sigh of relief at the development. 'I certainly had a rotten luck this time,' John sighed but said, " okay sir ". He had no choice but follow.

Along the way the Hot Spot manager gave John some instructions and precautions so that he will be cautious. He also mentioned that they were members of a gang, a drug gang, The Jumbo gang. John Moyo knew of these gangs because of his search for part time jobs and deliveries he used to do. However, even if he knew a few people from the gang, they were not friends. Also, talking to these depends on their mood. And at this moment their mood was not that great.

The manager didn't sent him alone because he knew it was going to be another issue, so he had to be there to introduce and emphasize John's capabilities. And to give a little explanation as to why he was bringing John instead of a waitress as per their request.

Even though the manager was afraid of the gang, he still wanted to keep his job. He went to this room so as to give them a warning because he had already called the police as per protocol of the restaurant. It was not a bar after all so employee harassment was not tolerated at all.

The moment they opened the door, everyone in the private room turned to look at the door in anticipation of a beautiful waitress. However, they were disappointed to see John . Now they shifted their murderous gaze at the manager and waited for an explanation. The manager looked troubled by their gaze, he was sweating profusely but after almost 30 seconds of silence he broke the silence.

"Respected guests I apologize for not finding a suitable waitress to serve you. They are all occupied with other guests. However, John here is one of our best waiters who will satisfy your requests to the best of his abilities and in accordance with Hot Spot Restaurant services," he paused for a moment trying to find the right words to warn them of the police. "As for the previous accident, may I suggest that the one who harassed the previous waitress should leave immediately before the police came. Customers who saw her wounded cheeks called the police ". As he mentioned that, the atmosphere seems to have frozen, the faces of everyone in the room was angry.

"Is that so? I guess we will have to cut our meal short. I was up for some fun today. Hahaha. As this little manager had said, let's finish up and go". One of the man said laughing. After he said that, everyone in the room eased up and nodded their heads. The Hot Spot manager was visibly shivering, but when he saw them nodding, he sighed, relieved actually.

John on the side was silent, and was not affected by the previous intense atmosphere. He has been in more intense situations where he was almost beaten. So, he knew how to act as if nothing affects him, he was observing everyone in the room. He also noticed that the person who spoke was not their leader but he was respected by everyone.

"I will leave you with John, if you need anything let him know ". The Hot Spot Restaurant manager said and almost sped out of the room. Everyone in the room laughed, except two people, one was John an the other one was the man who was in grey suit. He was attentively looking at John's reaction and movements.

"What's your name kid?" The guy in grey suit said while looking at him. He didn't say it aloud, his voice almost masked by the laughter in the room but the moment he spoke everyone was silent as if they could not breath. He was definitely the boss. 'If he was the one who spoke to the Hot Spot manager, the manager was going to faint or wet himself '. John thought to himself.

This man had a body of an athlete, not with a lot of muscles bulging out. He was brown in complexion with shot logs on his head. The way he handled himself and spoke was precise without unnecessary movements or words. He was a martial artist.

John's heart skipped a beat, he knew if he say the wrong thing trouble was coming. However, he didn't know what he wanted to know because the manager introduced him a few minutes ago.

"John Moyo sir", he responded.

"Relax I won't hurt you, I just noticed you are as observant as I am and you don't get intimidated easily. Where are you from John?"

"From Chivero village, Jenga town", he responded truthfully.

This man was trying to figure out John on whether he was an undercover cop or not. John also noticed the situation, that's why he was responding truthfully. He responded to every question that he was asking until he was satisfied that he was not a cop.

After a while the atmosphere seems to have gone better, everyone was talking and laughing. John served them until they decided to leave. The police came just as they left. John noticed that, it was timely as if they got someone who was telling them where the police was.

They even tipped John with a $10 note which was unexpected. However, John accepted their kindness with a smile.

After his shift ended, he went home.