
The strongest Uchiha

Max was a lonely 19 year old child who lived alone, his parents died when he was young and he had no one that he could call a friend, the only thing that kept him going was his love for Naruto, specifically his love for the Uchiha and their powers, he always wanted to be someone like Madara Uchiha, fighting by himself against a large army, one day Max’s apartment caught on fire due to faulty wiring, he died but god took pity on his life and allowed Max to be reborn into the world of Naruto, he also gifted max with talent and a large amount of chakra that could even rival that of a tailed beast, this is the story of the strongest Uchiha born with incredible talent and almost infinite chakra

Anonymous67 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Spending time with Ino

After Itsu finished checking out the power his new eyes hold he decided to head back home, he teleported to his room and laid down on his head, using the new power his eyes held had left him mentally exhausted not only did it hugely drain his chakra but used a lot of stamina. Itsu looked up at the ceiling and thought about what he was going to do next, should he tell people that he awakened his eternal mangekyou sharingan? Or should he just keep it a secret.

Itsu closed his eyes and decided to take a quick nap and he would think about it later. After a 2 hour nap Itsu woke up feeling slightly better, he had regained most of his chakra but he still felt a large drain on his stamina, Itsu knew that he shouldn't try and overuse his mangekyou sharingan again today or otherwise the chakra and stamina drain would be too much for him to handle just because he couldn't go blind from using his eyes doesn't mean there wouldn't be any drawbacks.

Itsu sat up on his bed and thought about what who he should tell about his new abilities, 'I want to reveal my powers but on the other hand I can barely use it without my stamina being completely depleted, my chakra low and my eyes filled with pain, I will tell my clan and those close to me but only after I have a better grasp on my new abilities' after Itsu has made his choice he decided that he should probably take a rest from training his eyes and wait until tomorrow to start, Itsu looked at the clock and saw it was the late afternoon and thought about what he could do and he had eventually decided on paying a visit to Ino at her families flower shop since Hinata would be busy at this time training with her father and Naruto would either be training or with Sakura.

After decided on what he wanted to do Itsu picked up his trusty blade and put it on his back where it belonged, he picked up all his other equipment and left his home, Itsu traversed the rooftops on the village and to the average person all they could see was a shadow flicker by before disappearing thanks to years of training Itsu's foot speed was a large ways faster than shinobi who would use chakra to enchane their speed he could even move faster naturally than some ninjas can when using shunshin (body flicker technique) Itsu knew that compared to average jounin he was already leagues above them but compared to someone like Madara Itsu had a long way to got before he could even think of going to-to-toe with him.

But what excited Itsu the most was that if canon went roughly the same way it should have done in the original Itsu could get a chance to fight Madara Uchiha and not just him but 10 tails Obito and even Kaguya the mother of all chakra, normal sane people would do the logical thing and avoid having to fight those people at all costs but those people are boring and sanity wasn't something commonly found in the world of Naruto and since coming to this world Itsu's mentality had changed from not even bothering to do a single push-up in his first life to looking forward to fighting strong people in this life.

As Itsu was continuously thinking of what may come in the future he hadn't noticed his legs brought him to Ino's flower shop before he knew it, Itsu walked through the door and spotted Ino and the moment that she laid eyes in him she dropped what she was doing and jumped into his arms, "Hello Itsu-kun I missed you" Itsu smiled hearing her say that, it felt good to be loved "I missed you too Ino, so how are you doing are you feeling nervous since you're getting you're getting jounin sensei tomorrow?"

Ino shook her head "No not really, I'm actually really excited, but I would've preferred it if you were my jounin sensei" Ino sad that last part in a small whisper right next to Itsu's ear, he felt her hot breath brush against his ear and it felt nice, "Come on now Ino I don't feel like having a genin squad just yet and even if I did I wouldn't be allowed to have you or Hinata on my squad since I would show bias and favouritism to you and Hinata and practically ignore your third teammate"

Ino huffed at this, all she wanted was her boyfriend to be her jounin sensei and spend basically ever minute of every day together with him, was that so much to ask? "Don't look so upset even though I'm not going to take a genin team I decided to help out from time to time with the other teams with either helping them train or sometimes going on missions with them so I might go on a mission with your team sometime" hearing this Ino's mood got a little better but she was still unhappy about the fact that she couldn't be with Itsu 24/7, she leaned her head on his chest and spoke "Fine but you have to promise that you'll make time for me and Hinata" Itsu smiled and pushed his fingers through her soft blonde hair, "Of course I will always make time for you two"

Ino looked up and smiled content with Itsu's promise to her, she pecked him on the lips before snuggling back into his warm embrace. "I love you Itsu and I always will, you make me so happy and I can't imagine a life without you anymore" Itsu cupped Ino's face into his hands and brought her face up to his before kissing her gently on the lips, "I love you too Ino" both of them smiled before continued to enjoy each other's embrace merely enjoying the moment.