
The Strongest Uchiha - Uchiha Kami

A guy died in the process of saving scientists . His deeds were recognized by God and got the chance to reincarnate into the world of his choice with his memories . He chose the Naruto world . A lottery chance was used and the guy got infinite endurance perk . He got transmigrated into the body of an Uchiha during the timeline when Madara Uchiha is same age as him . The gene scientist realised the hot blooded emotions inside him and becomes stronger while also studying bloodline limits..

gursimran_singh · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 8

Kami decided to purchase the advanced weight seal after thinking for a while because it can help him increase his strenght by lot and besides he had money now.

The seal had total ten levels and each level could increase his total body's weight by one time. Now his body weight was precisely 60kg so if he activated the 10the level then it would increase to 660kg. Kami could not imagine how much his strenght will grow if he managed to completely adapt to that weight.

Kami unhesitatingly took out the briefcases from his storage scroll and gave five million cash to Hirofumi .

He got a square 10cm long and wide sealing tag which had a huge weird black symbol inscribed on it . Kami could feel huge power from that symbol but it was condensed and not for attacking purpose. His interest in the art of fuinjutsu became more and more strong now.

Kami left the warehouse and went back to the training ground which had become his second home now. The beasts lived in the middle and upper part of the mountain so they seldom came came to the lower part where Kami trained. At least he and his clones had not encountered even a single chakra beast there till now.

Kami stopped when he arrived near the familiar waterfall and imbued his chakra into the sealing tag.

The tag started Floating in the air and after rotating for a while, it stuck onto Kami's bare chest area by itself and soon dissapeared.

Kami felt some kind of foreign power scanning his body for a few seconds then he saw that on his chest area , the same weird symbol had been formed on his skin . The tag was nowhere to be found and some foreign knowledge about the method to activate the seal was inside his mind.

' Such great magic. Now I really want to learn fuinjutsu but I should focus on increasing strength and research now as they are the main priorities. ' Kami thought and calmed his turbulent emotions as he looked at the seal on his chest with fascination inside his eyes.

Kami's current chakra control was enough to safely use this seal . So he just sent some chakra into the seal area on his chest which immediately got sucked inside it . The black lattern glowed for a while and suddenly Kami's body was enveloped by thin black lines which emerged from the seal like a spider web. Kami did not panic and as expected, once the chakra flow stopped, the black lines dissapeared.

Kami's whole body shook abruptly and he could not help but fall on one knee. The sudden change in weight surprised him and he didnt have time to prepare for it . Kami grinned in delight because he could feel that some kind of restrictions were placed on his body now.

He tried some shadow punches according to the Uchiha taijutsu and realised that his weight was different so he faced problems while executing the simple techniques. His body weight was double now so he should first adapt to this state through training.

It was night time but Kami was not tired and had nothing to do back at home . So he like usual decided to spend his whole time on training instead of sleeping . Kami created a shadow clone and discovered that as expected its weight or anything else had not changed from the base body .

He just nodded once and started creating three clones back to back until 90 clones filled the small forest area around him. His mind resistance had developed too much now so he wont feel much uncomfortable with this number of clones now.

Kami had no idea whether Tobirama had created this broken jutsu yet or not . He planned to present it to the clan because it will increase their strenght by a lot. Of course he would explain about the side effects properly too. This way his prestige will rise in the clan which will naturally bring him benefits. Madara was not here inside the clan and Kami had no idea about his location as his position in the clan was lowest soldier level only which is way lower than the clan leader's son. Kami wanted to see whether he could become friends with Madara or not as he is same age as him currently not the twisted mind Madara who got manipulated by Zetsu in the story .

Kami shook his head and decided to focus on his training for now. He ordered 40 cloves to practice Mystical palm jutsu , 10 to practice shurikenjutsu, 10 taijutsu and the rest to practice tree walking exercise. Kami felt that he could move on to Water walking exercise in about two days and after that he would focus on other methods like chakra strings to increase his chakra control.

Orginal Kami relaxed after assigning the jobs and after splashing some water on his face , he started doing push ups aged stretching his body for a while which produced louder crackling sounds than before .

The effect of doubling weight immediately shown itself as Kami felt little sting after doing 31 push ups. Kami could not help but grin as his perk would help him instantly adapt to the this small pain. His strenght would increase at insane rate and after he felt that his body had completely adapted to the double weight , Kami would start body training using chakra to enhance it . This would train his body , chakra capacity and chakra control at the same time.. How could one not enjoy training when he was sure that he could become stronger in every few minutes or seconds ?

Soon Kami completely became ficus on doing push ups with a smile on his face as he looked at the shining beautiful waterfall infront of him which basked in starlight ..