
The Strongest Trainer with His Relaxed Life

A Boy who crossed into the pokemon world and became the strongest.

Fajeri_Ikhsan · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Strongest Trainer with His Relaxed Life : 3. The first Pokemon

Now it's the turn for ranks 4-20, but unlike the previous one which only had 3 pokeballs because pokemon like Eevee are not too rare and are easy to farm.

"Now ranks 4-20, please come forward and choose your Pokemon," said the teacher.

"Okay, teacher," shouted the students.

the students took out the pokemon from the pokeball, brian waited behind because many students had gone to the Eevee area.

Most of the Eevees that have been released are orange, there are 2 yellow ones and there are still 4 pokeballs that have not been opened.

 Brian went forward to open it but two students were ahead, the two students opened the third pokeball, he was very excited to see it because it was green. It's not over yet, the 4th ball is open and it's blue, yes, that's not wrong, it's blue.

come forward to take it,

"school friend would you like to take this one?" Brian asked.

"Um, no, look, this only has 2 skills and none of them have attack skills. Do you want to take it?" asked the female student.

"Yes, so can I take it?"


Brian saw the blue data which made him very excited.


Tipe : Normal

Gender : Perempuan

Kemampuan : Adaptability

Kualifikasi : Biru

Tingkat : 5

Keterampilan : Growl, Wish

"hello Eevee, you will be my pokemon now and we will be strong together"

 "miiii mi mi"

Eevee replied with a cute voice.

"haha yes, you are very funny"

Then Brian took the Eevee back into the pokeball, and was about to return to the original line, but he saw that Brook was going to take an orange Vulpix, even though there was a yellow one beside him.

"Which will you choose?"

""How would I choose this one?"

by pointing to an orange quality pokemon.

"if I would choose this one"

Brian pointed to the yellow one beside him.

"Is that so? Then I'll choose this one"

Brook chose Brian's appointee.

"You won't regret it, hahah"

"Yes, I trust your choice, your choice is always right"

Brook said with a smile.

the two returned to the line, and listened again to the principal's boring lecture.

"So when you graduate from this school, it will carry the fragrance of its name, whether you want to go to college or immediately become a coach. So that's all for now, you can go home now," said the principal.

On his way home, Brian looked at the screen in front of him which was different from the others, namely that there was a small message image in the corner and there was a red number 3 which indicated that there were 3 unread messages.

Brian gulped, was this a starter gift for people crossing over. With a little enthusiasm he immediately went home and entered his room.

"Is this?"

 Seeing an image like a recipe, with his curiosity the screen turned into light and Brian's mind had a lot of knowledge.

"this... is this real"

because the picture that looks like the recipe above turns out to be a recipe for water type energy cubes and 2 other ways to make protector and metal coat.

"hahahah rich, I will be rich, this is indeed my golden finger"

After receiving this knowledge, Brian began to make plans. Having this will indeed make you rich, but like the lessons learned in the novels he read in his previous world, having wealth and not having power is a sin.

At the same time, Brian was unsure whether to tell his family something like this, however something like this would have an impact on his family if undesirable things happened.

So after dinner Brian told his family about this.

"Why have you gathered us here, is there something important?" Leon asked.

"Yes father, this is very important for our family"

"What's wrong? Did you get someone's child pregnant?" Seeing Brian's serious face, Leon couldn't help but think about this.

Brian's face was green, what was this guy really thinking?

"Is this true Brian?" Brian's mother asked too, his younger brother also had a questioning face.

"You guys?!!, hah... I didn't want to tell you that I found historical fragments containing the knowledge of making water type energy cubes, protectors, and metal coats."

"Oh, it turns out it wasn't about that... hhhh!!! Energy cube recipe? How to make protector and metal coat?" Leon's disappointed face changed when he heard the last one.

Brian smiled seeing the shocked faces of the three.

"What is metal coat and protector?" Fiona asked, their energy cube understood however the Samyun company sold things like that.

Brian: "ummm, that's an item to help pokemon evolution"


"Yes, and it's a very strong Pokemon, protector for Rhydon and metal coat for Scyther and Onix"

Leon: "You mean, you know how Pokemon can evolve?"

Leon was surprised because in 10 years no one had found a way to evolve, there were steelix and rhyperior in the hands of trainers but everything had evolved and now researchers were looking for a way.

Fiona and Alan were also very surprised.

"Yeah, how? Isn't this important? We can make and sell it"

Leon: "Yes, this is important, but our family can't sell it."

Brian: "I know what you mean dad, we can sell energy cubes first and the results can find a strong pokemon for dad"

Brian saw his father's pokemon was only Pikachu level 22 which was only in middle junior.

"If we only sell energy cubes, our family can sell them. Your father, even a peak junior trainer, is enough for the time being."

Leon said while taking out 2 pokeballs.


Type: Normal

Gender: Male

Ability: Hustle

Qualifications: Orange

Level : 29

Skills: Quick Attack, Tackle, Energy Focus, Scary Face, Last Resort, Bite, Crunch.


Type: Normal/Flying

Gender: Male

Ability: Keen Eye

Qualifications: Orange

Level : 30

Skills: Peck, Drill Run, Leer, Aerial Ace, Wing Attack, Agility.

"This is Dad's strongest Pokemon"

Brian was a bit surprised that this Raticate had a strong move like Last Resort.