
The Strongest Trainer with His Relaxed Life

A Boy who crossed into the pokemon world and became the strongest.

Fajeri_Ikhsan · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Strongest Trainer With His Relaxed Life : 1. Pokemon World

a small town on a planet almost the same as earth, Brian is in a daze because he is not a person of this world.

"is this crossing over, like people in novels"

Brian is excited because he is an orphan who had no relatives at all in his previous world.

Then Brian, who was enthusiastic, started searching for all kinds of things like entertainment and culture here because according to him, this was a way to get rich by plagiarizing his world famous works.

but it was all just a fantasy after seeing the computer in his room. all the news about pokemon that appeared, with a shocked face in Brian's mind immediately went blank.

"where is my wealth"

"where are my beautiful women"

Brian shouted.

then brian calmed down after shouting, he thought the pokemon world didn't matter either, he could become strong. His dreams changed from being rich and surrounded by beautiful women to collecting his favorite Pokemon.

There was a knock on the door that worried Brian.

"Brian, are you okay?"


"Are you okay? Why were you screaming earlier?"


Brian, who was dreaming, returned to reality, hearing the voices of two adults and a boy.

A memory emerged that he and Brian were the same, but the difference was that Brian had a family.

Brian walked over and opened the door and saw an adult man and woman, behind him was a boy who was around 16 years old, 2 years different from him. The man's father's name is Leon and the woman's name is Fiona, while his younger brother's name is Alan.

Seeing the worried faces of the three of them, Brian felt warm in his heart, in his previous world he lived in an orphanage and had no friends.

"I'm fine, I had a bad dream earlier."

"Oh really? But earlier I heard your voice as if you were missing something."

Fiona with a worried face.

Hearing that, Brian's face turned red,'yeah he lost money and a beautiful woman' he thought. but it's impossible to say that.

"No, that's because in a dream, I lost a very cute Pokemon."

"You're just making us worry, even though the school will distribute it tomorrow."

"hehe I was too excited, so yeah..."

"Okay, since everything is fine, let's go back to sleep, it's still 3 o'clock."

Leon saw that everything was fine.

"haha sorry, I hope you have sweet dreams"

"That's what we should say to you"

After that everyone went back to their respective rooms, while Brian couldn't sleep so he started looking for everything about Pokemon.

This world has had new Pokemon for about 30 years, at which time Arceus descended to this planet and at the same time all Pokemon appeared.

After that, humans knew that Pokemon were easy to make friends so they were used as weapons for war, because when Arceus arrived all weapons such as guns, rockets and the like could no longer be used.

This war disturbed the red and blue Pokemon causing them to wake up and fight but it wasn't over yet because Pokemon like dragons came down from the sky, and in a world where there were more than 120 countries only 50 remained due to earthquakes, tornadoes and tsunamis.

The remaining 50 countries form an alliance and divide it into 10 regions. The region where Brian lives is called the Orange region.

from there they know that pokemon are also dangerous even though some are very friendly.

In the past 20 years after the 3 pokemon battle, humans have discovered historical fragments from the Kanto region, from how to make pokeballs, energy cubes, etc.

after studying all the historical fragments of Kanto, several new jobs have also emerged, such as trainers, breeders, etc.

"This red and blue Pokemon should be Groudon and Kyogre while the green one should be Rayquaza"

"and there used to be many countries but there are only 50 left, what is war like?, hmm.. what is this"

 It turns out the war happened 20 times in different places before Rayquaza intervened.

"ohh this makes sense, if a legendary pokemon fights 1 time causing something like that I think this world will be destroyed"

"Let's look again, hmm, after 20 years and helpednby fragments of kanto history they create the Pokedex, people in this world are really smart"

"Created by Professor Sakamoto and Professor Chen from the Breno region and only 500 Pokemon have been registered"

Brian saw that it was already 4 o'clock and felt sleepy, so he decided to sleep, because he was leaving for school at 8.

When he woke up at 7, Brian sat down for breakfast with his family and felt strange, because on earth he used to eat alone.

"Brian, have you decided which Pokemon to choose?"

Leon asked.

"I don't know, I'm only ranked 15th in the whole school"

Brian answered while eating.

"Why don't you just choose Eevee? I think they are cute and strong. Like Mr. Edwaed's Light City Gym, the flareon is very strong," Alan joined in.

"Yeah, Eevee is very baggy and cute," added Fiona.

"Eevee, okay, that's good too"

Moreover, no one has evolved it into sylveon, glaceon and leafeon. When I looked at the Pokedex, Brian was also confused as to why there was no Sylveon but there was Umbreon and Espeon. 

So Brian thinks that glaceon and leafeon should not be evolved with ice rock or leaf stone but should find mossy rock and icy rock and evolve there. and sylveon should learn Disarming Voice, not with high friendship.

After breakfast Brian went to school. on his way to school, he saw many people carrying pokemon like pikachu, jigglypuff, pidgey, some even brought vulpix. Brian feels this world is fun.

Getting on the bus, he met the good friend in his memory, Brook.

"Good morning, Brian"

"Good morning"

"Have you chosen the Pokemon yet?"

"Yeah, I'll choose Eevee, what will you choose?"

"me? I will choose vulpix"

Brook said with a smile, he was the same as Brian in ranking 4-20.

"yeah, vulpix is also ​​good"