
The Strongest System Of The Modern Era

Our Mc is an eighteen year old teenager who is studying in school. But unfortunately, he came by an accident during his trip. He wakes up and can see nothing but darkness, and at the end of this darkness was a bright radiant light which asked him one question, " The host is required to make a choice, do you accept on becoming The Strongest System's Player ? Y/N , if not the host's heart will stop approximately around 0.03 seconds later". Hello guys it's my first time writing so if you guys have any thoughts about my story pleasetell me so that I can adapt to think in you guys viewpoints. And I hope all of you stay safe during this period of covid and have fun reading.

Sandypie · Fantasy
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4 Chs

01 - Awakening

Sung Yang Ning a highschooler living in South Korea woke up in a dream of complete darkness and at the end of this darkness was a radiant bright light which was awfully similar to a digital screen which showed "The host is required to make a choice, do you accept on becoming The Strongest System's Player ? Y/N , if not the host's heart will stop approximately around 0.03 seconds later".

'What is this all about, wait I was on a bus going on a trip with my friends, where am I now? Oh! I remember now, I was hit by a truck when we stopped for a break during the trip, am I dead? But what is this screen doing here, will I never be able to see my family and friends ever again, no I must go back, if becoming a player or whatever this thing is asking me to become will take me back then I accept. Then suddenly a voice spoke to him "Congratulations on successfully becoming a Player."

"Sung please wake up man, you can't die. Sung, Sung!!" He opens his eyes to hear his best friend Choe-Jing being held by two doctors pulling him towards the door, he realizes that he is in a hospital and tries to wake up by tilting his head and his body to a side and managing to wake up sitting on the bed, the doctors are completely dumbfounded and his friend frees his hands and come running to you "I knew you would come back" he says this crying and the doctors come back to their senses and they do a complete check-up to see if what they are seeing is true or not.

Because when they first saw him he was a complete bloody mess, cover completely in his own blood and at then end of the operation his heart had stopped due to excessive blood loss and not being able to provide blood at the moment, they had just went out to report the current reports of his death to his friends who had hospitalised him, and his best friend Choe-Jing not being able to accept this came running in without permission.

But the reports now we're the complete opposite, he was probably even healthier than when he was alive. So they let his friends in to visit him as there was no problem with him now and was discharged after filling a few papers later that day.

'I still can't believe what all has happened today' was his first thought after coming out from the hospital. He remember all the incidents that occurred in his dream, he wanted to test if he truly has got some kind of godly system that can even bring people back from the dead.

While they were back in the bus returning to their school dormitory, "open sesame!" he made a loud shout making all his friends turn back and laugh for the sudden foolishness of their friend, Choe-Jing who was right beside him asked "Hey, what was that about, did you get stupid from the accident or something?". He turned to look at his friend 'This fatty although my best friend he keeps talking rubbish'.

"No, I was just simply seeing if there was any difference in my voice from before" he didn't want to reveal something that he himself was not aware of existed or not. 'Let's think about it in the morning, I'm too tired to continue trying today' he went back to his dormitory where he lived with his friend Choe-Jing (aka fatty) and slept in his bead head down thinking 'Was everything that happened today real?'.