
Chapter 2 Specter


As time trickled back into his consciousness, our protagonist gradually pieced together the puzzle of his mind, each fragment contributing to a semblance of understanding.

Yet, the revelation that followed shook him to his core. Bereft of garments, he stood exposed, his attire rendered inadequate for the metamorphosis his body had undergone.

Stretching to a towering height of seven feet, his frame was now a monument to power, every sinew and muscle etched with newfound strength.

It was as if he had been sculpted by the hands of gods, transformed into a being of formidable presence.

The shock of this transformation rippled through him, mingling with a sense of awe and apprehension for the unknown journey that lay ahead. But he was more shocked by what he found next.

What was most extraordinary was his little brother that was rock hard and was 15 inch big and impossibly fat in girth.

He had seen his fair share of adult porn videos but he had never seen such a monstrous cock like the one between his legs right now.

"This is not right. I could kill a woman by simply just fucking her to death." Our mc shook his head as he sighed.

Turning to a nearby mirror, he anticipated the reflection with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, only to be met with a visage of breathtaking beauty that no longer startled him.

The image staring back at him was that of the most strikingly handsome man he had ever laid eyes upon. A wistful sigh escaped his lips as he gazed upon his transformed self.

"If only..." he murmured softly, his words heavy with longing, "...if only I had this face in my first life then I wouldn't have to die because of a broken heart before."

With each passing moment, the weight of his previous existence bore down upon him, and he couldn't help but lament the cruel twists of fate that had defined his past.

Offering a silent prayer to the remnants of his former existence, our protagonist stood before the mirror, a moment of reflection washing over him like a gentle tide.

He pondered the twists of fate that had led him to this point, grateful for the lessons learned and the resilience gained.

With a newfound sense of purpose coursing through his veins, he couldn't contain the bubbling excitement that surged within him.

And then, like a thunderclap in a clear sky, laughter erupted from his lips, a joyous symphony that filled the room with its infectious energy.

"HAHAHA!" he bellowed, his laughter echoing off the walls in wild abandon. In this moment, he felt invincible, untethered from the shackles of his past, liberated by the promise of a fresh start.

"With this op face," he declared between fits of laughter, "women will surely spread their legs wide at the mere sight of me, powerless to resist my magnetic charm. No need for me to beg for their attention and love this time around!" His laughter continued unabated, each peal ringing with the intoxicating thrill of newfound confidence.

But then, as if struck by a sudden realization, the laughter tapered off, fading into a contemplative silence.

"Ah, not good at all," our protagonist muttered under his breath, a note of disappointment coloring his tone.

"This physique and countenance are hardly suitable for public display. My family in this xianxia realm wouldn't even recognize me. Sigh..." He let out a resigned exhale as the weight of this realization settled upon him, his mind grappling with the implications of his transformed appearance.

Turning to the mirror once more, he focused his mind on the innate power bestowed upon him by the enigmatic Eternal Mortal Physique.

With a subtle shift of consciousness, his form underwent a remarkable transformation, a testament to the ancient and mystical energies coursing through his veins.

In the blink of an eye, his towering stature diminished, settling at a more modest five feet eleven inches.

The bulging muscles that had once adorned his frame melted away like wax beneath a flame, leaving behind a figure of average build, unremarkable and unassuming.

And as if guided by some unseen force, his facial features softened and reshaped, returning to the bland, boring visage he had known all too well.

The sharp angles softened, the chiseled jawline gave way to a more rounded contour, and the piercing gaze faded into a gaze of quiet introspection.

There was no surprise in his eyes as he beheld his reflection.

This face, he realized, was the same one he had worn back on his original Earth, the very face that had failed to capture the attention or affection of others.

It was a face that blended seamlessly into the crowd, easily forgotten amidst the throngs of humanity.

And in that moment, he understood why no women had loved him back home — his appearance was simply too ordinary, too unmemorable to leave a lasting impression.

Yet, as he stared at his reflection, a sense of acceptance washed over him.

This face may not have been remarkable, but it was his own, a reminder of the journey he had undertaken and the trials he had overcome.

And with that realization, he felt a newfound sense of strength and purpose coursing through his veins, propelling him forward into the unknown depths of his xianxia world.

"It doesn't matter," he declared with a newfound resolve, the flicker of determination igniting in his eyes like a spark catching flame.

"I refuse to believe that with my cheat, I won't be able to entice fairies and immortal goddesses left and right. I just need to think outside the box, improvise, and be creative, that's all. Hehehe."

Despite returning to his ordinary, unassuming form, our protagonist remained undeterred.

The benefits and power bestowed upon him by the Eternal Mortal Physique still pulsed through his veins, a constant reminder of his extraordinary capabilities.

As he stood before the mirror, contemplating the possibilities that lay ahead, a sense of exhilaration coursed through him.

Though outwardly unremarkable, he harbored an arsenal of strength and prowess beyond imagination.

The very thought brought a mischievous grin to his lips, for he knew deep down that he held the potential to rewrite the rules of this world.

With a newfound sense of confidence, he began to ponder the myriad ways in which he could leverage his unique abilities to achieve his goals.

Perhaps he could charm his way into the hearts of celestial beings, or impress them with feats of courage and skill. The possibilities seemed endless, limited only by his imagination.

And yet, amidst the excitement, a sense of caution lingered.

He couldn't help but entertain the notion that with a single punch, he could shatter the very foundations of this xianxia world and destroy it into pieces.

The thought sent a thrill coursing through his veins, but he quickly pushed it aside, recognizing the danger of such reckless power.

With a confident smile, our protagonist pushed open the doors of reality, ready to embark on whatever adventures lay ahead.

Armed with his wits, his newfound power, and a healthy dose of determination, he stepped forward into the unknown, eager to carve out his own destiny in this wondrous xianxia realm.

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