
The Strongest System Is Broken

Mc has been reincarnated with no cheat so to say and has to live as a useless man for 10 years but then he gets his so called cheat. The strongest system ever created will help him become the strongest but then something goes wrong with the system. The strongest system is now bugged and is now ultimately the strongest ever. Ex: unlimited coins/ everything is one coin in system store -become you’re own god = 1 coin This will be my first time writing ever and would like to let you know this will be a multiverse, harem, +18 novel. Also comment any new cheats you would like me to add to the system throughout the story. Also do not hold back on correcting me. Also every anime, novel, movie, etc used in this story are not mine and all deserve there own looks and their rights are not mine. I will make one entire chapter to suggest every single one.

1st_KING · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

SUFFER!!! Part 2

After at least five minutes of screeching Chronos finally calmed down. Rin looked into his eyes only to see he had already surrendered. "Tsk tsk tsk, you shouldn't give up after such little amount of torturing," Rin said making Chronos absolutely terrifying. "Please no, just end my suffering and kill me!" Chronos pleaded. Rin's smile on the other hand just kept growing. "Do you remember what I said before, death will be a luxury you will never have," Rin said to the now deathly pale Chronos. "No, Please no, noooooooooo!!!!!!!!" Chronos kept yelling when he saw Rin walking towards him with a brandished Gods Bane.

This will be disturbing to some people so if you are easy to unsettle then continue reading after seeing this symbol.


Rin then uses the Gods Bane to tear off Chronos' nails making the old man scream once again but this time Rin did not let him recover. He then slowly stabbed Chronos's thumb clean through, leaving a needle like hole in his thumb which soon started to bleed and gold blood started to drip to the floor. Rin then thought of something and quickly bought some glass bottles and put one underneath the bleeding thumb. "I heard the blood of the gods has a great amount of uses," Rin said while smiling. Chronos could do nothing as he was still under horrible amounts of pain. Rin then continued to stab every single one of Chronos's fingers and put bottles underneath them. Whenever these bottles were filled he would put them into his inventory and place new ones in their places. Rin, not allowing Chronos to rest, started to cut off each of his fingers making sure it was as slow as possible and not spilling any of the blood that could be a great resource. After cutting off all ten of his fingers Rin decided to cut off all of his hands and his feet. Throughout all of this Chronos could only keep screaming in more and more pain. Then Rin decided to finally be more brutal. He started to use the Gods Bane to start cutting off the time god's skin but chose not to do anything to his head. Rin also thought of uses of a God's skin. He then bought an ice cooler from the system, and put the god skin inside. Soon all that was left of the god was only muscles except for his head where his head was still ok. Then Rin decided to practically take out everything he can use in the future. He soon started to cut out the muscles, organs, heart, bones, and making sure not one single thing was wasted and the only thing that was left was a severed head of Chronos which had long ago become numb to the pain he had been suffering and just had a dead look in his eyes.


Rin had stopped doing anything to Chronos for a full minute. Chronos on the other hand finally realized the torture has finally stopped and raised his dead eyes to Rin. "Am I finally going to be killed," Chronos said with some hope in his voice. "Yes, if you count destroying your soul and never letting you reincarnate once again then yes you shall be killed," Rin told the time god. Chronos gave no reaction as he did not care and just wanted his life to end. "Ok then end it as fast as you can," Chronos said, closing his eyes, already accepting his fate. I just nodded and raised my hand in a gun position and activated my instant kill skill.


Analyzing Enemy

Cost Found

20 years deducted


Then a small gray bullet appeared on the tip of Rin's stretched finger gun. Rin then fired it at Chronos who soon started to disintegrate and disappear. "One thing before I die, please take care of Lilith for me, I tried to be a good father for her but never succeeded and just made her hurt even more, so promise me that you will make her happy," Chronos said with some strength returning to his eyes. Rin looked slightly shocked at his words but nodded either way as he would always take care of all of his lovers. Chronos then smiled and finished disintegrating into ash. Soon after Chronos fully disintegrated Rin heard many rings in his head.


The user has successfully killed a divine being

The user has successfully killed a being 1000* their level

Experience gained *100

Level up

Level up

Level up


Current Level: 100 (must advance to level up further)

+ 500 Status points

All stats +250

Gained Title: Divine Torturer

Instant Kill proficiency +1

Instant Kill (Lv.1) (1/10)


Rin soon felt his body completely strengthen but also felt a limit of his current power. Though he did not care and instead started to walk towards Lilith who was still frozen, sitting on the throne of books. 'Finally we can actually be together' Rin thought with happiness which soon made the sting inside of him die down and disappear.


Shift Deactivating


Rin's hair soon turned back to half white and half black, and his eyes turned back to sky blue and light gold as he had finally calmed down. He felt slightly exhausted but his energy soon recovered due to his high stats. He then sits down right next to Lilith and softly puts his hand on her cheek. He then finally releases her from his Time Reader.

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