
The Strongest System In Marvel (dropped)

i am dropping it because I am a very bad writer and many of then is not liking the novel so sorry i can't write anymore!!!!

Arsenal08 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 4: Peter Parker

On the ring in the fighting arena, the Wrestling King Bone saw lifted up a "Horn Fighter" wearing a horn mask and threw it out of the ring.

The yak horn bull fell heavily on the concrete ground outside the field, and a drop of several meters caused him to break several bones immediately, lying on the ground and struggling and crouching, looking like a poor dog.

"I told you, stupid!"

The Cheekbone Saw spit in contempt at the loser, the Bullhorn Fighter, and then turned around and walked to the host.

He snatched the microphone from the host and snarled into the crowded auditorium with a loud voice, "Who is the next victim? The Bone Saw is ready!"

After being said, Bone Saw returned the microphone to the host, raising his arms high, his muscles tightened, his twins and blue muscles on his arms violently showing his unparalleled sense of strength.

As the host walked towards the backstage characters, they shouted to the auditorium with emotion: "Let us invite the next victim to play, okay? If he can stay in the cage for three minutes, three thousand US dollars will be awarded to ... "

The host erected three fingers, gestured for a seductive amount of three thousand dollars, and walked to the curtain at the same time, and whispered to Peter who was about to appear on the curtain, "What's your name?"

"Humanoid Spider!"

"Humanoid spider? Oh my gosh, is that the best name you can think of?"


"No, that's a bad name."

Speaking of this, the host left the curtain and started walking back to stag to continue hosting the next scene.

"Three thousand dollars will be awarded to ... Terrible ... Deadly ... Amazing ... Spiderman !!!"

As the pitch gradually increased, the curtain was gradually pulled open by the host's waving hand and the spotlight.

"My name is a Human Spider, and the host called it by the wrong name." Peter did not immediately appear, but instead explained to several staff members in the background.

However, Peter's muna performance is the kind that makes these staff feel that he is a soft persimmon, which can be pinched casually, "Come on, stupid!"

Under the push of the staff, Peter was forced to step out of the backstage wiringly and came to the passage toward's the ring .

As soon as Peter came to the passage, the exposed girls on both sides of the passage began to use language violence against him.

Of course, they did not have resentment against Peter, who met for the first time. The reason for abusing him was purely to set off the brutal atmosphere of the fighting field.

After all, they also work with wages, and made the violent atmosphere at the scene as part of their job responsibilities.

"The Bone Saw will want you to look good!"

"You better not ask for mercy!"

"He will tear you up, and you will find someone to cry!"

"He'll tear off your eight spider feet, one by one!"

Amidst various insults and agitated sounds, as well as the raindrop-like peanut shells and popcorn tossed from the auditorium, Peter finally came to the ring.

It is not difficult to see that everyone is very pessimistic about the small Spider Man. Almost all of them felt that this physical challenger would definitely be bruised by Bone Saws. Hey, here's a good show!

After Peter boarded the platform, soon, the iron cage on the ceiling of the hall dropped vertically. The workers under the platform quickly locked the cage with a thick iron chain to prevent the challenger from escaping within three minutes.

For the first time in the magnificent scene of great attention, Peter's heart beating violently, and people looked a little overwhelmed in the cage.

The eyes of the audience are full of anticipation, looking forward to what kind of new pattern the mighty and burly Bone Saw will use to flatten that thin Spider Man.

As the next challenger after Peter, Max is opening a slit behind the curtain at this moment, watching the upcoming fighting match on the ring.

Mx's idea is obviously different from most of the audience. He had seen the Spider-Man movie before crossing, and he knew the final result of this fighting game.

The Cheek Bone Saw is no longer defending the championship, and the spider man who is not optimistic will knock down the Bone Saw and become the new champion!

"Really, everyone is drunk and I wake up alone."

"However, Spider-Man, after the Bone Saw is overpowered by you, you will also be overpowered by my Teletubbie Killer King. Quirk Max thought in his mind."

On the ring, the Bone Saw flattened the rattling phalanx, and twisted his neck that was red because he had been in combat for a long time.

"You don't want to escape!"

"I'll play with you for three minutes!"

"Three minutes of game time, here it is!"

The Cheekbones Saw the fierce menacing Peter intimidate, and with his strong physique and tied muscles, it had a taste of bloodthirsty.

Count down of three minutes has finally started!

"Bone Saw!"

"Bone Saw!"

"Bone Saw!"

In the cheers of everyone, Bone Saw began a fierce clash against Peter.

Alas, Peter was dodging constantly, but with his strong hands, he could also easily avoid the violent offensive of the Bone Saw.

The Cheekbone Saw was very angry at Peter's dodge, but of course it was more helpless. Fortunately, the girl under the stage immediately gave him a folding iron chair. Bone Saw held the folding iron chair tightly and slammed Peter, which was too late to dogch, Peter fell to the ground, and then Bone Saw slammed Peter's back several times. Unfortunately, Peter's endurance is so strong that it is difficult for him to be substantially harmed by an attack of this level.

When Cheekbone Saw realized that this method of attack had no effect, so it simply threw away the folding iron chair and took over again the iron rod delivered by another violent girl, a special iron rod with a sharp shape on the top.

Seeing this iron rod, Peter felt that if he stayed true, he would probably suffer from bloodbathing disaster!

After all, although he is very confident in his own strength, he also admits that his flesh is far from strong enough to resist the iron tip.

Stupid, Peter started his powerful continuous stomping counterattack, bang bang bang bang! Finally, another nirvana "spider-footed wrestling" came again. Peter used both feet to lift the bones of more than two hundred kilograms of strong men and saw them into the air.

Huh! !! !!

Cheekbones Saw fell heavily, making a heavy muffled sound.

Jason Fighting Field's carrying character, the most fierce wrestling king of the Queens, Saw the Bones, was now unconscious.

99% of the people in the audience were very pessimistic about Peter, thinking that Peter 's small body would definitely be miserable, but now seeing the result they questioned themself in shock ,is this little guy defeated the big guy who Bone Saw?

After thousands of spectators were dumbfounded for a long while, they were awakened by the applause that gradually rang. Everyone applauded and applauded, and soon there was a thunderous applause in the fighting field.

"1 ... 2 ... 3 ..."

"Time is up! It's over!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, the new winner is--"


The host hurried over and raised Peter's right arm to announce the birth of a new champion!

At the same time, the thousands of spectators in the auditorium were also emotional and shouting.




At this moment, Peter really experienced the joy of belonging to the winner!

"It turns out that the feeling of success is so wonderful ..."

Peter under the spider's mask opened his eyes and smiled, his face was full of spring breeze.

"I easily defeated the famous Queens Wrestling King Bone Saw!"

"I am strong ..."

"No! I should be the strongest!"

At this moment, everyone's affirmation has prompted Peter who was left in the corner in the past, even Peter who often suffers from bullying by his classmates, and his heart is full of confidence!