
The Strongest System In Marvel (dropped)

i am dropping it because I am a very bad writer and many of then is not liking the novel so sorry i can't write anymore!!!!

Arsenal08 · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

Chapter 15: Deadpool Support Team

After Max jumped down from the fifth floor, he suddenly realized that there were other assassins hidden in the dark place.

Max glanced quickly and determined that in addition to Deadpool, there were four other men in black.

In fact, the four men in black and Deadpool belonged to the same group, more precisely, in the assassination of Dragon Knight this time, they belonged to the same group. The reason why Deadpool was able to find Max's temporary residence was entirely due to the mysterious organization behind the four men in black.

The organizations behind these four men in black are high-tech researchers, big data analysts, cyber hackers, etc. The organization systematically evaluated the strength of Max, and felt that it was difficult to deal with Max with the strength of their organization, so they found Deadpool, and planned to join forces with Deadpool to kill Max together.

According to the agreement of the two parties, 50% to 50% of the remuneration, Deadpool can receive 500 million US dollars, and the organization can also receive 500 million US dollars.

At the beginning, the Deadpool felt pain, in the good billion dollars, five hundred million dollars less?

He later thought about it carefully. If there was no Max residence provided by the organization after some investigation, then he would not br able to find Max even if he wanted to find him, let alone kill him. What's more, if the luck is a little bit worse, maybe Dragon Xia was found and killed by others first, and then he would not even be able to fall asleep.

Therefore, Deadpool also agreed to the organization's recommendations, and work together to destroy the dragon!

The four black men accompanying Deadpool here and now are the organization's four high-end combat capabilities, and each is equipped with high-end equipment with different functions.

Of course, the so-called "high-end equipment" is only relative to the general public. If it is compared with Iron Man's epoch-making steel armor, it is naturally far from enough.

The four of them were originally Deadpool's backup team, responsible for helping Deadpool at the right time, and when the four of them saw Max jumping on the lawn downstairs of the hotel, they began to rush into the bushes behind When they was tacitly became aware of a problem-

Is that dragon man really as strong as the legend?

Why did he even run when he saw Deadpool? Doesn't he know that he have already lost?

Twenty-four men in black immediately decided not to hide, and quickly emerged from the lurking darkness, following Max's footsteps and chasing up.

Max successfully led Deadpool and four men in black into a quiet bush in the suburbs of Queens, and Max stopped his "escape".

Max turned around, revealing a stern intention in his eyes, staring fiercely at the five breathless people opposite him, staring at them and feeling terrified.

At this moment, from Max's self-confident eyes, this four men in black seemed to have noticed a new problem. Did the Dragon Heroes deliberately lead us here?

The Deadpool was wearing a red leather tights, which had a few black parts, especially the eyes of the pair of masks that looked like panda eyes.

Unlike Max's dragon-xia mask has at least an opening in his mouth for speaking and eating, but the Deadpool mask has only the some eye part as the outside world, and the entire human head They were all stuffed inside the red leather hood, and the voice was a little fuzzy when speaking, of course, he raised his voice and others could still hear it clearly.

There are two Edman alloy samurai swords crossed on the back of Deadpool, belonging to one of the sharpest weapons on the planet, and two convenient pistols are inserted around the waist, completely like a cold killer.

"Deadpool, Wade Winston Wilson, a powerful mutant. With infinitely self-healing flesh, masterly fighting standards, agile response speed, and two sharp Edman alloy katanas, For most people, it really belongs to a very terrible opponent. "Max expounded without hesitation, listening to Deadpool's frowns, looking like a frightened little daughter-in-law.

"Oh, incredible, man, have you investigated me?"

"Still, your uncle Wade is famous all over the world, everyone on earth has heard of me!"

"Look, Dragon Man, your mask seems to be made of wood, which is much harder than my leather mask."

"Speaking, what's the real face hidden under your domineering mask, wouldn't it be a clean white face?"

"In fact, I used to be a little white-faced, romantic, handsome, and fascinated by thousands of boys and girls. Unfortunately, I disfigured, otherwise I would not wear this airtight mask, especially in hot In summer, I was so bored that my body smelled of sour sweat. You should understand that taste is really uncomfortable. "


The invincible Deadpool, as always, loves to talk about him constantly. Max just said a short paragraph, and he could pull out such a large section of nonsense.

Max, who is an enemy, is still impatient, but the other four men in black who are partners are not impressed.

The four men in black have a physical constitution of a mere mortal, but after equipped with the killing equipment given by the organization, their strength has been greatly improved. The four of them belong to the four high-end combat capabilities in the organization, which basically symbolizes the most valuable resources of the entire organization in the field of individual combat.

One is a flying eagle, equipped with two mechanical wings, soaring freely in the sky anytime, anywhere!

One is a heavy gunner. Both forearms are sleeved inside the robot arm cover. With the drive of the robot arm cover, his iron fist can hit several tons of impact!

One is a slasher. When starting the attack, a sharp round blade will appear around the waist. The maximum diameter of the slash blade can extend to ten meters, which means that enemies within ten meters will be cut off by the slash blade. !!

He is a sulfuric acid king. He is a mobile sulfuric acid reservoir. When he encounters an enemy, he sprays sulfuric acid directly. The sulfuric acid he sprays can not only corrode the flesh, but also most of the metal!

The heavy gunner's temperament was more impatient. He saw that Deadpool had been nagging, but he hadn't started to fuck, so he ignored the Deadpool, squeezed his steel fist, and rushed towards Dragon Xia aggressively.

In fact, in a sense, if the heavy gunner killed Dragon Xia in his own name, it would not matter what the outsider was. In turn, this means that they have organized an agreement of 500 million US dollars with the Deadpool, which has enough excuses to obey. The location information of Dragon Xia was provided by our organization, and the death of Dragon Xia was also taken by our organization. Why should we give you 500 million US dollars of dead servant who has not done anything?

Of course, Deadpool is not stupid. He knows what ideas are in the heavy gunner's heart. If Dragon Xia really died in the heavy gunner hands, or by the organized any one of them, it would be a beauty to wait Deadpool have to muster. No reward for assassination!

"Asshole! This guy is obviously playing as a supporter, but now he wants to win over the master, and the dove takes the nest. Without giving you a lesson, you treat me (Deadpool) as an idiot!"

Don't even try to think about it. Immediately Deadpool pulled out the Aidemantiam alloy samurai sword behind him and strode towards the heavy gunner with a stride.

Another bonus chapter because of the late update


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