

For Shiro's last name, he just decided to take Naruko's. I mean come on, why not? He took Naruko's so his name is now Shiro Namikaze, At least in this world, Along with Hinata Namikaze,, Gine Namikaze, Goku, and Clark Naimkaze. With the help of his system, he was able to get their own "Birth." proof in this world and there own identifications, before they went off into the world.

Yes, he realized that it was weird the moment, he thought of his name, but come on, that name was just so...so Iconic, he just had to keep it, I mean, whats Superman without Clark?

When they were off playing Superhero, they each wore the same spandex Kyle wore in the dc comics, just look him up, he is awesome, not only that, but they changed there hair to silver, and Naruko hid her whisker marks with a simple genjutsu.

In when living the civilian life, they were normal, Hinata had a simple Genjutsu placed over her eyes so people wouldn't just think she was blind.

in about 1 year, 1 year with nothing but pure focus and help from his system and family, Shiro had made a dozen books under the name of Shiro, Naruko made her life story of her parents, from birth to the Kyuubi attack, in minato's pov, While Gine made up her life in Planet Vegeta, Shiro managed to help her out continuing the part where planet vegeta got destroyed by an evil space tryant Frieza.

They changed their own names when an event happened when they were mentioned, so the audience wouldn't get an idea.

The books that he wrote? Bleach, One Piece, Danny Phantom, The Lion King, The Ice Age, Ben 10, John Wick, Surf's up, Ready Player one. Rwby, though it ended at the cinder invasion. Spiderman, and Fate Stay night.

The girls didn't question him at all about this, for obvious reasons, they knew he was a Seer.

Trust me, without his and Naruko's clones, and without his system, he would not have gotten all of it done within a year. When he published, he published it all, though it was a struggle for the first couple of months, he managed to get all of it in, people were amazed at how he was able to write all of this so quickly, some even had doubts, Shiro understood that, he just told them that he was born with a very creative mind, and had been working on this all for a very long time, and when he completed the last book, he decided to go over the grammar, and fix things, and then he thought, why don't he sell it?'

"that answer eased the doubts the publishers had, they allowed him to publish.

Pretty quickly it became an instant success, billions of people, world wide loved it. Within moments, Shiro was a billionaire.

So, how was it? if you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, I. LOVE. POWERSTONES! Have a good day.

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