
Small time skip and Preperations

A/n: Sorry for this, this is a Shorter than usual chapter. 430 words

Shiro was wrong, the next two years had been so dull, it was even worse due to the fact that he had knew everything there was to teach, He paased the test,

Naruto did ok as well, he wasn't failing like Shiro heard he did, the rookie nine still hanged out with me, when Naruto had joined comfortable when he was around me, and was able to chill out for a bit.

Slowly but shortly the rookie nine bgam to feel comfortable around Naruto as well.

Although Ino still thought that the blond was just an annoying loud mouth, she had stopped being wary around him.

Currently now this was night time, Naruko hadnt really grown as much during the few years. her height was about 5ft 2 inches.

IShiro had grown into 5ft. 3 inches.

Currently he and Naruko where getting ready for bed, tommarow is the big day, Graduation! The start of out journey as shinobi.

"Naruko...are you going to reveal everything to the public?" Shiro asked curiously as both Naruko and Shiro got ready for bed.

"No not now" Naruko replied as she kicked her orange slippers off that shiro had bought for her three years ago.

"Why?" Shiro asked curiously "aren't you strong enough now?"

"I am," Naruko nodded, "but it isn't like that,"


"Yeah, She sighed, "this is just for me to be comfortable with," she looked at him with a look that Shiro recognizes all to well.

"Alright, alright," Shiro raised his hands in surrender. Why are you looking at me like that me. Feel like the bad guy, your making me feeling guilty. I did what I could to prevent my friend from harm."

Naruko smiled and leaned to peck shiro on the cheek, causing shiro's eyes to widen in surprise a small blush comes to his cheek, "and I'm grateful for that, I really am, but, I feel like this decision has to be made on my own."

She completely, misunderstood what I said, I've always intended on letting her be revealed when she was graduated, but I'll take that kiss, never had a girl kiss me before... Shiro thought as he smiled gididy.

"Ok then..."

Naruko giggled softly, before she patted my shoulder and went under her covers under her bed.

She got into her own bed, while Shiro got into his own bed right next to hers


Come on it's getting late we must head to bed