
Meeting Mr. Briefs

"There is my dearest daughter!"

A familiar voice said cheerfully, causing Mrs. brief's to giggle slightly as everyone turned to the source.

He looked exactly as a Dragon ball fan would expect him to look like, exactly like the Manga/anime portrayed him to be.

"Well, it seems that you don't have to wait longer," she grinned at them, before glancing at her husband. "Hello dear, how was your day?"

"Oh the same as usual." Mr. brief replied smiling at his wife, while walking down to hug his daughter, who returned with a hug of her own.

"Hi Dad." Bulma said with a smile.

"Hi Bulma-chan," Mr. Brief's smile grew as he let go of her, "I'm glad you came back safe, and I see you also brought company."

He glanced around and Saw Goku and Shiro, his eyes lingering to Goku a little more.

Goku unsurprisingly, looked a very nervous.

Shiro put a hand on his son's shoulders and squeezed it softly.

Goku relaxed slightly, and gave his father a grateful smile.

Mr. Brief's raised an eyebrow at this, Bulma smiled, "I'd like you to meet Goku-kun, he is my new boyfriend, and his father Shiro-kun."

"I see," So, that's why he looks so nervous. What's even more Shocking was the fact that she managed to go all the way to find the Dragonballs to get her wish.

That makes him worried, He knows the dangers of the world, he knows that none would be so willingly to give up something as precious as a dragon ball without knowing.

The only reason why he let her go in the first place, was because he thought she would come back home.

Mr. Brief's gave off a soft smile to Goku, "It's nice to meet you Goku-kun, Shiro-kun," He glanced over to Shiro

"Forgive me for asking this, but aren't you a little young to be his father?"

He winced as his wife gave him a disapproving look. What he was curious.

"Yes. " Shiro smiled, "Yes, I am."

"Interesting." his eyes landed on the nervous form of Goku, he smiled wryly, "I see that, and I also see that you managed to get the Perfect Boyfriend you always wanted with the dragon balls yes?"

Bulma giggled slightly, with a slight blush on her face, his daughter was so adorable, "Yes he is my perfect boyfriend." Bulma said dreamily.

Goku blushed at this, while Shiro had a proud look on his face.

Bulma's expression changed from dreamy like, to sheepish.

"But you your right Dad," she continued, "I didn't need to find the dragon balls to get the perfect Boyfriend, life gave it to me along the way."

So, how was it, if you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones! I. LOVE. POWERSTONES! Have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts