
Gine's why

The group flew over to the mountain towards Grandpa's house...the second he landed Goku got off of Shiro and ran into the house! "Goku!" an old familar voice shouted.

"Grandpa! Dad's back!"

Shiro smiled as he heard the footsteps, when the door opened, the door was opened to reveal gohan, who hadn't changed either, Goku walked to the side with a wide grin on his face.

He looked to me with a smile under his grey mushtashe, "it's good to see you again shiro..." He glanced towards both Naruko and Hinata, who were leaning on the mc, Gohan knew they must be special to be showing so much affection towards him.

"These are my girlfriends, Gohan-san." Shiro said with a slight smile, Gohan looked to Shiro, before he shook his head, Shiro would not be the one to take advantage of someone... "Naruko-chan" he pointed at the redhead, "Hinata-chan, he then pointed his thumb at Hinata, the two bowed slightly in greeting, "Nice to meet you..." Naruko smiled...

"Y-yes, Nice to meet you..." Hinata smiled nervously as well.

"You girls do seem nice," Gohan smiled at them, "I hope Shiro has been treating you well..."

"Oh he has..." Naruko smiled at him, Hinata nodded as well, the two glanced at Shiro, who smiled...

"Come on Gohan-san," Shiro eventually said, "I think Gine-chan, wants to have a talk with Naru-chan and Hina-chan about something...while they talk, I will catch you up to speed with what I have been up too..."

Gohan nodded, "Yes, that sounds good,"

Shiro glanced at Goku and smiled, "Come on Goku, you can tell me what you've been up to as well."

Goku grinned at him, and the three began to move to another room.

Gine smiled at them, and once the door close she felt the eyes of everyone land on her...

Naruko then smiled at her, "So Gine-chan, what do you want to talk about?"

Gine swallowed, "Well...um....I....was wondering if I could...I..." she took a deep breath, and steeled herself "I was wondering if you'd be willing to share him with me, she said, "I think, I really am sure that I love him...."


There was a moment of silence, before Naruko chuckled, "I figured that's what the talk was going to be about..."

Gine glanced up at her slightly confused, "Huh?"

Naruko smiled at her, "Tell me Gine-chan, why do you love Shiro-kun?" she asked, "What makes him....special to you?"

Gine took a deep breath, as she thought back to the days, "Well, I was ordered to be on a mission shortly after I gave birth to Kakarot, so I had to be away for awhile on another planet...."

Naruko and Hinata frowned,

It wasn't until I heard about what was going to happen to my planet, by those two, I felt nervous, I felt scared, our planet was going to blow up, none other than the person we have been serving for generations...they were laughing and smiling about it as well, so I had to leave them...."

Naruko frowned but nodded in understanding, Hinata was quite as she too was listening in....

"Unfortunately though, they had caught me and beat me to an inch of my life, if it wasn't for Shiro-kun, I would without adoubt, have died..."

"I see...." Naruko said frowning, Gine looked up, "Yes, I awoke I was alarmed, the first thing on my mind was Kakarot...I had to get him, before the planet explodes..."

Hinata tilted her head, "What about the other people of your race, would you not want to tell them as well?"

Gine shook her head, "Our race is stubborn, they will not believe that the sole ruler whom they serve will suddenly turn against them like that....it would be a waste of time..."

Hinata frowned but nodded

"Shiro, I met, him, I saw he was a saiyan just like me...he was the one who patched me up, and healed me to a point where there was not a single scratch on my body..." Gine explained, "For a Saiyan to even care about another stranger, that was something rare for us..."

Naruko frowned, but nodded, taking it in her head , ""He called me by my name, he called me by my sons name...honestly I didn't know how he knew my name or my sons name...I thought he was some type of creep at first, he could not have known who I was unless he had been spying on me or something..."

Naruko forced herself not to smirk and nodded her head.

"But later I found out that he was far from it, it turns out that he was a seer and had seen the multiple futures of different timelines, in all those timelines I have died, but he said that during those times, I had only managed to survive twice.

He asked me to Join him, and I did, and that's when everything started...I was a low class, a low class, and he took me in, because he saw potential in me, I became his partner, and we trained together....."

"Hmm..." Naruko had a thoughtful look on her face, while Hinata paid rapt attention.

"We trained together, we fought together, he saw strength when I thought I was weak," Gine took a deep breath, "when my husband was killed and my planet was destroyed, "It was the darkest day of my life, but Shiro-kun..."

She began to smile,

"Shiro-kun comforted me, he told me everything was going to be alright, and he never left my side, he helped me through it, even when we were in the realm of the gods, one elder God, We call them Kai's in this universe,"

Naruko and Hinata nodded in understanding,

The Elder Kai, when he said he would train us as long as he get's to kiss me...Shiro stood up for me, despite the elder being a God, Despite the supreme Gods power who was next to them....he stood up for me, and he defended me....without worrying for himself...he completely rejected him, and turned to leave..."

Naruko as gine said this, made her remember, exactly what shiro said...no...made a promise....


"But.." Shiro cut her off with a long kiss on her beautiful, delicious, lips, before he broke "Naru-chan, no buts, I love you, where ever you go, I will go with you, I will gladly throw my life away in the village for your sake, I have been doing it all along, and I have no problem with it, so? What's the difference now? Just because your banished doesn't mean nothing to me. Being called a traitor, doesn't mean nothing, the whole multiverse could be against me, but I could care less, as long as I am with you, and you are with me, that's all that matters, and if they fight me, I will fight back, defending you and destroy them completely, why? Because, I love you, what more of a reason could there be? "

(Flash-back End)

Naruko smiled fondly at the memory, "Yeah, that sounds like something he would do..." she muttered dreamily...

Gine giggled,"It was then my feelings for him were known, after that, he helped me meet my son...and helped me raise him, and my feelings for him were truly developed..."

Hinata was curious, "Ano, is he that good of a father?"

Gine smiled, "He is not perfect, but yes, he did help me a lot, my son calls him dad for a reason..."

Naruko and Hinata smiled at that.... they looked at her than at eachother... they both nodded to themselves, they glanced at Gine, who was looking more nervous than before....

Naruko broke the silence....

"Well Gine-chan, I think that's enough for us," Naruko smiled, "You have gone through so much, but Shiro was with you...and helped you along the way....I...We would be happy to accept you as a sister...."

Hinata nodded in agreement, and smiled at her, Gine felt something in her chest, it was very warm, she could also feel the tears start to fall down her cheeks, she trembled.

Naruko and Hinata both noticed this, so they walked forward and brought her into a hug

"T-thank You..." Gine whispered....


Welcome to the family,



Well, this was extremely tiring, I hope I did alright, if you like it, comment, let me know your thoughts, and vote Powerstones, have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts