
Father Vs Son

Shiiro and Goku stared eachother down, before Goku lunged at him. Shiro raised a hand to block the punch, "Oh not bad, try putting a little more force into the punch..."

Goku smiled, before he spun and did a swift kick to Shiro's back Shiro ducked Goku spun full circle before he did another punch with the other arm, but it was blocked with another arm

"Really good...." Naruko smiled, "He punches harder then a low level chunin..."

Goku was giving it all he had, while Shiro powered down enough to match his power, and was fighting equal strength, he didn't want to go overboard, he could tell Goku was not ready, but definitely in the future.

Goku rushed forward, but Shiro blocked his punch by crossing his arms into an x formation, a small smirk made it's way tp his face, He raised another hand formed it into a fist, "Rock!" he shouted. and threw the fist at Shiro's face, Shiro ducked, twirled, and grabbed his wrist. and elbowed him lightly in the stomach. Goku coughed and was pushed back the smirk left his face, and he settled into a painful groan...

Shiro smirked, "Try not to shout out your techniques next time...."

Goku pouted slightly, "But it's more cool that way..."

Shiro chuckled, as he remembered doing the same thing when he watched dragon ball in his previous life, "Yes, it's very cool, but if shout everytime you do an attack, in a battle, your enemy will know, especially if you do it again and again. You understand?"

Goku nodded, before a smirk once again made it onto his face, he charged at Shiro suddenly,

He punched \Letn the face, he then palm struck me in the face, he then tried to poke him in the eyes by forming his hands into a scissor shape. But it was blocked, Shiro grabbed hold of his wrist.

"Nice one Son...." Shiro smirked at him, "Keep doing that...try not to call out your attacks. "

Goku nodded, and he rushed at him, the two started to exchange punches and kicks, a small grin started to form on goku;s face, he was getting more excited by the second...

Shiro smiled in pride, as his son was learning quickly his son, Goku was his son, and His son, was a protege, no questions asked. The grin on Shiro's face grew wider, as both he and Goku continued to duke it out.

Gine was watching everything with a soft smile. it has been three months since she has seen this, and both her son and her..now new boyfriend, were having so much fun, seeing this, it brought her so much joy.


The exchange of blows went on for a long time, when shiro ducked away from a flying kick by Goku, put his hands on the ground and kicked him in the stomach... Goku was down onto his back breathing heavily...

Shiro smiled, as he slowly walked over to him, "I could tell you've not only gotten stronger, you've also gotten more skilled...good job Son...."

"Goku panted heavily, but still had a wide smile on his face as he heard this, "T...Thanks dad."

Shiro smiled