
The strongest store owner

This is the story of Luo chuan who gets sent into the cultivation world and gets the strongest store owner system and starts to live his idle life managing a store

LuoChuan · Eastern
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225 Chs

Chapter 72

Ji Wuhui took a deep breath and walked into Fengxian Tower.

In fact, the background of Fengxian Tower had always been a mystery in Jiuyao City.

Everyone only knew that its backing was very substantial, otherwise it would not have become the largest restaurant in Jiuyao City.

What no one knew was that the royal family was the real boss behind Fengxian Tower!

"Why did His Majesty come to Fengxian Tower himself?"

"Previously, Mr. Bai came here, and now His Majesty. Does that mean Mr. Bai couldn't resolve the issue?"

"I'm really curious about what happened in Fengxian Tower."

"Then go in and take a look!"

"Hehe, if you're not afraid of death, go ahead..."

At this time, Fengxian Tower seemed to have become a forbidden place.

People inside dared not come out, and people outside dared not go in.

Silence was the prevailing atmosphere in Fengxian Tower.

Everyone dared not breathe loudly, staring at the young man sitting on the chair.

Luo Chuan's face was indifferent, making it impossible to guess his inner thoughts.

Yao Ziyan, sitting next to him, said nothing but kept her eyes on Luo Chuan, not knowing what she was thinking.

Da da da...

The sound of footsteps echoed.

The visitor was dressed in dragon robes, exuding an aura of imperial majesty.

Even if you hadn't seen him before, everyone could recognize his identity at a glance.

The Heavenly Star Emperor, Ji Wuhui!

But here, no one said anything.

Because the protagonist at this time was Luo Chuan!

As soon as Ji Wuhui entered Fengxian Tower, he saw Luo Chuan.

Although he knew from Mr. Bai that the mysterious strong man looked very young, seeing it with his own eyes still surprised Ji Wuhui.

This young man looked at most like a young adult.

However, Ji Wuhui had already regarded Luo Chuan as an ancient monster rejuvenated.

Luo Chuan didn't speak, but Ji Wuhui understood that this was Luo Chuan giving him a choice.

Ji Wuhui took a deep breath and made a decision.

He walked up to Ji Tianhao and slapped him hard across the face.


Ji Tianhao was a little confused but didn't dare to say a word.

He knew he had truly caused a disaster.

The last time Ji Wuhui was this angry was when enemy troops from the Yunxiao Empire invaded.

Luo Chuan still did not speak.

Ji Wuhui gritted his teeth, and a resolute look appeared in his eyes: "Mr. Bai, strip Ji Tianhao of his title as prince, abolish his cultivation, and exile him to Southern Xinjiang. He will never return to Jiuyao City!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Mr. Bai answered in a deep voice.

A look of defeat appeared on Ji Tianhao's face.

Southern Xinjiang was the most desolate area of the Star Empire.

It wasn't an exaggeration to call it a wild area.

People without cultivation couldn't survive long there.

Ji Wuhui's order essentially cut off Ji Tianhao's future!

"Senior, I wonder if you are satisfied with this decision?" Ji Wuhui asked Luo Chuan cautiously.

Although Luo Chuan didn't know exactly what kind of place Southern Xinjiang was, judging from the expressions of the diners around, it was definitely not a good place to go.

Luo Chuan nodded and said faintly, "Yes."

For Ji Tianhao, this ending was perhaps worse than death.

However, Luo Chuan wasn't a murderous person by nature. He felt that leaving Ji Tianhao's life intact, to let him "enjoy" life in Southern Xinjiang as an ordinary person, was a fitting punishment.

Ji Wuhui breathed a sigh of relief.

Blood ties were ultimately less important than the safety of the Star Empire.

Since Luo Chuan approved, it showed he agreed with the decision.

But Ji Wuhui didn't think this incident was entirely resolved. He continued, "Later, I will have Mr. Bai present you with fifty thousand spirit crystals as compensation, and all your future expenses in Fengxian Tower will be free!"