
The strongest store owner

This is the story of Luo chuan who gets sent into the cultivation world and gets the strongest store owner system and starts to live his idle life managing a store

LuoChuan · Eastern
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Chapter 6 : New Product

"The strength of the host is related to the amount of spirit crystals the host has earned. The spirit crystals obtained after the host completes a transaction will automatically be converted into the host's spiritual power cultivation base according to the division," the serious voice of the system sounded in Luo Chuan's mind. "The host is currently a one-star store owner, and the share ratio is 10%. As the star rating increases, more permissions will be unlocked and the share ratio will increase."

Luo Chuan was a little surprised that Lingjing actually had this use!

But thinking about it, it made sense. Apart from being a currency, spirit crystals are originally items needed by cultivators.

This systematic approach only helped Luo Chuan save the steps of training.

"That's not bad. So, doesn't it mean that the more products I sell, the stronger I become?" Luo Chuan's mouth slowly opened, and his eyes curved slightly.

"Upgrading to Tier 2 requires earning 100 Lingjing, Tier 3 requires 10,000 Lingjing, and Tier 4 requires 100,000 Lingjing," the system replied.

Luo Chuan: ...

It seems that the road to becoming stronger is a long one.

Next, based on the system's explanation, Luo Chuan learned that his first level was almost equal to a large level in this world.

"What's the matter with the star rating?"

"The host can complete the special star-up task issued by this system to increase the star rating," the system replied. "The special star-up task is issued after the system evaluates the host's turnover to reach the standard."

With a sigh, Luo Chuan expressed that he was looking forward to the future.

He took a bag of spicy strips from the side, and information about it appeared in Luo Chuan's mind.

"Spicy strips: After eating, can increase the energy of the body by a small level for a short time, stacking up to five times, and cannot exceed the large level. Duration: 1 minute. Price: 100 Lingjing."

Luo Chuan's expression remained unchanged, his heart calm. He was already immune to these weird things that the system produced.

Luo Chuan felt that he had to try the effect of the spicy strips. Tearing open the package, a familiar pungent aroma hit his face.

At the entrance of the spicy strip, Luo Chuan could only feel a fire in his mouth.

He sighed softly, a look of surprise appearing in his eyes.

In Luo Chuan's perception, the little energy in his body actually became much stronger after eating the spicy strips!

"It's so fragrant!"

Luo Chuan nodded in approval and then put all the remaining spicy strips into his mouth.

After perceiving it carefully, Luo Chuan found that the energy in his body returned to normal after a minute.

Then... there was nothing more.

"System, are there any side effects?" Luo Chuan asked curiously.

In his memory, methods in novels that can increase strength in a short time usually have side effects that are harmful to the body.

"The products of this system will not have such side effects. In addition, please do not compare the products of this system with those of inferior quality," the system replied.

Luo Chuan nodded.

No side effects, which was a bit scary.

"Release the task: sell one hundred bottles of Coke and one hundred packs of spicy strips. Reward: a chance to draw. Current progress: Coke: 0/100, spicy strips: 0/100."

At the right time, the system prompt sounded in Luo Chuan's mind.

By this time, the sky was already dark, and passers-by gradually became scarce. Bright lights appeared in Jiuyao City, like stars.

After yawning and feeling the sleepiness gradually coming on, Luo Chuan closed the store door and went to the second floor of the store. After a simple wash, he went to bed.

After Bu Lige left Luo Chuan's shop, he went straight back to Zhennan Hou Mansion.

But at this time, Bu Lige was still constantly reminiscing about the deliciousness of Coke. Coupled with the healing of the dark wounds on his body, a smile appeared on his face from time to time.

Naturally, there were many servants and maids in the mansion, but they all took a few steps back subconsciously after encountering Bu Lige.

Fortunately, Bu Lige was immersed in his memories and did not notice this.

When Bu Lige's figure disappeared, the servants immediately gathered together and talked in low voices.

"What happened to the young master today? He feels so weird!"

"Yes, that's right! Especially the expression on his face, it's so strange!"

"Hey, the handsome image of the young master in my mind has completely collapsed..."