

Naruto, Sasuke and sakura were fighting kaguya but suddenly a kid a little older that them appeared from nowhere

Alex: hey guys how it going i'm going to help you a little ok?

alex appeared in front of kaguya and before she could do anything he ripped of the rinesharingan that was on her forehead

Kaguya: *screams in pain*

Alex ripped of is left eye and before he regenerated a new one he insert the rinesharingan in his left eye hole

<rinesharingan has been successfully fused with host body! the rinesharingan is evolving into a demonic rinesharingan due to the previous fusion of host sharingan and demonic eye's the rinesharingan is now golden insted of red! host now posses every rinnegan ability + infinite tsukuyomi!> (the red rinesharingan with 9 tomoe not the sasuke one)

Alex: nice *turns his head to team seven* kick her ass guys! and also sasuke i know that being an emo is genetic in your clan but you are taking it to the next level chill the f*ck out dude! *walks to the next universe*

Naruto: *tries not to laugh at what Alex said*

Sasuke: i'm not an emo...

Rest of team seven: yes you are!

Sasuke: ...

alex walked into a room of issey hyodou and saw issei sleeping in his bed Alex was using his [ghost] skill

'hey if i remove his sacred gear with [skill steal] will he die?'

<if you use your skill no but he will feel a lot of pain>

'well sorry issei but looks like you going to have a bad night'

[skill steal]>{issei}>[sacred gear boosted gear]

issei started to scream as he felt horrible pain his parents rushed in his room when they heard him but didn't see Alex because of his [ghost] skill

<[sacred gear boosted gear] is in perfect symbiotic relationship with host>

'well i'm done here i will come back to this universe after the whole dragon thingie is done' *walks to his next destination*

Alex walked out of the portal and found himself looking at zeref himself

Alex: sub bro i came here to break your and mavis curse also to kick the DuMBgOdarkHaM ass!

Zeref: what? this is impossible believe me i tried

Alex: oh! then you are going to be surprised

[curse breaker]>{zeref}

Alex: done now excuse me i will go take mavis body and fuse her soul to it again bye *teleport s*

Zeref: ...

alex teleported to the place where mavis body was took some clothes from his inventory as she was naked then took her body in a princes carry and teleported himself to mavis spirit

Alex: *sneak's silently to mavis*

Alex: BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Mavis: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! * jumps 10 feet in the air*

Alex: ahahahaha!! oh god that was hilarious! hey mavis come here i'm going to fuse your soul to your body so you can have some "skin ship" with zeref ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

Mavis: *blush* wh-who are you how do you know about zeref and me!

Alex: i'm a friend who is going to help you guys because i feel like it!

[curse breaker]>{mavis}

after he beaked the curse he grabbed mavis soul with [soul steal] as the skill also allows to manipulate the soul of the target and fused it with her body

mavis was a little shocked but when she entered her body and opened her eyes she saw Alex standing beside a portal

Alex: btw you have a good body for a loli ;)

Mavis: *blush*

Alex: *walks trough the portal*

Alex saw the "almighty powerful god" Ankhseram and he saw Alex

Ankhseram: who are you mortal! how dare you appear in my realm

alex didnt say anything and just appeared in front him grabbed him and started to shaping him with a big frozen fish that he bought from the shop

*slap* *slap* *slap*

after that he used [soul steal] and teleported himself and Ankhseram soul and fused it with a rat body

'still not enough'

Alex used [magic needle] and attacked the rat/Ankhseram

the rat/Ankhseram body was shacking from pain

'well i will leave you for now but i will come back as from today you are going to be my test dummy'

Alex then teleported himself to the fairy tail guild. everyone in the guild saw a strange guy coming from nowhere and was alert

Alex: calm down guy's im looking for natsu is he here?

Natsu: i'm here what do you want from me?

Alex: oh i want to break the curse that you have! (E.N.D)

Natsu: i have a curse!?!

Alex: yea also know where igneel is

Natsu: *natsu e.x.e stopped working*

[curse breaker]>{natsu}

Alex: done! and also igneel is sealed inside your body why you ask? well i let him tell you bye guy's i will come back in a couple of month's !

alex walked to another universe leaving everyone in the guild shocked

inside the tardis were the eleventh doctor and sarah but from nowhere a certain black haired boy appeared

The Doctor: oooh! hello there who are you? *started to bleeping Alex with his sonic screwdriver*

Alex: i am the one that will grand you the wish

Sarah: the wish?

Alex: yes the wish! *looks at the doctor* i'm going to make you *dramatic pause* ginger

the doctor eye's widen and a smile appear on his face

The Doctor: really!!??

Alex just activated his [word reality magic] pointed at the doctor head and said

Alex: Ginger!

the doctor brown hair started to change color and was replaced with a bright orange

The Doctor: YES!! *jumps from happiness*

Alex: well i believe that is it from my part see you later bye!!

'system put me in a random universe surprise me!'

<lol ok>

Alex was standing on the top of a mountain and saw a large beautiful forest in front of him every three was different and every three had different color leaf in the distance he could see a bunch of three houses but something was wrong...it was smocking...HOLY SH*T THE FOREST IS ON FIRE!!

Alex used his speed to and reached the houses in a second he saw lots of monsters and lots of armored elves that were trying to protect their home

Alex used his [Telekinesis] skill to drag all the monsters into one place and then used [word reality magic]

Alex: mythril spikes!!

when he said that the monsters were impaled by hundred of mythril spikes that appeared from the ground killing them all

Alex then pointed at the sky and said "rain" and it started raining

'now the forest and the houses will not burn'

Alex: so im al-

alex now noticed that the elves soldiers were surrounding him pointing their swords and arrows at him

Alex: wow! i saved you and you point your weapons at me?...cool...

Random elf: quiet you filthy human! what do you want!

Alex: well i saw that you guys were having trouble so i came to help

Another random elf: as if a human would do that you probably want to capture us and sold as slaves!

'looks like this world dont have a friendly relationship with humans and elves'

<the humans of this world are scum every single one of them the second race are the elves but they are used as toys by the humans this is the last elven village in this world if they die they will go extinct>

'hmm not good'

Alex: ok listen i can help y-

Alex was stabbed a a fully armored elf his sword hit the heart

Alex: that tickled...

he was not lying as now when he was hit,stabed,slashed or smashed he felt ticklish this sensation replaced the pain that Alex dont feel

Armored elf: how...? i am certain i hit your heart!

Alex: i'm immortal i will regenerate and stay alive even when you cut off my head *pulls out the sword from his body* also let me finish

Alex: i can teleport you guys to my personal world where you can live not worrying about humans as there is only wild life there what do you thick?

Armored elf: as if such power existed! you are lying! you will spend the rest of your immortal life behind a sealed steal door in our prison you filthy hum-

Alex: first you need to capture me and you saw how powerful i am

Alex looked at the elf and saw panic and fear in his eye's

Alex:*sigh* listen man if i wanted to capture you i would done this already i seriously want to help you

Armored elf: why? why would you do this?

Alex: because i feel like it *says with a calm voice and expression*

the elf just could not understand this a human the same race that burned his race alive the same race that r*pe their woman and toss them at their "pet" monsters after they are done the same race that kill them for their sick pleasure

he could not see any lie in the young man eyes for the first time in his life he encountered a "good human"

Armored elf: *turns to one of the soldier* summon the elder he will know if he is lying

Elf soldier: yes sir! * goes to find the elder*

they were waiting...and waiting...waiting

'OK this is awkward'

Alex: sooo i'm Alex what is your name?

Armored elf: ...helffin i'm the captain of the elf army

Alex: nice to meet you i'm an adventurer

Helffin: ...adventurer...?

Alex: yea i travel kill monsters explore dungeons, caves, ancient places and have fun!

Helffin: 'truly a weird human'

while they were talking....well while Alex was trying to talk to helffin the soldier returned with a tall white haired elf behind him

Elder: why did you summon me helffin my son?


Helffin: this human killed the monsters that attacked the village and said that he could transport us to a safe place where no human live he claims to dont have any bad intention toward us and the village and also wields a unknown magic

the elder looked at Alex with a serious face and activated his skill

<host the elder has a skill that will detect any lie that you will say>

'not a problem'

Elder: what is your name? where did you came from? what are you intention towards our race? and what kind of place do you have in mind?

Alex: my name is Alex i came from another world i dont have any evil intention towards your race and i have an ability to go to a world that only me and the people that i allow can access

Elder: he... he says the truth...

the elves were stunned "he is saying the truth?? that sound like and obvious lie and is ridiculous his own world?" they all thought

Elder: why are you doing this?

Alex: my job is to travel across the many different worlds and help good people while punishing/killing bad people

Elder: job? who do you work for?

Alex: the gods

*silence* *just a big long f*cking silence*

Elder: ...i truly dont know what to say.... what is you name sir?

Alex: my name is Alex and there is no need for"sir" just Alex is fine

Elder: no i cant do that i need to call you with respect you have shown big kindness to our kind *bows*

when the other elves saw their elder bow they also did

'OK this is even more awkward what am i supposed to do???'

Alex: please get up no need to bow before me i'm just doing my job *awkward laugh*

Elder: sir Alex when can we go to your world there are not many of us only two hundred and we dont have much things to transport

Alex: i can open a portal right now

Elder: please do i will go gather the others

Alex opened the portal to his world and waited as the elder was gathering the people

Helffin: sir i want to apologize for earlier i here swear on my honor that i will not betray you trust and serve you to the end of my days!

Alex looked at him smiled and said

Alex: sure! take care of me helffin!

Helffin: yes!!

after and hour the elder come back with a lot of elves they looked at him some of them felt curiosity/ fear/ respect

they started to enter the portal one by one but suddenly Alex heard

Random elf woman: my daughter! he took my daughter!

'of course something happened'

<you have the chance to show you powers and look cool dont miss it!>

Next chapter