
The Strongest Saiyan God (An ATG Fanfic)

A youth who has known the darker side of humans through his special ability. He is the strongest Superhuman. One day he comes across a mysterious white bead. But this encounter changed his entire fate as he transmigrated into world of 'Against The Gods' as a Saiyan and aims to become the most powerful Saiyan and dominate over everything in the primordial chaos. " True Gods? I'll show you what a Super Saiyan God is!" " Creation Gods? I'll show you a form beyond Super Saiyan God! Haaahhh!!! ....... This is Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan! Super Saiyan Blue for you!" " Ancestral God? Check out my Mastered Ultra Instinct!" " You can read the memories of others? Hmph! I can read even the memories of their dead ancestors!" Ikuya Senya, reborn as a Saiyan will roam around the world of ATG along with his Super power, Genetic Access. Disclaimer:- I do not own Against The Gods or any of its characters. It all belongs to its rightful author. This is only a fan fiction. P.s the image used as the cover picture does not belong to me. If I'm inconveniencing the owner of this picture, please let me know so that I can change it. [Support me and read chapters in advance at Patre*on.com/Arkszero018] (remove the *symbol)

Arkszero · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Origin Mental Force, Ikuya's Predecessor.

Xia Qingyue looked at Ikuya with ice cold expression and asked in a chilly tone, " Do you even have the ability to be our guard?"

Xia Hongyi wanted to reprimand his daughter but Ikuya indicated for him to not interfere.

Ikuya mysteriously smiled as he looked at Xia Qingyue's eyes and said, " You'll know of it eventually."

Xia Qingyue got slightly flustered behind her veil after seeing Ikuya's smile.

' She's a brat, after all.' Ikuya thought after seeing Xia Qingyue getting flustered by his smile. He knew that it'll take more than his signature smile to get her flustered like this in the future when she has further cultivated the Frozen Heart Arts.

Ikuya turned to Xia Hongyi and asked, " I'll stay in the same room I slept. Is that alright?"

" Ah? No. That room is for guests. Since you'll be staying here for three years, I'll prepare a separate room for you." Xia Hongyi said.

" Thanks, old man." Ikuya said.

Xia Hongyi turned to the maid Xia Dongling and said, " Please take Mr.Ikuya to one of the vacant rooms."

" Understood, Master." Xia Dongling slightly bowed to Xia Hongyi, then turned to Ikuya and said, " Master Ikuya, please follow me."

Ikuya followed her amidst the cold glare of Xia Qingyue and the smiling face of Xia Yuanba.

After a minute of walking.

" We're here, Master Ikuya." Xia Dongling said as she opened the door to a room.

The room was quite simple. It had a bed that was quite big for just one person to sleep. There were two windows in the room. Overall, it was a very simple room except for the very big bed.

" Hope you get a good sleep, Master Ikuya." The maid, Xia Dongling slightly bowed and said.

" Yeah, thanks for leading me here." Ikuya said as he entered the room as the maid left the vicinity.

Ikuya shut the door and sat on the bed cross-legged, his expression serious.

" So I have to wait three more years before I can get my hands on Evil God's Indestructible blood huh? That is too long." Ikuya muttered.

Ikuya summoned the mysterious white pearl out of his mind realm. But the pearl was now shining with silvery black light. It's been like this ever since the pearl devoured the things in the Purple Veined Divine Crystals mine.

Ikuya infused a bit of his Ki into the pearl, but he was immediately panic-stricken. This pearl was like a bottomless pit, moreover, it was engulfing his senses, and even when he wanted to stop infusing his Ki, he found that it took him a lot of effort to do so.

After a few seconds, Ikuya felt dizzy, but at this time the pearl stopped absorbing his Ki and automatically opened. Ikuya sighed in relief. But this confirmed one thing. This pearl will not harm him as it seems to be bound to him. But it will still take the energy it requires from him.

Suddenly, a large amount of information suddenly surged into his mind from the pearl, and after reading all of the information in his mind, his face was full of ecstasy.

What he got from the information is an Un ranked scripture called 'Origin Mental Force'. A scripture which has the purpose of cultivating and increasing ones mental energy and even evolving it to higher levels.

All this time, Ikuya only relied on the removing the genetic limiters to increase his mental energy, but didn't have any other methods for it. This was the thing that he wanted the most.

The black colour of the pearl disappeared and now it was shining with silver radiance.

He observed it a bit, then retrieved the pearl back to his mind.

Ikuya then took out a ring from his pocket dimension. This was the storage ring he took from the young man of the Black Demon Mercenary Group after killing him. From the memories he read, this group of people had robed three groups of wealthy travelling merchants and a lot of small sect disciples who had went through the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range and all the wealth is stored in this storage ring, which originally belonged to a rich merchant. So, the Storage Ring was a pretty high level one.

Ikuya looked into the storage ring to find if there was anything valuable.

There were a lot of items inside, however, the majority of these things were True Profound Weapons. Poisonous powders, various herbs were also present, and there were some antidotes and pills. There was a large amounts of purple profound coins approximately thirty thousand purple profound coins. There was even a thin long sword, which was an Earth Profound Weapon.

Other than the purple profound coins, the rest of the items were useless to Ikuya. He is a Saiyan and he prefers to use his fists rather than any weapon. If he's ever in need of weapons, he could modify his own body, though he prefers not to.

Ikuya sat on the bed. He extended both of his hands in a bored manner and lazily stretched his waist. He shifted his eyes and suddenly stopped them on the silver pendant on his chest.

This silver pendant had been with him ever since he transmigrated to this world.

For the sake of sating his curiosity, he touched the pendant and uttered, " Psychometry."

A psychic power that can let the user know of the entire history of anything he touches. The cost of mental energy required for this skill is enormous in accordance to how much the user wants to know.

A lot of vision entered his mind and after one hour...

" Huff.... A predecessor huh... How annoying..." Ikuya muttered with an irritated expression as he let out a breath.

In the Green Mist City of the Blue Wind Empire, a powerful clan named Yuan Clan resides. It is one of the strongest clans in the Blue Wind Empire with one Emperor Profound Realm Expert and two Sky Profound Realm Experts.

Yuan Lei, is the young master of the prosperous and powerful Yuan Clan and is known as an unrivalled genius in Blue Wind Empire. He joined none of the four great sects(Three since FCA doesn't take in male disciples.) because of a promise he made to his deceased grandfather, which is to make Yuan Clan the strongest faction in Blue Wind Empire.

At the age of 13, Yuan Lei broke through to True Profound Realm and at the age of 14, he broke through to Spirit Profound Realm and when he just became 15, he was at half-step Earth Profound Realm.

Other than cultivation, he spent quite a bit of time with his mother, father and 8 years old little brother and sometimes with his elder sister who is older than him by four years and is a disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard.

But good times didn't last as when Yuan Lei went to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range to find a very rare herb called 'Beast Blood fruit' which could help him breakthrough to Earth Profound Realm and even strengthens his foundation, Yuan Lei was ambushed by multiple Earth Profound Realm Experts of the rivalling clan to the Yuan Clan, which is the Jian Clan.

Three of his four escorts also ended up being from the Jian Clan that struck him in the back when his guard was down.

A genius he may be, but Yuan Lei wasn't able to resist a dozen or so Earth Profound Realm cultivators and along with his one trustworthy escort, he was killed in cold blood after a Valliant struggle. His limbs were torn apart and his body completely crushed. The escort was turned to ashes and the experts from the Jian Clan intended to do the same with Yuan Lei, but were stopped by two monstrous roars resounding through the place. They retreated without a second thought.

A few hours after the event, a white pearl came out of nowhere and the mutilated dead body of Yuan Lei burst into blood mist and dispersed into the atmosphere as only a silver pendant was left as a mass of blood burst out from the white pearl and a humanoid body with identical appearance to that of Yuan Lei, just a bit more handsome and a perfect body.

And this was..... Ikuya.

This was how the circumstances were which led to the reason why Ikuya reincarnated in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

Ikuya took Yuan Lei's place of existence in this universe instead of Yuan Lei's body or even memories.

While he certainly has no connection to Yuan Lei, Ikuya is still considered the replacement for Yuan Lei.

" How annoying.... I'll at least get the revenge for you. That's the last thing I'll ever do in your name." Ikuya muttered as he looked at the silver pendant.

Ikuya had no intention of getting to know Yuan Lei's family or the Yuan Clan. Logically thinking, him not having any origins has always been an advantage for him and he isn't going to abandon that advantage he has just like that.

But knowing that there are bastards still out there who killed his previous existence, he felt annoyed. Even if it wasn't related to him in any way, he wanted to kill them all. He felt like he was the one who was killed. Although he is reasonable, he isn't reasonable enough to simply forget such a debt.

That's why he decided.

To massacre the Jian Clan.

Right now.

Current Battle Power - 95,000

Cultivation - None.

[Ki and Physical Strength = Battle Power]

[Cultivation = Profound Energy]

Arkszerocreators' thoughts