
The Strongest Royal Group! Start With The Great Voyage (One Piece)

One Piece The Strongest Royal Group! Start With The Great Voyage Lynn travels through the pirate world, starting with the strongest captain system, and can recruit female crew members from the Ten Thousand Worlds… Thus, one of the strongest imperial regiments in history was born! Ben Beckman: “I have to admit that this chick Ma Yin is the strongest sniper in this world!” ” Kaido: “Hell, this Tsunade’s physical skills are not under me?” And also! You call this a ship doctor?! ” Green Pheasant: “The ice power of Esders, is it the upper position of my frozen fruit?” …” Ai Lu: “Shadow is Thor, I don’t deserve it…” Yamaji: “Rina Sakukiri is an eternal god, and she is the god of cooking!” ” Brooke: “Ryo is the true king of music!” *Lu’s art is unmatched! ” People of the world: “Artoria is our king!” Draco get rough! ” “Damn, all of them are peerless beauties, so envious of Captain Lynn, who rules them… Woooo “Hey, I’m not a soft eater of Lynn, Laozi is very strong… What a fragrance~” Lynn roared weakly.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Going down in history as a pig and eating a tiger! When Lynn is no longer flat A?.

"The next slash, I may use my full strength, or I may use armed color domineering winding!"

Lynn's words made all the audience in an uproar!

What the heck?

The slash that slashed the flying pheasant just now was really just his casual hand?!

Although there is a reason for the huge physical consumption of the green pheasant, the kind of slash that can even shake the void is a real top slash!

Many swordsmen who aspired to be great swordsmen shed undisputed tears on the spot: "Woo-woo"

"How can there be such a big difference between people! The slash just now was already an existence that I could not hope for, but it was only the level of a casual slash! "

"Ping A can break the ice age of the green pheasant general?! I believe in your ghost, you lad is very bad! "

"Yes! If it wasn't the admiral who was shot down, I could believe a little bit of what he said…"

"Is there a possibility? That is, the admiral is not as strong as we think? You look at the Lynn Pirate Group, more than a month ago I still don't know where the pirate group was in the pimple, this time it ran out, and it was the intern and the admiral who scored better, and the captain casually cut off the admiral 227…"

"Yo, I was originally shocked, but hearing your explanation, I think it seems to be quite reasonable, the admiral is likely to have a false name, and he didn't blow it so much!"

"What are you guessing, whether the admiral is strong or not? That is a fact that many seniors have proved with their lives. I think this could be a big conspiracy! Let's all feel the conspiracy of Admiral Cai! "

"Groove! Old brother wise! At that moment, I really thought the Navy was a dish! This conscience of the navy is really very bad! "

"You said that Hawkeye Mihawk would be angry to find Lynn when he heard Lynn's words?"

"Haha, isn't that better? Anyway, Lynn now has the support of the World Economic Society, and it seems to be taking the Internet celebrity route, but Mihawk found Lynn, we must have a good show! "

"This Lynn is ridiculously strong, if he doesn't brag, even if Mihawk is the world's number one swordsman, I feel that Mihawk may not be able to win against him."

"yes! So I have to say that if Mihawk finds Lynn, or Lynn finds Mihawk, the fight between the two will be the greatest gospel and creation for our kendo fans! "

"I guess Hawkeye Mihawk isn't that boring, come to the door for a word?"

"Stop arguing, that green pheasant seems to be angry!"

"Hehe, Lynn's words, it's too hurtful, and I'm going to run away in exchange for it!" The climax of the scene is finally coming! "

"Defeat the admiral and achieve the prestige of the emperor of the sea! Will we witness it? "

"Don't think about it, I haven't seen those who achieved the name of the emperor of the sea in the first half of the great voyage, those sea thieves, they all went to the New World to suppress a sea area and kill a future before they could ascend the throne."

"However, among those four sea emperors, which one can be stronger than the current Lynn Pirate Group?"

"You're a little witch, the water of the new world is too deep! Not to mention the world's strongest man Whitebeard, even the immortal Kaido, they are obviously much stronger than this Lynn. Moreover, the red-haired Shanks with the legendary three-color domineering ceiling can also overwhelm this Lynn."

"Yes, the power of the four emperors, but they are all beaten, not blown up. This Lynn remains to be tested! "

"Stop talking nonsense, you guys look! What is the mystery of this second slash of Lynn! "

"When our Lin Shen no longer slashes flat, hehe…"

"Slash casually, slash seriously, slash with all your strength, hold the knife in both hands and slash super!" Will it be like this? "


"No matter what, today, Lynn's wave of pretending to be pigs and eating tigers will definitely go down in history!"

Conference Hall of the Navy Headquarters.

I was also shocked by Lynn's earth-shattering slash.

Even Lieutenant General Ghost Spider and Lieutenant General Daobman, who are extremely accomplished in kendo, sighed: "This level of slashing, even my ghost spider, you have to go all out, it is possible to cut it, and the success rate is not very high!" "

"This Lynn is already a top sword master! The entire Great Route can be called a top great sword master, no more than ten."

"Among our navy, this kind of top sword master may be one! That is General Borusalino with the Heavenly Cloud Sword! "

"But! He seems to be in his twenties! "

"What a speechless! Those top swordsmen who became famous, which is not forty or fifty years old to achieve the top name! "

"This son is too devilish, if he is allowed to grow like this, he must be the next One Piece!" Marshal of the Warring States, we must concentrate our forces and annihilate him as soon as possible! "

"Yes! Stop hesitating, Marshal of the Warring States! His growth rate is really terrifying! "

"Seconded! Their intern Esders can be on an equal footing with General Kuzan, plus what kind of Tsunade, these three meridians are extremely advantageous imperial group configurations! "

"But guys, can our naval headquarters really annihilate such a pirate group?"

"yes! If you don't use the three generals to do it together, you can't complete it at all! "

"Now that the revolutionary army and the four emperors are about to move, where can we still use three generals to fight the encirclement and annihilation war?!"

"It's really a headache, in a short period of time, he has grown so terrifying!"

"No, he was teasing us in the first place!"

"Abominable! If justice is not carried out, it will only make me irritable! "


After the shock, the conference hall immediately became like a vegetable market, full of discussion and all kinds of noise.

"Purple Boom"

But at this moment, the most important Shen Speech worm on the Warring States table rang. Sengoku quieted everyone and immediately connected the phone.

Half ring!

"Call the pheasant, turn off the live broadcast, and let him come back!"

Sengoku hung up the phone, and then held his forehead for a while, and made a difficult decision.

"What?! Sengoku, are you stupid? This is being broadcast all over the world! "

Karp was a little stunned.

"Yes! Shall we not wait for General Kuzan to take advantage of it before turning it off? "

"That's it? Then we are too depressed! "

Other top naval officials are also a little confused.

"This is an order from above!"

Sengoku's face began to be gloomy.

"I'm afraid it's too late, that Lynn is going to do it! Kuzan is probably going to be bad! "

And Karp pointed to the change in the live broadcast screen at this time and said.