
Rock-Smashing Water Stream Fist

"Wow, hahahaha... I didn't expect to eat the long-lost hot pot today, um, oh... this taste is really nostalgic!"

Bang smiled and put a piece of beef into a spicy pot.

"Lin Mo unhappily said: "Bastard old man, this meal cost me 30,000! You should be able to reimburse it?!"

"---It is good to pay tuition fee." Bangu did not hesitate.

"Young man do not sad, I remember when me and my brother were learning Martial arts....."

Lin Mo with a surprised expression, casually said: " Your brother is also martial artists?"

"That's Of course, Bang without any doubt about Lin Mo intentions excitedly talk about his past

"The Rock-Smashing Water Stream Fist and my brother whirlwind's fist are all world-class boxing methods. They are also a combined method in the past. Since the death of the master, the two boxing methods have been divided into

two-- " Lin Mo said: "Then Why two different individuals learn it? ."

"martial arts essence, it's on individual potential how much he learn"

most of his thought are noncommittal .

That is the case that the talent for practicing boxing is not high enough. If it is a talented person, such as a garou, it will take more than a few decades of the work of Bang. For this kind of talented person, only The versatility of learning makes sense.

Lin Mo is not sure about his academic qualifications. After all, this thing is imaginary understanding, but at least, he has to get all the two boxing methods.

the next day.

Bangu came to the training field with Lin Mo, who changed into dojo martial arts suit.

"Today, the first thing to teach you is the practice of Rock-Smashing Water Stream Fist, which is the 'routinum' move of the old saying. This is all the foundation. You must be meticulous, you can't make a mistake, and watch me practice again."

Banggu swings open, his feet are separated, his left leg is bent, his right leg is straight to the ground, his hands are separated on the side of his body, his left hand is straight forward, the five fingers are bent, and the right hand is placed behind his head.

Bangu gently slammed his fists. In order to follow Lin Mo's eyesight, his hands were not fast.

This set of boxing exercises, the entire state of Bang seems to be a group of water, the action is like water, and there is no stagnation, the body is soft like water, as if it is boneless.

Although the action is somewhat similar to Tai Chi, it is quite different in the mood!

Lin Mo concentrated on watching, his vision clearly sees all the actions of Bang Gu - both hands around, shuang legs apart and close together, the posture is very complicated, but he seems to have a clear understanding.

This kind of action is not very difficult. If you let him practice it... Although there is no such artistic conception, the action can simulate a six or seven points!

In less than half a minute, Banggu took back his hands and breathed out a sigh of gas, and once again changed back to the old man who had bent over.

"How? This set of boxing methods is limited to routines, but it is the basis of the martial arts. Every day you have to work hard and practice. Just the action, you can try it again and again." Bang said.

Lin Mo nodded thoughtfully, then closed his eyes and stretched out his hands and feet, standing like Bangu.

Although there are some differences in the subtleties, this starting style is almost similar to Bangu's previous nine points!

This makes Bang eye's shine!

However, in the next drill, Lin Mo waved his hand,

After he had practiced it again, Bangu's face was full of surprises.

"Lin Mo, have you practiced this boxing method before?" Bangu looked forward to saying no.

Lin Mo shook his head as he said: "Nothing at all."

"Good!" Bangu could not help but export a good word, and he looked up: "I didn't expect that this oldman would still accept such a talented disciple." ! "

most of his thought somewhat puzzled said:" I have a good talent "?

bang thought,and said:." in my life, only one person can match your talent" "

this person is your master teacher? " Lin Mo deliberately said.

"No." Bangu carried his hands, his eyes were blurred, but Lin Mo missed it: "That was my former disciple..."

"Don't say this, there are still a few mistakes in your actions, it seems to be roughly the same, but if A little mistake, you will regret it for the rest

of your life!" Bangu's heart secretly made a decision. He once received the disciple Garou. Although he was a stranger, he finally wanted to regard him as a his persnal disciple. To cultivate, but he is too heavy in his heart.

his this new disciple, heart is not bad...

"Next, I'll tell you a little bit about the essence of the water-breaking punch. It's a little faster for you, but it's good... "

Banggu sinks his heart and carefully introduces Lin Mo to the essence and artistic conception of the flowing water."

Although Lin Mo is not prepared to concentrate on the martial arts, but for him, this boxing method has a great effect for a long time in the future, so he study is very seriously.

After all, in the past he was trained in the army. he didn't cry out, didn't shout, even if his arms were sour, he didn't have any hesitation and regret.

High talent, can bear hardship... Bang more and more feel that this disciple is talented .


The martial artists are constantly practicing boxing every day, in order to let the body produce a sense of boxing, let the body remember the essentials of boxing, and practice boxing for a lifetime in order not to forget this boxing.

This sense of boxing is not something that exists. It depends on the memory of the body and has nothing to do with understanding.

Lin Mo started training at five o'clock in the morning, and practiced the boxing method under the guidance of Bangu. After five days, he learned the routine for ten to ten, even if Bang could not find any flaw.

Seven days later, Bangu unexpectedly sneaked a sneak attack to test. He wanted to get rid of the rice bowl he was holding. As a result, Lin Mozhen was in a state of unresolved, his body shot sharply, his fingers were pinched, and the chopsticks were directly pinched into powder! .