
The Strongest Profession In This World Is Cooking!

"-Congratulations Ryuga-Kun, you're dead!" Said the goddess who was sitting in front of me on a throne. My name is Akito Ryuga and I'm just a 26 year old chef. One day while I was on my way to my restaurant, I got hit by a truck and killed, but upon opening my eyes I find myself in a court room. It was the castle of the goddess of death who summoned me as a hero. But after reading my stats and knowing how useless I am and the only skill I have is cooking, she throws me away into the parallel world like a garbage. Gazing towards the gray clouds as stormy rain pours down, I swear to defeat the demon king with a fry pan, meet the goddess again and slap her butt! [I do not own the cover artwork. If you're the artist and want it to be taken down then message me on instagram @Gilgamesh_904.]

BluePenguin007 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Stacy becomes bestie!

In the end, I ate it. Yes I gulp down the epitome of beauty which I admired not too long ago.

Although the butterfly looked beautiful, it tasted:


[Are you okay?]

"Do I look okay! I'm here throwing up on a tree! That thing tastes disgus-... Blergh-"

Despite of how beautiful the butterfly's color was, it indeed tasted like a raw cockroach. Which made me puke.

The system then guided, and informed me about the other edible flowers, plants, fruits and insects.

So I did as it told me to, since I needed at least something to fill my stomach or else I might die.

Of course it also informed me about the available spices in the forest so that I don't end up puking once again.

I gathered all the necessary items and spices. The system analyzed every plant and fruit I saw on the way and identified the edible ones.

It took us about 3 hours to gather everything necessary and by the time I was finished, it was already evening.

I sat on a cut-down tree trunk and placed all the necessary items aside to light a fire in front of me and start cooking.

Of course it was risky, if anyone from the village were to come looking for me they'd obviously notice the fire and capture me.

But at this moment, with a growling stomach I had no other choice but to light a campfire and take the risk.

Being a chef in my previous life, cooking it all wasn't too difficult for me, more specially when I had this system with me

The vegetables, and plants that the system identified for me looked weird and never existed in my world.

But they taste good, a million times better then the raw butterfly I had previously.

Sitting in front of the lit fire, on a cut-down tree trunk, I was eating a pink colored fruit. It was sweet.

"Hey system, how do I get out of this place? Is there a settlement nearby...other then the demi-human's." I ask.

[I'm designed to only provide you the knowledge of the food in this world. Anything other then that is unknown to me]

"Oh... So what should I do now? Of course I can't stay in this Forest forever, neither do I have any knowledge of this world."

"And if I got into any trouble, or ran into any demon then I'd surely die without a weapon. I can't just fight them with a frying pan." I said lowering my head stressed.

[No, your frying pan is as powerful as an infinity gauntlet.]


[That pan you've kept beside you, isn't just a non stick frying pan, but also a rare weapon]

"A rare... Weapon?" I said looking widening my eyes.

"Then does that mean I could open a FIVE STAR RESTAURANT IN THIS WORLD!! AND BE ONE OF THE KING'S MOST FAVORITE CHEF?" I said as I stood up, clenched my fists and my eyes sparkle with determination and excitement.

[Uh... No.]

[So you really are stupid.]

"SAY THAT AGAIN!" I said as I showed my middle finger in the air with a nerve struck on my forehead.

[Eating the meat of any monster that you cook on that frying pan, will provide you that monster's skills and abilities.]

"Oh! That's cool!"

[Of course, the same can be said about humans, demi-humans and demons]

"Uh... No, I'll be passing on those three." I said with disgust.

"Anyways Stacy! Tell me more about my skills!"

[Yes. Since you're a reincar-... Wait a second, what did you just call me?]

"Stacy! I mean it kinda sucks calling you system all the time."

[Call me what you please.]

[Yes. Since you're a reincarnate from the other world, your skill, which is mainly cooking would become a hundred times better then any ordinary cooking skill, even if you're not a hero.]


It was a tranquil night. The only noise I could hear is the crackling of the fire lit in front of me and the chirping of crickets.

"Hey stacy..." I said while looking up towards the moon in this dark Stary night sky "What should I do now?"

[What do you mean?]

"I don't have a place to stay at... Neither do I know any human settlement nearby."

"I could make a living in this world as a chef, in fact it would be much more profitable thanks to my knowledge of food from my previous life."

[Yes, But there's something else, much more exciting then just cooking.]

"Something more exciting then cooking?" I stood up and stare at my frying pan "What do you mean by that Stacy?"

[I mean, you should defeat the demon lord... With that frying pan!]

My eyes widen as I hear her say that, kicking a demon lord's butt with a frying pan, why did this idea never occur to my mind before?


-To Be Continued-