
The Strongest Primordial Werewolf

Sebastian, a village chief’s son, and the most hated person in his village. Born without magic and thought to be a bad omen. One day, his village was attacked and all the villagers were killed except their children. Revenge-stricken, Sebastian swore he would kill all of the attackers. Armed with a sword, Sebastian takes all of the children to a forest where his life will change forever. He meets a stranger, who takes them in and trains them. With his newfound strength, will Sebastian strive down the path of hero or a villain?

OniBeast · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
120 Chs

Escaping the Dungeon(2)

"Haha!" Sebastian laughed.

After receiving the strike to his abdomen, it was the final straw for him. His concentration to refuse his desires came to end as a dark purple aura descended in the surrounding area.

Streaks of reddish black electricity started to appear all over his body as his Emperor's Will was being released yet contained. A loud ringing noise reverberated throughout the cave as nearly every orc inside the fortress fell to the ground.

The three orcs that stood in front of him even froze still and nearly fell over but caught themselves. Ivar stood there staring at Sebastian and could only think of what kind of monster he would have to be to nearly wipe everyone in the surrounding area.

Before Ivar could react, Sebastian appeared in front of him and swung his Dane axe down, and struck him down. His two subordinates were surprised as they didn't see him move and couldn't react in time to save their boss.

"Die!" They shouted in unison.

The moment their blade came in contact with Sebastian's armor, they deflected off. His axe, already in motion, came quickly and sliced one of their heads. The remaining subordinate swung his blade again and noticed his speed and strength went down as he swung it.

His blade was grabbed by Sebastian and was pulled toward before getting a swift side kick.


The orc fell over unconscious and staring back toward Ivar, Sebastian noticed that he was gone.

"Don't underestimate me, boy!" Ivar shouted above.


"HAHAHA!" Sebastian laughed as Ivar's blade broke through his armor and cut down his chest.

Particles floated from his wound to his axe and soon it enlarged. He then started to swing it wildly to prevent Ivar from doing anything sneakily or fast. Unbeknownst to Ivar's knowledge, he thought his vision was playing tricks on him as he noticed it started to blur once he laid eyes on Sebastian's axe. Its ever increasing speed was surprising him as he couldn't keep up with it anymore.


Eventually, Ivar became so distracted by the axe's speed that he forgot to dodge the incoming attack from it and a large gash was now across entire body. Looking toward some unconscious orcs, he lunged forward and swung his axe across the ground, and cut them in half.

'I must regain con…trol!' Sebastian thought, battling his desires.

His rampage of killing unconscious orcs continued as Ivar watched helplessly as his subordinates were slaughtered. Ivar couldn't help but curse Sebastian as he was too injured to move.

While he was focused on trying to regain control, he noticed the armor started to glow and recognized this. His armor was about to evolve soon and right now was a bad time. Not only was he low on blood from all the damages he recently sustained but his mind wasn't exactly intact for him to go through the process. 

"Boy! The exit portal is no longer being guarded! Let's escape while we still can!" The woman shouted.

'No! You f*cking imbecile! Don't you notice I ain't my normal self!?'

His body heard her voice and looked toward her before flash-stepping in front of her and swung the axe down.


Her face became surprised as she fell to the ground, bleeding. The damage to her body was fatal but nothing could be said about what Sebastian would do next. his body then kicked her over and execution style, he swung the axe down.

The woman closed her eyes as she heard the axe cut through the air and feared for life. She didn't want to die, especially not against a person younger than her.


The axe barely grazed the back of the woman's neck before Sebastian was blasted away by a red ball of energy. The woman immediately pushed off the ground and rushed for the portal, not caring for what happened to Sebastian, for her job was now done.

After being struck by an attack and slammed into a wall, Sebastian finally regained control of himself and immediately put on his black outfit with the vest and built-in mask to suppress his presence. He knew who attacked him and needed to change his outfit as his attacker was coming closer.

"Come on out!" A voice shouted.

Listening to the voice, he stepped out of the hole in the wall and saw a large group of people.

He listened to the voice and stepped out of the hole in the wall. 

"Antares?" The voice said, confused.

Staring, he noticed it was Lycaon and his friends that were staring at him. He then noticed that they had their weapons equipped and pointed at him.

"Did you guys get stuck in here by mistake?" Sebastian asked, trying to steer the conversation.

He wasn't sure but he knew Lycaon caught a glimpse of him inside his black armor and knew he would associate it with the assassinate, who assassinated a baroness in the werewolf territory,

"Who are you exactly, Antares? Don't lie to me either. I saw that black suit of armor before and although it looks different, I can never forget it." Lycaon said.

'Well, it was gonna be revealed one way or another.' Sebastian thought.

"As I said, my name is Antares and I belong to the Celestial Academy. I was previously an assassin for a criminal syndicate before I was captured. Since my capture, I've changed my ways and no longer wish to kill." Sebastian explained.

"Bullsh*t! You're here to kill me, aren't you?!" 

"What? Did you hea-"

Before Sebastian could continue speaking, Lycaon rushed forward and pulled out his sword. He then swung his sword toward the ground and it turned into a whip.

'This idiot!' 

Even if he did regain control of his desires, he still didn't gain a full grasp on them. If Lycaon's attack were to hit him now, he would certainly lose it.

Lycaon then swung his bladed whip toward Sebastian and pulled it back quickly. Knowing what's gonna happen next, Sebastian stood there and decided to take the attack.


A large laceration was across his chest as his arm fell off his body. The people watching this were surprised. He could have dodged it but instead chose to take it even though he was already heavily injured.

"Does… this prove that I won't kill you?" Sebastian asked.

Amazed by his pain tolerance, Lycaon didn't even want to attack him anymore. Not only that, but he saw Sebastian's giant open wound across his chest. But before he could take another, a strong presence descended upon him.

It soon disappeared and quickly gathered the attention of everyone. Although it wasn't strong compared to others, it was surprising to see someone of their age to have that type of presence.

Sebastian ignored them and proceeded to walk toward the exit portal. After he stepped through the portal and looked at his surroundings, he noticed there was a trail of blood.

'Oh sh*t! Where is she?' Sebastian thought, immediately remembering the woman.

He followed the trail and noticed her body up against a tree. He immediately ran up to her and checked for her pulse. He then picked her up and rushed toward the exit portal area and waited for Jason to appear.

'Come on! I know you're not that stupid to go against orcs.' 

A few seconds passed and a portal opened above him. One by one, they all appeared and he immediately pulled Jason toward the woman.

"Heal her!" Sebastian demanded. 

Jason looked at Sebastian and was confused. He never told him his name and yet he somehow knew it. He looked down at the girl and noticed how pale she was.

He immediately put his hand over her wound and green particles started to cover up the wound before closing. Lycaon saw this and noticed something about Sebastian's tone.

'He even speaks like him a bit… he couldn't be him, right?' Lycaon started to speculate.

Sebastian looked Northwest and felt a strong force coming in their direction at a fast pace.

"So, they're after you." Lycaon said.

Everyone looked at Sebastian and wondered what Lycaon meant. 

"If you're talking about those ants, then yes. They are after me." Sebastian said.

"As much as I want to get mad at you, I can't. I've seen your power and I'm gonna need it in the future so welcome to the team." Lycaon walked away and created a group huddle.

'I can finally see everyone progress now.' Sebastian thought, content.

Before they could continue with their huddle, a few couple red ants showed up and released their presence.

"Now what kind idiotic ant would reveal themselves?" Sebastian asked, taunting the ants.

"You're the killer! You killed Brother Neo!" The ant shouted at Sebastian.

"Lycaon and his friends, can you deal with them? I used up a lot of energy dealing with those orcs." 

Lycaon slightly glared at Sebastian before he sighed and gave his friends the go ahead. Sebastian could fight but right now he was struggling to control his desires after he took Lycaon's attack head-on.

'Let's see how well you guys improved.'

The first two individuals to move were Carlos and Baron. They both knew the identity of Sebastian and wanted to show him their improvement. Last time, they couldn't show him much but this time they could.

Baron stomped on the ground and a wall erected before he pushed it and sent it flying toward the ants. The wall made an impact and caused the ant to slide back a few meters.

Carlos then started to make hand movements before he raised them slightly and metal spikes rose from the ground. A few ants were struck by the metal spikes while some had dodged the attack.

He then extended his arms wide and raised his hands high before two metal walls rose from the ground. He used his hands and clasped them together. The walls followed the commands as they were pulled to each other and caught one ant in between them.

The next person to go was Gareth. In the past he would cower in fear when he came face-to-face with a beast but this time he was ready. The wind around his arms began to change into blades of wind. He flicked his wrist and the blades of wind flew forward and decapitated one of the ants.

'All three of them have made impressive movements. Gareth was barely able to form one blade of wind but now he can create multiple. Baron's manipulation of earth seemed to leap by bounds. Carlos was able to manipulate and find metals beneath earth.' Sebastian analyzed. 'But these ants are way weaker than the one they called Neo.'

"Let's get out of here before more arrive." Sebastian said to the group.

"But there are still some ants left that haven't been hurt yet." A girl complained.

Sebastian responded by pulling out his Umbral Blade and quickly slashed. Before they could say anything else, the remaining ants were decapitated.

He didn't wait for them to talk as he walked the opposite direction of the army of ants. The group was baffled by his actions and how quickly he dispatched the ants.

"Why are you surprised? You saw the corpses of orcs in that fortress." Lycaon said.

'Oh, right!' They all thought in unison.

They then proceeded to follow and see what he would do next. He turned his head around and saw them stop. He sighed and decided to head north, and kept changing the direction he would go in.

"Why are you changing directions so much?" Lycaon asked.

"Obviously because I'm avoiding the dangers that will hinder our movement." Sebastian replied, agitated. It reminded him of when he was in a carriage and a little child would constantly ask his mother: "Are we there yet?" or "When will we be there?"

"Prepare for battle. We seemed to have trespassed onto a beast's territory." Sebastian said, bored. It wasn't that he didn't want to fight but the beasts that were approaching them were low-ranked.

"Can you give me her, James?" Sebastian asked.

Once James heard this stranger say his name, he became slightly defensive. Although they had an alliance or something like that, he still couldn't trust Sebastian.

"Here you go then." James replied, handing her over.

"We don't have time for this!" Lycaon shouted.

He swung his sword and it immediately turned into a whip. He then pulled onto the whip and a loud crackling noise was heard.
