
Chapter 85: A Special Situation

The acquaintance here is none other than that impulsive female knight who has repeatedly come forward to assert justice but nearly got drowned out by evil forces.


At this moment, she sat before the television, hosting a current affairs program, currently discussing a daughter-in-law sued for failing to support her elderly parents-in-law. As the host, she appeared solemn, objectively and justly analyzing the situation.


Appearing in professional attire with a light touch of makeup, she exuded a mature air compared to the casually dressed girl off-screen, displaying a sophistication and resplendence befitting a refined lady. If Liu Xiaoyan embodies the image of a gentle and demure woman, then she epitomizes the grace of an accomplished young lady.


"Hey, you rascal, are you even listening to Grandma? I want to ask you, when are you going to marry Yanzi and bring her home as my daughter-in-law?" Grandma Lin noticed his fixed gaze on the female host on TV, promptly pinching his ear and complaining.


"Ouch, Grandma, please be gentle! Really, are you in such a hurry to find me a wife?" Lin Yu protected his ear, pretending it hurt, though deep down, he felt infinitely content—joys, sorrows, anger, and worries, these are the essence of a truly warm family.


"I am indeed in a rush, waiting to hold my great-grandchild." Grandma Lin released his ear, grunting in response.


"Why does it have to be little Yanzi? Is she suitable?" Lin Yu pointed at the girl on TV, teasing Grandma Lin.


"Behave yourself, just you? Even after a hundred years, it won't be your turn. Do you know who she is? She's Meizi, the pillar of our city's TV station. Beautiful and righteous, specifically dedicated to addressing real issues for the common people. Rumor has it that she's someone's daughter from a significant family in the city. Suitors come from our West City District all the way to the East for her. Still think you can marry her? Stop daydreaming and focus on bringing Yanzi home for me." Grandma Lin glared at him, reproaching him for being unrealistic.


"Is she really that extraordinary? What's so special about her? She's just a TV host, maybe slightly privileged. I don't see her as beautiful as you say, just average." Lin Yu looked at Meizi, the program host, dismissively shaking his head. Inwardly, he added, "But her figure is quite something—ample bosom, well-rounded. Even her bottom is nice and elastic." Unconsciously, he clenched his hand. Ah, the elasticity from holding someone's bottom during the day still lingered, not bad.


"Average? If you can find me a daughter-in-law like her, I'll admit your capability." Grandma Lin sat beside him, peeling an apple with a small knife. Ever since recovering from illness yesterday, she felt she couldn't sit still for a moment, as if her body would rust if she stayed idle, always needing something to do.


"By your words, is she even more beautiful than your ideal future granddaughter-in-law, little Yanzi?" Lin Yu chuckled.


"Not the same thing, don't compare randomly. Their styles are different. Yanzi is like a kitchen knife, indispensable for everyday life. This girl is like a vase, enhancing the aesthetics and ambiance when placed at home. Different." Grandma Lin thought seriously for a moment, giving a reasonable evaluation.


"Okay, Grandma, your metaphor is both profound and vivid, with practical implications. Hmm, you're almost becoming a philosopher." Lin Yu laughed, but inside, he involuntarily compared Lan Chu and Zhang Xinran based on Grandma's logic.


As a result, he felt Zhang Xinran was like a treadmill; with her around, this family would definitely be lively. As for Lan Chu, she resembled a refrigerator, cold and imposing, practical and domineering.


"Alright, why am I thinking about household items? What am I even thinking about?" Lin Yu suddenly realized he was daydreaming and snapped out of it.


After shaking his head, he chatted with Grandma for a while, massaged Grandpa, brewed some medicine for the elderly couple to drink, washed up, performed the usual breathing exercise in the Star Sphere, then fell into a deep sleep.


The next morning, he woke up refreshed, brewed the medicine, gave it to the elderly, had breakfast, and headed to work.


This time, he couldn't afford to be late. He chose to travel through deserted alleys by bike, finding it faster than taking public transport.


"City traffic congestion is a big issue. Why doesn't Meizi put more effort into reporting on this?" Lin Yu tidied his attire as he entered the school, shaking his head.


This time, he didn't go see Lan Chu upon entering the school. Following Lan Chu's arrangement from the previous day, he went straight to the dormitory office to report.


The head of the dormitory office was a middle-aged man in his early forties named Liu Daxi. He looked quite cheerful, greeting people with a threefold smile, seeming quite amiable. He proceeded to explain in detail the responsibilities of a dormitory teacher to Lin Yu.


According to Principal Lan's arrangement, Lin Yu was temporarily assigned to manage Dormitory Building No. 4. According to Liu Daxi, it wasn't much, just cleaning up the garbage, managing the students' entries and exits, and occasionally being responsible for night duty in the dorms as an additional teacher. This came with extra pay, around three thousand a month. Although not a lot, it was also not insignificant. In total, he could earn around thirty-three thousand a month—quite substantial—provided it could be realized.


"Can't I skip night duty? Sleeping with a group of girls, what's this?" Lin Yu felt quite uneasy. Besides, his grandparents were getting older. Although their health had improved significantly due to his care, they still needed attention at night. It made him hesitate to leave home for the dorm.


Liu Daxi glanced meaningfully at him, smiling, "Night duty is a must; it's the main duty of the dormitory teacher. Other tasks are secondary. But don't worry, you'll have two days off every Friday and Saturday, someone will replace you then, so don't worry. But on normal working days, you must be present."


"What do you mean? Is it very difficult?" Lin Yu detected something behind Liu Daxi's words.


"It's not that difficult. However, the situation in Building 4 is a bit special. But for talents like you, it shouldn't be a problem." Liu Daxi said cheerfully.


"What's the problem?" Liu Daxi's words aroused Lin Yu's curiosity.


"Nothing, you'll know once you're there." Liu Daxi smiled, not willing to disclose anything. It left Lin Yu quite irritated; he really wanted to punch that oily face of Liu Daxi and then use any means necessary to extract information.


But he thought better of it; he had just arrived, and he didn't want to start a fight with his immediate superior, right?


He shouldered his bag and was about to leave when he suddenly remembered a question, "Director Liu, isn't our school a girls' high school? Why are there male students here?" He finally asked


 the question that had puzzled him for two days.