
Chapter 75: Escalating Negative Impressions

"Please help my father with his illness. Lin Yu has studied medicine, especially excelling in traditional Chinese acupuncture. Let him treat my father's illness. Given the current situation, if there's a chance of improvement, we must explore it. Even if the treatment fails, it won't worsen the condition. We must try every possible method." Zhang Xinran directed Lin Yu to support her father's upper body while mentioning this amidst the process of unbuttoning his shirt.


Zhang Yunjie, with his right arm raised, uttered incomprehensible sounds, lost in the limitations of his language function. Speaking too quickly or inattentively rendered his speech incomprehensible to anyone.


"Absurd!" Li Qiuli's face darkened as she gently pushed her daughter's hand away, glaring at her while sitting on the bed, resisting her daughter's attempt to undress Zhang Yunjie.


Lin Yu, who was busy unpacking the acupuncture kit onto a nearby cabinet, paused in surprise, not entirely grasping the situation.


"Why cause such a commotion again? Mom, Lin Yu's medical expertise is genuinely impressive," Zhang Xinran was getting anxious, fearing that her mother's obstruction might deter Lin, the great healer, from treating her father. Her tone was becoming slightly forceful.


Li Qiuli, hearing her daughter talk like this in front of her 'boyfriend,' felt a mix of anger and sorrow. "Alright, Xinran, speaking to me in this manner in front of your 'boyfriend,' using your father as a bridge and a bond between you both, acting so boldly, is unbecoming of a young lady..."


Her heart felt bitter, especially with her prolonged illness and emotional instability. Upon hearing this, her eyes reddened. "Xinran, do you think your behavior is right?"


"What's wrong with me? I'm trying to help my dad. I'm..." Zhang Xinran rolled her eyes, feeling that her mother was being unreasonable today. She couldn't comprehend why her mother was making such a fuss.


"Alright, let's not talk about it anymore, Mom. It was just to please you by getting a medical consultation. Let's not distress Dad any further. He's unwell, and we don't want to worsen his condition. If you want a consultation, let me go first. Traditional Chinese acupuncture is miraculous. It's said to cure various illnesses. Young man, come and give me a look." Li Qiuli wiped her eyes in frustration, speaking in a mocking tone, mixed with a hint of disdain.


Lin Yu, sensing the situation, decided not to address Zhang Xinran's mother's earlier comment.


"Well," Li Qiuli nodded faintly, her tone indifferent. However, her mind was shaking, "This young man seems pretentious. Clearly, he and Xinran have resolved this issue a long time ago, yet he is feigning ignorance and speaking such meaningless words, pretending to possess extraordinary medical skills. Ah, the young generation now, they've reached this level but are still so unreliable. What is it that attracts Xinran to him?"


Zhang Xinran's eyes lit up with joy. "Yes, yes, my mother has had rheumatism for twenty years. How amazing you are to deduce that. I admire you more and more!"


Watching her ecstatic daughter, Li Tieli shook her head helplessly. "She's told him everything, yet he's feigning ignorance to impress her. Xinran, do you think I don't see through your intentions? You're trying to create a good impression. You're still too naive, acting overly dramatic."


Zhang Xinran stuck her tongue out behind her mother and said nothing more, quickly ensuring her father was comfortable in bed while watching Lin Yu prepare to use acupuncture.


"Young man, come and examine me. Show me your medical skills," Li Qiuli, feeling somewhat disgruntled, sneered slightly, her tone tinged with a hint of disdain.


"Alright, no problem." Lin Yu smiled and covered his eyes with a handkerchief.


"Lin Yu, what are you doing?" Zhang Xinran asked, puzzled, while Li Qiuli was equally bewildered.


"I'm treating the illness. Xinran, would you mind helping your aunt take off her top? I'm going to apply acupuncture on her back." Lin Yu smiled and walked behind Li Qiuli. He covered his eyes to avoid any awkwardness in case Li removed her clothes. After all, he was a grown man and wanted to maintain a sense of decorum.


"Wait, you can do acupuncture with your eyes closed?" Zhang Xinran widened her eyes in disbelief, while Li Qiuli was growing increasingly puzzled.


Li Qiuli paused for a moment, her brows furrowing tighter. "This young man is too ostentatious. He's pretending and showing off with his eyes shut, acting like a cheat. He's a fraud. Deceiving a young girl is one thing, but deceiving me? You're too inexperienced. Fine, I'll expose this scam. I won't let Xinran fall for someone like you. Otherwise, she'll be deceived by you for a lifetime."


With that in mind, Li Qiuli huffed and began to remove her clothes, assisted by Zhang Xinran.