
Chapter 17: A Discussion

Turning to the middle-aged man with a faint smile, "If you genuinely believe in me, then let me take a look. After all, qualifications are not crucial; what matters is not misdiagnosing your condition with inappropriate medication."


His words garnered immense favor from Lin Yu nearby. As the ancient adage goes, a physician has a heart like a parent. This esteemed professor seemed to embody a sincere dedication to serving the people, ready to alleviate ailments wherever he went.


The middle-aged man, upon hearing the girl's words, expressed surprise in his eyes. He sized up Professor Fan and appeared somewhat incredulous. However, shortly afterward, his expression softened, and his tone became more respectful, "So, you're Professor Fan Zhengping. I apologize for my lack of manners earlier. I've heard of your illustrious reputation. You're one of the most authoritative traditional Chinese medical scholars in our Chu Nan province and a prominent member of the Provincial Specialized Medical Team. It's an honor to meet you." He extended his hand to shake Professor Fan's, expressing his respect.


"Ah? Could it be that you're also part of the healthcare system? Otherwise, how would you have such knowledge about me?" Professor Fan raised his slightly whitening eyebrows in surprise. Unless one was within the industry or a significant figure within it, they wouldn't know his name.


The middle-aged man merely chuckled, offering no further explanation. He extended his hand for a handshake. "Professor Fan, as the saying goes, a physician's heart is akin to a parent's. Since I've encountered you today, please help me with this ailment. Since last night, it has been a struggle for me. Suddenly, my eyes swelled and hurt so much I can hardly open them. A friend mentioned acute conjunctivitis, so please examine me again."


Professor Fan nodded, taking a small cloth bag and resting it against the back of the man's left wrist. He placed three fingers on the pulse point and, composed and focused, began diagnosing the condition. Afterward, he inspected the man's tongue coating, gently smelling his breath.


After a while, he nodded, "Sir, your condition is indeed as I suspected earlier. It's not acute conjunctivitis but rather a result of liver fire rising."


Lin Yu subtly nodded nearby. That's right; this old physician hit the nail on the head. He indeed had a deep understanding.


"Eyes red, mouth dry and bitter, pulse rapid and forceful, these are symptoms of liver fire. However, as long as you avoid indiscriminate use of medication, it's not a significant issue. If you have the time for dietary supplements, purchase some roasted cassia seeds from the supermarket. Brew two spoonfuls daily in hot water for three to four days, and your eyes will no longer be red. If you desire quicker results, consider drinking wild chrysanthemum tea. But do not opt for Hangzhou white chrysanthemum tea; that variety treats liver deficiency fire and is too mild to be effective. Wild chrysanthemum, although bitter and unpleasant, is superior in efficacy. The choice is yours. You seem to be involved in administrative management work and are likely quite busy. Your swollen eyes may hinder your work. Additionally, you can accompany these remedies with some Gentiana Liver-Calming Pills for faster and better results. In essence, it's not a serious issue; don't worry. However, stop using Chloramphenicol eye drops; they are ineffective and can damage the eyes if used extensively." Professor Fan explained while preparing the prescription.


However, upon hearing this, Lin Yu furrowed his brow slightly, shaking his head gently. No, something was amiss. Though this old doctor's diagnosis of liver fire rising wasn't wrong, based on his insight, the middle-aged man before him was evidently suffering from a combination of liver deficiency and excess fire. There was a coexistence of both types of fire, not just a simple case of liver excess fire.


Diagnosing liver fire was simple to discuss but challenging to ascertain. Even seasoned doctors could find it challenging. Especially the distinction between excess and deficiency fire was often blurred due to similar symptoms. Moreover, this man's primary condition was deficiency with an accompanying excess, making it even more challenging to judge.


At first glance, the patient appeared to have red, swollen, teary eyes, seeming painful. However, it wasn't pain but a gritty sensation. Yet, at times, the sensation of grit and pain could be similar. Coupled with discrepancies in the patient's description and the similarity in symptom manifestations, confusion was easy.


For instance, the man before him was primarily suffering from liver deficiency leading to the above symptoms. However, due to expression and sensation issues, even the judgment of Professor Fan Zhengping had been misled. Of course, Lin Yu's clear perception was due to his cultivation method.


In terms of clinical experience, ten of him couldn't match Professor Fan Zhengping. 


Treating liver fire wasn't much of a problem even if the treatment wasn't entirely accurate. But the prescription provided by Professor Fan had a problem. Both wild chrysanthemum and Gentiana Liver-Calming Pills were potent medicines, akin to tiger and wolf drugs. If wrongly administered, instead of treating the symptoms, there was a risk of worsening the liver fire, disrupting internal balance, and causing unforeseen complications.


This esteemed professor was generous and indeed skilled in his practice. But if he made a minor error in judgment, especially in front of a healthcare system head, the matter might affect his reputation. For such a respected expert who cherished his reputation, it would be a significant blow. Moreover, there was no need to stumble over this minor issue.


After some hesitation, Lin Yu ultimately decided to intervene, simultaneously assisting both individuals. While he wasn't obligated to practice medicine or seek medical renown, deep down, he was a decent person. Ignoring such a situation would leave a slight unease within him.


"Excuse me, sir," Lin Yu approached


 and gently placed his hand over Professor Fan's prescription, smiling slightly.


"Hmm? What is it?" Professor Fan Zhengping, wearing his reading glasses while writing the prescription, was slightly displeased that someone interrupted his thoughts without warning. However, he was exceptionally composed and didn't show any displeasure, asking gently, "Young man, what is it? If it's about medical concerns, please wait. Let me finish this prescription first."


"No, it's not medical. I wish to discuss a matter with you," Lin Yu smiled calmly, exhibiting an aura that momentarily surprised Professor Fan Zhengping. He felt this ragged young man had something distinctive about him. Although Lin Yu's approach was somewhat abrupt, the middle-aged man nearby frowned. Yet, Professor Fan Zhengping gestured to continue, "Please, go ahead."