
The strongest outlaw

A seventeen year old high school boy named enzo Williams who loves playing video games and loves watching anime. When suddenly one day he got got in to trouble by helping another schoolmate being bullied and because he sense of rightousness het got himself into a big problem when the bully pull a knife out of pocket he was stabbed with a knife into his neck stomach he was left alone bleeding to death as his tells himself that "being good is Bad and being bad is Good". As he wakes up into a magical western steam punked world where magic and technology is one he decided to become a "Magic Slinger". A magic slinger is the one who uses guns and magic. Because of this he can use all affinity in elemental magic and a special affinity and a unique ability. An affinity in shadow and a Unique ability called "Limit Breaker" allows the user to extend his limits and increase his reaction and reflexes 10X faster than a normal human but the guild rejected him because people think his using some kind of illusion to fool them and enter the guild then he promise to all the person on the guild "I'll be back and all of you will know my name as the Strongest Outlaw"

Common_isekai_mc · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

In the middle of nowhere

as he found himself in the middle of nowhere he was wondering what happen to him he wound is gone and he stands up and started to walked the vast desert.

He walked for hours and he saw nothing but sand after sand because of his thirst he movements suddenly became slower and slower until he fell unconscious.

Until man bearded wearing a dusty shirt and a jumper riding his wagon found him lying on the ground the man stop his wagon ang picks him up the man puts him in the back of his wagon and lays him dowm cover with a blanket.

The man said "What is this boy doing in the middle of nowhere. He must be lost" after a hours enzo wakes up as he open his eyes he see the roof of the wagon then he sits down seeing the man.

"Excuse me kind sir where am i? and who are you?" the turn his back and greets enzo "My name is buck. Good morning or should i say Good after noon?" as the man asked enzo .

"How about you young man what your name you look like a your're not from here" the man asked from out of nowhere. "aahh my name my name is..um...enzo yes im not from here im a traveller" as enzo replied then enzo asked another question.

"if this is to much to ask but where are we?"

buck answered "Were going to a small town in the edge of the desert called the town of the outskirts"

Enzo was curios about the world so he asked some more question to buck and buck answered all of the answered so when enzo heard that magic exist in that world he was so excited.

As an Otaku its one of his dream to be summoned in another world and to build his harem.

so when they arrived at town the town was filled with silence only a few people was there. "The town of outskirts is a town that the goverment never acknowledge this is the lawless part of the country" as buck said enzo already noticed that town is full of criminals and outlaws

as they entered to the hall of bounty enzo curiosity runs again and ask buck about his job buck answered "Im a scavenger i search for lost item and sell it" enzo wanted to be a magic slinger so he could use guns and magic

so he went to the counter to register so he his magic affinity and it said he can wield every magical affinity along with a unique magical affinity called shadow manipulation

thr woman in the counter and everybody was laughing they thought the magic tester is broken they laugh and laugh the old man siting beside him said "hahaha...kid...huhuhu...hahaha..."

they continued to laughed buck told him to leave this place grab a the steam powered bike at the small garage

There a brand new magic testing circle there enzo tells everyone that he'll be back and will know the name enzo the "Stongest Outlaw"