

Ten hours after I crowned as Demon Emperor, this is the first time, the adventurers broke my palace, it might be more appropriate I force them to come here by placing GATE in one of beginner village at Asia Continent.

"Wow...Look..look It demon race. It rare monster!"

"I.. I can't appraise his level, it a boss, it's this fucking village boss monster.. hahaha!!"

"Other players are currently undergoing quests from NPC to level up like an idiot, but our luck good today. hahaha we owe you, Haru-san"

"Hahaha, it lucky it lucky!"


In front of me there are five adventure or more accurately recognized as Otherworlder, two humans and the rest of the elves, seeing from their happy reaction this is their first time.

"Welcome to my palace..."

"Shut up!! Lowly demon"

"Ehh Kat-chan, why do not you give a chance for him to finished speak?"

"He will speak the same thing like welcome to my palace, I kill you, you die hahaha and like that. there is no point or benefit, it basic program!"

"Okay, Formation A, get ready"

The leader of the party level is also quite high compared to others, level 1 though. They started doing the formation, a tanker in front as vanguard, thieves, and swordsman in the middle while rear two elves for buff and support, they were an experienced in a party battle.

"... attack !!"


Two minutes later...

"Ah, I give up!!"


Although they have the experience in party battle or monster hunting the end still the same, they still can not hurt me who is Demon King, for me, they like a mosquito.

"Time to die hahaha. I.."


Mosquito flies around my head and landing as a flight on my forehead, it's bothered me.

So I tried to kill a mosquito by slapping my forehead with my hand.



In the real world.

After lunch, Sakazuki quickly walked to the office after receiving a call from his men.

Sakazuki is a calm person and often called a monk, but now his face is very clear panic.

He received a call about the problems that were happening to the most important project more important than his life and death.

If this project succeeds and satisfies his boss, his dream of marrying his boss's daughter becomes reality.

He is trusted by his future father-in-law as lead developer for second visual reality game project.

using the map and data from the first Visual reality game, The Earth, it was created by his teacher, professor Hayabusa. But after two months The Earth launched her suicide dead, whipping unknown suicide, then the case was closed.

Her fiancé family is the richest family in the world, spending half of their property purchasing data and copyright of The Earth and paying for dozens of top game developers and programmers to create a new visual reality, The Earth 2: Fantasy World.

At the office, Sakazaki discusses how to solve the problems faced with developers and programmers. The problem they faced, the demon king who was among the last boss was killed, The Earth 2 just launched 12 hours ago.

"What we have to do chief!"

"This Fucker Trump Demon has its own program, we can not turn it back alive, to delete, it takes at least three months to avoid affecting the old program"

"Why professor Hayabusa created this character with having own program! cache and data so fucking big!!"

"Chief, I think we better transfer this data!"

"You mean?"

"Transfer this data to non-essential characters!!"

"Good idea, with this we do not have to stop this game for three months and the achievement and good name Kanzaki Family does not scratched"

"We will all die if this project is not running smoothly"

"So, we used David idea!!"