
Am I gonna become a delinquent?

Seeing the school gate is already on the front I entered school. There were a lot of students going in and out. it's still 7:40 AM maybe that's why.

Soon I continued walking to get to my classroom but some people block my way.

3 persons were blocking my way. The two just have normal-sized bodies but the one in the middle. He's tall almost as tall as me.

He's a delinquent in the upper grades Controlling the 10th-grade students.

His name is Leo and the other two are Jacob and Josh's, twin brothers.

Looking him in the eye I asked. "Is there a problem? " Without fear, I glared at him.

Seeing his reaction he seems to be intimidated by my glare but he still said.

"You're becoming a nuisance, How dare you make the 8th grades not pay the toll."

There was one time when I always stayed silent someone took me for a pushover since I don't bully anyone. And that's the delinquent controlling 8th grade. They're scared of me because of my big build but since I don't bully anyone they took me for granted.

They asked for a toll but since I didn't give them any they tried to fight me but I won easily. Since then the 8th grade doesn't give any toll anymore.

I replied, "Is that my problem?" with a fearless face.

Seeing my reaction he couldn't help but tried to punch me in the face.

I looked at his fist and it's really slow. Perhaps this is because my perception is really high.

I catch his fist with my hands easily with no effort.

Looking at Leo's surprised face he suddenly became angry and look at me in the face.

I thought maybe I can try it on him. "Let's try to use Aura Pressure on him."

Just as he looked at me in the eyes I activated Aura Pressure.

The atmosphere seems to become heavier.

The other people looking at us couldn't help but feel the pressure. Though I only intended to use it on Leo because my Aura is already quite strong they could feel some of the leaks from my aura.

The other people may only feel uneasy but to Leo who is my main target felt the whole pressure coming from me.

Leo began to tremble and felt like it's the end of the world for him. He falls to his butt and he looks like he pissed in his uniform the other students won't be able to notice this but because of my heightened senses, I could clearly see the small water drops in his uniform. I stopped Aura Pressure and look at him in the eye again.

Though I didn't use my skill anymore best still trembling in fear. That must have left an emotional trauma in him.

I said to him " I don't care what you do but if you ever messed with me again you'll experience something much worse than this.

The twin brothers who are with him tried to refute but Leo stopped them.

"That's all," I said and continued walking to the classroom.

Soon the news spread to the whole school.

"Kim Vencio of the 8th grade beat Leo of 10th grade easily which made him tremble and fall to his butt."

In the class, my classmates look at me with fear, some with respect, and some others I don't even know.

I could clearly hear their whispers. " Was the news true? Is that really Kim that we know? What are we gonna do what if he collects toll from us?

Some who knew who I really am thought that this was for good and they knew I'm gonna protect this class from other delinquents.

Soon the teacher arrived and she looked at me with curiosity, After a while class started.

She started writing questions on the board.

The questions on the board I couldn't solve it even if I'm given time if it was before but now the answer is already in my head just after reading the question once.

Having high perception and intelligence really helps in class a lot.

The teacher looked at me then smiled. Mr. Vencio please answer the questions on the board.

Hearing the teacher called me I stood up and walk to the board.

My classmates then started whispering again.

Not minding them I continued.

She gave me a chalk and smiled. I started writing the answers and just after a few, I'm done.

The teacher looks at me and said " Aren't you gonna double-check if your answers are right?"

Looking at her expression I smiled and said " That's my final answer ma'am maybe YOU should check it first.

Some of my classmates were whispering once again saying It's impossible for me to answer that questions since it's not even lessoned on us.

The teacher looks at me with a fond expression then she looks at the board.

Just as she was about to refute she was surprised about what she saw.

All my answers are correct.

She looks at me with a surprised expression and made me answer a few questions again but each time I answered them correctly.

She stared at me with shock and didn't notice the time. The next subject teacher was here already.

She fixed her composure and said her goodbye.

The teacher that has just arrived just like the teacher earlier made me answer the questions. Just like before the teacher was surprised.

This continued till all classes ended.

Since it's time to go home I quickly pack my things and got outside of the classroom.

Just as I got outside There were already some delinquents waiting for me.

"Looks like this is gonna be troublesome," I thought to myself. Now I'm gonna become a delinquent as well and the other delinquents are gonna challenge me after this.

"Am I really go on a become a delinquent?"

Well, what's done is done let's just finished quickly so I could go to work.

-Current Status

Name: Kim

Age: 15

Health: 100/100 - Rank F

Energy: 300/300 Rank E-

Strength: 18 - Rank F-

Speed: 16 - Rank F-

Endurance: 18 - Rank F-

Intelligence: 57 - Rank F+

Perception 62 - Rank F+

Charisma - Rank - G+

Luck - Rank - B

Overall Battle Power: 571 Rank - E

Free stat points 105

Normal people is 5



Aura Pressure


Heightened Senses, Mix Martial Arts, Basic Magic, Millennium old wisdom.

In the system, things are graded from Respectively G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, X, XX, XXX

With 2 Subgrades - and +.

Supreme Points:21,000

Money In-system: $101,000


I wrote this because I'm bored and English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if there are some errors there.

Please tell me any suggestions if you can!

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