
The Strongest Monarch In The Apocalypse Academy

He found himself in a void, a completely white space. He couldn't remember anything, nor could see in this void. He was alone for an unknown time. Until... He saw projections of an individual's life who was called the Strongest Monarch. An individual who had the same features as his. But before he could confirm his identity, an unexpected event happened. He finally managed to leave the white void. But.... He woke up as a baby! Yes, a baby! Furthermore, the moment he was about to be born, he received memories, past life memories to be more exact. And according to them, he was in a world named Aevoria. What's more, Aevoria, unfortunately, was about to face a terrible disaster - An Apocalypse. And this would be the third Apocalypse that Aevoria would face. And the chances of survival were close to zero... Yet, the inhabitants knew nothing about it... Yet... There was a only vague prophecy about this upcoming doom. And a chosen one who would rise to stop it. There were three popular and powerful academies in this world, 'Chaos Academy', 'Origin Academy', and finally, the first ever built academy - 'Apocalypse Academy'. Previous Samiel's reason to change is laid within the Apocalypse Academy together with secrets of the third apocalypse. Samiel had many memories with the Academy. However, were they happy or sad? Or the other? Why was his memories from the time he graduated from the academy erased? He still has many things to discover about this world, his true identity, and the Apocalypse. Most of all... He would aim to become the strongest Monarch in the Academy, in the world! After all, in front of absolute power, everything is insignificant. But... Can he do it? However, there is another twist in this. He isn't the chosen one nor the hero who was mentioned in the ancient prophecy, and he also... ____________ More tags --> #fantasy; #rebirth; #mystery; #cultivation; #harem; #op; #war; #fantasy_romance #rare_bloodline; #universal_system; #mythical_races; #dragons; #demons #academy #beasttaming; #familiars; #dungeons; #abyss; #comedy; #dark; #world_building Note: The cover is mine. The image was created using AI. ____________ New Discord Link -> https://discord.com/invite/DGYD5Qqx ____________ Check out my other novels: 1) "Master of The Universe" Link -> https://www.webnovel.com/book/master-of-the-universe_24149943205315805### 2) "Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra" Link -> https://www.webnovel.com/book/aetheric-chronicles-reborn-as-an-extra_28412960808733105

Peace_in_Chaos · Fantasy
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207 Chs

Awakening of the Monarch

Everything around me was as white as pure ice, a blank canvas of nothingness. I couldn't see myself in this expanse, and time seemed elusive, slipping through my grasp like the forgotten memories that eluded my consciousness.

It seems I also forgot how or why I appeared here...

Did I die, or was this some deep slumber that enveloped me?

Stop for a moment!

I halted my thoughts, trying to grasp the fundamental question: Who am I? What am I?


Hmmm, why can't I remember anything?


Well, let's stop thinking about these. I will figure it out later, probably...

Dismissing these musings, I focused on the immediate task at hand – finding a way out of this enigmatic white space.

But is there even a way for me?

The passage of time was ambiguous, but a lingering boredom settled in. It felt like I had the power to create worlds, yet I was confined to a cage of nothingness.

I can't do anything to pass the time either...



What is this sound?

Huh? What are these? Pictures?

Or videos? Wait, what is a video?

Urghh... Why I can't still remember?


I can see myself now. Are these my, eh, arms, yes, arms and legs and my favorite clothes? How do I know these are my favorite clothes?

They are just dark blue pants, a robe and what was this, yeah, and a white shirt.

I think it is due to why I am wearing them right now, in this space. Fortunately, it's not white anymore.

Though these projections are everywhere I look.

These projections show a certain person's life. That person fought a lot of times. But he seems annoyed to fight or maybe he finds it a bother by looking at his expression. Every day a lot of figures challenge him.

I would find it like that too if I were in his shoes. I can hear them saying 'Hey, Monarch. I challenge you for the title, 'The Strongest Monarch'!' or 'I came to take revenge!' or other annoying declarations. Cringe as well.

However, it looks like he is really the 'Strongest Monarch' in that world or universe, I think... Because he totally lives up to his title. He is strong, super strong. Anyone can figure this out after watching him fighting for a while.

He burned some demon who called himself the "Strongest Demon King Of Hell" to a crisp. Although that demon could use a flame that he called Hellfire, in front of Monarch's two-colored strange flame, it was nothing but a weak fire.

Furthermore, he even beat up a terrifyingly huge golden dragon that called himself "The Dragon Emperor". Then the dragon formed a familiar contract with the Monarch saying this was his defeat therefore he had to do it as a loser. But I know there was something fishy here...

But after that incident, The Monarch appointed the "Dragon Emperor" as his replacement after teaching him a few tricks. Well, it could be said, that the golden dragon was the strongest after him.

Wait a moment!

A new scene is beginning...

I wish there were 'Popcorns' and 'Cola' right now. Probably, I canʼt still imagine what they are...

It frustrates me... When you say something's name but don't know what it is and can't imagine it, everyone would be like me...

Suddenly, the Monarch announced to all the challengers, inhabitants, or 'enemies?' that came to 'kill' or challenge him. He said that he won't be accepting any challenges or duels, and he is going to seclusion for hundreds of years for a breakthrough. (He is the strongest person, why bother going to seclusion? I think he lied there.)

And the scene ended...

The Monarch entered a majestic garden. This garden was truly beautiful and magnificent. There were a lot of flowers that I didn't know of, but these flowers filled the garden with their color, scent, and beauty.

The Monarch came upon a bed, wait, a bed?

It seems he wants to sleep. Huh? He changed his clothes. Wait! These clothes look familiar. Dark blue robe, white shirt, and... I canʼt see his lower body. But his tastes are certainly similar to mine.

He then sat on the bed and lay down. He closed his eyes. It seems I'm correct, he was gonna sleeping. This is not a seclusion or preparation to break through!

Wait! I see now! He has trousers too, and they are dark blue too. Who would wear them while sleeping? Wait, these clothes are the same as mine.

Don't tell me...?!

I'm him, or he is me?!

This answers my initial questions like 'Who am I' and 'Why am I here'.

"I, The Strongest Monarch will wake up after 100 years. And the world will be..."

Wait, who is speaking so loudly?

But his voice seems familiar... This is... my voice!

Yes, this is my voice! So I really am 'The Monarch'...


What... What happened?

Why did it go dark? Who switched off the lights? (?)

Huh, at least white was lighter before, now this space is totally in a pitch-black color. Hmmm...

Do I need to wait for 100 years to get out of this place, assuming what 'The Moarch' said earlier?

I look like I can wait though.

Being alone doesn't sound bad to me, and I have already gotten used to it.

Is this perhaps my real personality?

Hmmm... There is a light, but it's bright...

Wait! I feel something... Someone or something is pulling my legs, why though?


Who is this?

Whose memories are these?

Arghh... It is painful but not that much...

Hah, finally it ended...

These memories are-wait, Hmmm... I can feel my body... Wait... I CAN feel my body?

Finally... the pulling also ended...

Does that mean I'm waking up?

I need to open my eyes. Urgh...

I opened my eyes and looked upward.

But who is this 'face'? Urgh... My vision is a little blurry.

Who is this lady?

Why is she looking at me with a gentle yet tired gaze?

She is a beautiful certainly beautiful... But I think I have seen this face somewhere...

"Look, Dear! He opened his eyes."

Who is speaking? 

More importantly, did I not wake up?

I need to ask them.

"Waaahhh!! Waaahhh!!" (Who are you?)

Why did my voice sound like, like... like... a baby?


A baby?

Am I a baby?

"Look, he is saying something, Thank God, he is ok..."

I am hearing another male voice.

If I am the baby, then... This man must be my father and the woman must be my mother, right?

"What name will we give him, Dear?"

My 'mother' asked what name I should have been given.

My 'father' lifted me in his arms.

What is my name, I am waiting for it...

"His name will be Samiel, Samiel Kaius!"

Samiel is a good name, though it seems a bit familiar...

Wait, is this name that 'name'?

Isn't this that boy's name, whose memories I received earlier?

Samiel Kaius...

Yes, I remember... I have seen these two faces, my 'mother' and 'father', in those memories. They are the boy's father and mother. My...

Everything now makes sense...

It seems I came back in time but somehow my memories were erased, moreover, I seem to have two identities...

The Monarch or Samiel? Who exactly am I? Or are we both the same person?

I think I will find out this in the future...


Ah! Who kissed me? Mom!

I am a grown young man, ok!

I... My eyelids... I am... gonna... fall... asleep...

______ ____ ___

"Dear! He fell asleep!" Samiel's mom muttered while holding the newborn baby in her hands.

"Yes, you need to rest as well." Samiel's father spoke as he gently looked at his wife.

"Take care of them with the utmost care!" Then he ordered the maids to look after the mother and child.

"Thanks, dear..."

After a few minutes passed the mother also fell asleep, she had a hard time so she was exasperated...

"My Lord, we will look after them. You can leave and rest." The supposedly head of the maids spoke to the father.

"Ok... Call me immediately if something happens." He spoke again and slowly left the room.

______ ____ ___ _ _ _ _

Hello, this is my second book.

You can read the other two as well. (You can find them in my profile.)

I hope you will support the story and recommend it to other fellow readers.

Entry for the WSA 2023!

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Peace_in_Chaoscreators' thoughts