
The Strongest Master in Shinobi World

Traveled through the world of Naruto and became a Master of many ninjas. The Strongest Master in the World makes his name as a Legend Disclaimer: This is a Translation Story. Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Support me by joining my patr**on. Have 15 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >TSMSW NOVEL TIER Original Title: 从火影开始做师尊最新章节 Author: 脆甜香蕉干 Link: uukanshu.com/b/137828/

Saitama_Blast · Anime & Comics
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279 Chs

Chapter 94: Obito Awakens Sharingan

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"What exactly is your purpose here?"

Genma was still buying time, though he didn't know if reinforcements would come. Nevertheless, every moment delayed offered a glimmer of hope.

"Oh, you seem to understand quite well. In that case, I should give you all a splendid funeral."

Biwa Juzo laughed, and even though there was no hint of killing intent, it sent shivers down the spines of the Konoha group.


"Do you not fear inciting a war between the Fire and Water Nations with your actions?"

Genma asked sternly, but the Seven Ninja Swordsmen only chuckled.

"War? Our mission was to silently infiltrate the Fire Nation. Now that you've discovered us, what can we do to accomplish our mission?"

"Of course, it means dealing with all of you. After all, a successful infiltration is one without any living witnesses."

Fuguki grinned innocently, his voice sending a chill down the spines of the Konoha group.

War—was it about to begin?

Genma knew there was no more time to delay. He turned slightly and spoke quietly to the lower-ranking ninjas behind him:

"I'll try to hold them off. Take this chance to escape. Remember, don't look back, just run."

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen understood Genma's intentions. However, escaping from the Seven Ninja Swordsmen? Was that even possible?

With a contemptuous laugh, Fuguki was about to speak but was stopped by Jinin Akebino.

"Don't play around anymore. We have other tasks. Quickly deal with these Leaf ninjas."


Fuguki clicked his tongue but refrained from starting a fight. If Fuguki had the upper hand, he would surely have taught Jinin a lesson.


Seeing the Seven Ninja Swordsmen about to attack, Genma shouted and charged towards them.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique!"

As Genma charged forward, the Phoenix Sage Fire Technique was unleashed instantly. 

Genma knew more powerful jutsu, but among those he knew, this one had the greatest potential to affect multiple opponents simultaneously.

He understood that this technique wouldn't harm the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but if it could delay their movements for even a second, it would provide a slight chance for the Leaf ninjas to escape.

In the next moment, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen effortlessly dispersed Genma's Phoenix Sage Fire Technique.

Watching Genma, who recklessly rushed toward them, Kushimaru Kuriarare cruelly chuckled. 

The long sword, Senbon, shot toward Genma as if it were a silver needle, guided by an invisible thread, directly went to pierce him.

Genma, who had been promoted to a jōnin just a year ago, stood no chance against the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Despite using all his strength, he barely managed to block Senbon. As he watched the deflected Senbon, Genma felt a momentary relief.

However, in the next instant, his pupils rapidly contracted, and a mouthful of blood sprayed from his mouth.

Under the control of Kushimaru, after being deflected, Senbon was guided from behind Genma directly into his heart.

The location was precise – his heart.

It happened in the blink of an eye. From the moment Genma charged out, only a few seconds had passed. In other words, Konoha's jōnin, Genma, was swiftly killed by Kushimaru.

For Obito, Kurenai, Guy, Ebisu, and Genma, who had been instructed to escape by Jounin Genma, there was not even enough time to react.

(T/N: Don't be confused.. There is 2 Genma here, 1 Jounin 1 Genin)

In the span of a second, Genma, who had just been yelling for them to flee, collapsed before their eyes. His heart continued to bleed, leaving Obito stunned.

This was the first time he witnessed a comrade die in front of him, sacrificing himself to allow others to escape.

This moment, which already placed great importance on comrades for Obito, couldn't help but bring tears to his eyes. 

At this moment, he even forgot his predicament, and his pupils were rapidly contracting.

Slowly, as Genma collapsed completely, Obito's pupils turned blood red, and within each pupil, a tomoe was rotating frantically.

Yes, Obito awakened the Sharingan. Although it wasn't the dual tomoe awakening as in the original, it happened several years earlier than in the original.

However, this wasn't what he wanted. With the awakened Sharingan, he could easily observe that Genma's eyes had lost their luster.

Moreover, those lifeless eyes were fixed on their direction, as if confirming whether they had escaped or not.

Previously, Obito dreamed of awakening the Sharingan, but when it happened, there wasn't a moment more uncomfortable than now. 

He wished Genma, with his gentle personality, was just pretending to be dead. Even if he couldn't awaken the Sharingan, that would have been better!


"Kushimaru, you've gone too far! Such a good toy, you dare to snatch it away from me. Do you want to die?"

Raiga, glared at Kushimaru as if he would attack at any moment. Not only he, but the others also looked displeased with Kushimaru.

At this moment, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were bickering among themselves due to Kushimaru Kuriarare using the advantage of the ninja sword to kill Genma first.

This thoroughly angered Obito. The anger in his mind had made him unable to calm down.

"You guys, that's enough!!!"

With Obito's shout, everyone's gaze turned towards him.

Looking at the single tomoe Sharingan in Obito's eyes, the people from Konoha were surprised, but they had no thoughts of congratulations. 

After all, everyone might die here.

However, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were different. Seeing that Obito still had the Sharingan, they were overjoyed. 

Bringing back this Sharingan would be a significant achievement for them.

"Hehe, didn't expect to encounter an awakened Sharingan from the Uchiha clan here. What an unexpected joy."

Fuguki stared at Obito's eyes, greedily saying. Among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, he was the one most eager to achieve merit. 

With some credit, the day he could become the next Mizukage wouldn't be far off.

Despite Fuguki's unattractive appearance, he had beautiful ambitions. 

Even if his strength wasn't up to par, he believed he could make up for it with intelligence!

<End Chapter>

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