
The Strongest Master in Shinobi World (COMPLETED)

Traveled through the world of Naruto and became a Master of many ninjas. The Strongest Master in the World makes his name as a Legend Disclaimer: This is a Translation Story. Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Support me by joining my patr**on. Have 15 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >TSMSW NOVEL TIER Original Title: 从火影开始做师尊最新章节 Author: 脆甜香蕉干 Link: uukanshu.com/b/137828/

Saitama_Blast · Anime & Comics
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296 Chs

Chapter 253: Ten Tails Resurrection

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Giving up is easy, but stubborn perseverance is more eye-catching. Indeed, just when everyone was mocking the boy, space slowly began to distort. 

The next moment, a teenager wearing a deep blue ninja uniform appeared in the same spot.

The glaring Sharingan in his eyes and the emblem on his back all proved that he was from the Uchiha clan. 

Yes, the newcomer was none other than Obito Uchiha. Since the beginning of the exam, Obito had been secretly observing all the candidates.

To prevent talented individuals from being eliminated due to insufficient strength, Asahi had several disciples secretly observing. 

Whenever a promising candidate was eliminated, they would intervene and bring them back to the clan. 

Asahi wanted elite disciples, not just powerful underlings. So, young talents like this were Asahi's first choice. 

With Obito's appearance, everyone looked at him in astonishment. Not everyone recognized Obito; at the moment, no one knew who he was. 

Seeing Obito suddenly appear, some thought he was a powerful ninja participating in the exam with them.

At this moment, everyone's hearts became lively. 

If they could curry favor with him, there seemed to be some hope! Instantly, everyone began shouting loudly towards Obito. 

Offers of money, pity, gratitude, and even promises of favors, various voices reached Obito's ears. Obito became a little impatient and rubbed his ears. 

He had experienced this kind of thing many times before. 

At first, he had the patience to explain, but after seeing through these people, Obito didn't even have the thought of explaining anymore. 

Because no matter what he said, the people below just wouldn't believe him and kept trying to bribe him.

Obito was baffled; why would they openly bribe the "examiner" like this? 

Moreover, if he accepted, wouldn't Asahi tear him apart? So, ignoring those who wanted to take the crooked path, Obito glanced at the unconscious boy.

The next moment, he appeared directly next to the boy, grabbed him, and the two of them disappeared on the spot. 

Everyone looked dumbfounded at everything, some not understanding Obito's actions. At this point, Isana had already emerged from the sea.

Seeing Isana, many people were asking about what just happened, but Isana was ruthless, not saying a word, and immediately took action. 

Another group of failures was sent away, and Isana didn't even look back, preparing for the next assault. 

It was as if in a cycle, everyone was experiencing test after test. 

Some people were eliminated, some broke through the assault, and a very small number of individuals, due to outstanding performance, were granted the employee passage. 

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. 

Within the Ogami Clan HQ, Asahi slowly opened his eyes, rubbing his chin as he looked at the Outer Path Demonic Statue before him.

Nagato, possessing the Rinnegan, was sitting beside him, quietly sensing the Demonic Statue. 

This was Asahi's request, as Nagato would be the best candidate to control the Ten-Tails in the future after Asahi's departure. 

There was no other reason than the innate mysterious connection between the Rinnegan and the Demonic Statue.

It took Asahi nearly a month to fully understand the connection between the two. 

The relationship between them had touched upon the fundamental laws of the shinobi world. So, even Asahi had spent so much time on it.

In simple terms, it was because the God Tree had absorbed a large amount of the world's source energy, resulting in it possessing the inherent characteristics of this world. 

Naturally, the fruits borne by the God Tree were also the same.

As the offspring born from Kaguya, who had consumed the fruit of the God Tree, under the influence of these characteristics, it would lead to the transformation of the Byakugan into the Rinnegan, a mutation. 

Of course, if similar situations occurred in other worlds, it was also possible to give birth to the Rinnegan.

However, due to the different characteristics of each world, even if it was the same mutation, the core would be different. 

Of course, as Nagato, the subject of Asahi's research, had been with Asahi for almost a month, always by his side.

Rubbing his chin, Asahi suddenly had a whimsical thought. 

Since the God Tree could influence the Byakugan and cause it to mutate into the Rinnegan, then, could the Tenseigan, as an advanced form of the Byakugan, also emerge under these circumstances? 

However, with no research subjects at the moment, Asahi had no way to verify his thoughts.

Once everything was over, he would go to the moon to see if there was any connection between the Tenseigan and the God Tree. 

Asahi glanced at the sky; although it was still daytime, he could still sense the presence of the moon. 

Shaking his head, he temporarily put this idea aside, and Asahi awakened Nagato from his meditative state.

The Tailed Beast chakra had been collected, and it was time to summon the Ten-Tails. 

Under Nagato's expectant gaze, Asahi directly extracted the Tailed Beast chakra collected by the people from the seal. 

The immense chakra fluctuations immediately caught the attention of all living beings in the North Pole.

A month ago, there was a fluctuation in chakra waves like this. So, they all knew that Asahi was preparing to begin the Ten-Tails' synthesis. 

At this time, the Three-Tails, Isobu, lying next to the Ogami Island, also emerged from the sea. 

Over such a long time, Isobu had also figured out that although the people in Ogami were all powerful, not a single one of them cared about it.

Since that was the case, it might as well settle down peacefully in Ogami. Although it disliked the seawater somewhat, it was still bearable. 

As for having a portion of its original chakra extracted, so what? Did it affect its sleep? 

Compared to that tanuki that was sealed immediately after having its original chakra extracted, it was much luckier.

Isobu emerged on the sea surface at this moment purely because the Ten-Tails was about to revive, which made it a little nervous. 

As for Asahi, all his attention was currently drawn to the task at hand, without paying any attention to anything else. 

Without hesitation, after releasing the tailed beast chakra, Asahi directly infused them into the Demonic Statue.

As the tailed beast chakra was absorbed, the Demonic Statue gradually emitted terrifying chakra fluctuations. 

The nine tightly closed eyes on its torso slowly opened. As all nine eyes fully opened, a roar erupted from the mouth of the Demonic Statue.

At the same time, the appearance of the Demonic Statue also quickly changed. 

The nine eyes instantly merged into one, and a Rinnegan with nine tomoe emerged from the body of the Demonic Statue. 

At the same time, the body of the Demonic Statue quickly elongated and extended, and ten tails also sprouted from its back.

Seeing the Ten-Tails, which instantly surpassed a hundred meters in size, and feeling the terrifying pressure, all the creatures in the North Pole shivered in unison. Of course, Asahi was not among them.

<End Chapter>

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