
The Strongest Master in Shinobi World

Traveled through the world of Naruto and became a Master of many ninjas. The Strongest Master in the World makes his name as a Legend Disclaimer: This is a Translation Story. Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Support me by joining my patr**on. Have 15 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >TSMSW NOVEL TIER Original Title: 从火影开始做师尊最新章节 Author: 脆甜香蕉干 Link: uukanshu.com/b/137828/

Saitama_Blast · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Chapter 245: 3 Years

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Having completed its task, Isana leisurely roamed around. It occasionally appeared outside human gathering places, eagerly observing human behavior. 

Initially, Isana's behavior frightened humans. Many even gave up the opportunity to join Ogami Clan and returned to their hometowns. 

However, as time passed, people gradually got used to Isana's presence. Some even pondered how to gain Isana's favor. 

Being the guardian beast sounded quite prestigious. Just by earning Isana's favor, their chances of success would greatly increase. 

Even if that didn't work, they could just set sail a few days early. Unfortunately, no matter what they did, Isana ignored them. 

Although Isana was naive, at its level of power, it could discern the sincerity of people's hearts.

Although Isana didn't understand why they wanted to please it, it had no interest in their complicated thoughts. 

Those people felt quite helpless about this. No matter how hard they tried, Isana wouldn't respond.


Soon, two months had passed. Initially, everyone thought today would be like any other day. 

But as noon approached, a golden flash suddenly appeared in the distance. Those who noticed became instantly serious. They knew a true powerhouse had arrived.

Although many ninjas arrived daily during this time, everyone understood that they were just some genin to chunin level ninjas. 

They didn't count as true powerhouses. But today was different. Just from the terrifying speed, it was clear this wasn't an ordinary person.

Sure enough, in the next moment, a figure emitting golden light appeared in everyone's sight. 

The next moment, the golden light dissipated, revealing a red-haired woman standing near the coastline. 

Although she was just a woman, her formidable power made no one dare to approach her.

Yes, she was none other than the contemporary Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, Kushina Uzumaki. 

As the Nine-Tails mode faded, Kushina took out a special kunai from her ninja tool pouch. 

After infusing some chakra into the kunai, the surrounding space suddenly underwent abnormal fluctuations.

The next moment, two figures appeared instantly in the original spot. The iconic Kage robe of Konoha was worn by a young man with yellow hair. 

That young man had one hand resting on an even younger person who possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan. The arrivals were Minato Namikaze and Obito Uchiha.

(A/N: Why Public know Obito possessed Mangekyo, due to him use it's power publicly like paragraph below)

As the two appeared, even before the crowd could be surprised, there was another abnormal spatial fluctuation in the air. 

As the Mangekyo Sharingan in Obito's eyes slowly rotated, a pitch-black spatial passage appeared. 

This time, even more people arrived. Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai, and a seven-year-old child walked out one after another.

Now, these individuals were the top combat forces in the ninja world. Judging solely by appearance, hardly anyone would recognize them. 

But the Kage's robe and the Uchiha clan's Sharingan were iconic items in the ninja world. There was no shortage of ninjas among the crowd.

They might not be powerful, but they had heard of these iconic items. So, with the appearance of these individuals, the crowd erupted in astonished cries. 

"The Kage!! And an Uchiha! How is this possible?!"

"The Kage? Which Kage?" 

"The young man wearing the robe, that robe is exclusive to the Kage. Ordinary folks wouldn't dare to wear it." 

"I've heard rumors about a very young Kage from Konoha, and today, we finally get to see him." 

"He's the Hokage of Konoha!! Even the Hokage has come, no wonder Uchiha sent someone."

The clamor of the crowd naturally reached the ears of the Konoha group. However, they paid it no mind. 

Glancing around at the noisy environment, Minato turned to Obito and asked, "Did Shisui mention when he would arrive?" 

At Minato's question, Obito rolled his eyes in exasperation. Already almost as tall as Minato, Obito shrugged helplessly and said, 

"Forget about it. He didn't say anything. Ever since Shisui left on his journey a year ago, there have been very few messages from him." 

"If it wasn't almost time for our master's request, he probably wouldn't have bothered to send word to me."

"The only news he gave me a few days ago was to bring Itachi along, he didn't say anything else." 

The child who came with them was none other than the famous Itachi Uchiha. Mentioned by Obito, Itachi shyly rubbed the back of his head. 

Although hailed as one of the most talented Uchiha after Obito and Shisui, compared to this already renowned ninja, he only had the title of a genius. 

Moreover, with the presence of Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of Konoha, here, Obito's popularity is not so high.

After speaking, Obito helplessly rubbed his forehead and continued, "I think, Shisui didn't go on a journey, he went to find Yugito." 

"What kind of journey would a brat like him go on? Other then pursue his love one"

"Senpai Kushina, you shouldn't allow him to go back then if know he is late like this. Am I right, Rin?" As he spoke, Obito touched Rin's palm.

After the Three-Tails incident, the relationship between Obito and Rin had become close. The two had become the first in the new generation of Konoha to start dating. 

Although Shisui and Yugito hadn't made their relationship public yet, everyone here was well aware of their feelings for each other.

Seeing Obito fretting like an elder over a junior, Rin couldn't help but chuckle. Wasn't it obvious that Shisui's love life was much smoother than his? 

Men were indeed petty creatures. Minato could only look at Obito helplessly, choosing not to engage with him.

Obito wasn't actually petty; he was just trying to lighten the mood, so he didn't mind. 

Instead, Might Guy, who was doing handstands nearby, immediately jumped up and gave Obito a thumbs-up. 

Flashing a toothy grin, "Obito, you're absolutely right! Youth should be all about constant training your youth!" 

Seeing Guy's passionate youthfulness, everyone couldn't help but sweatdrop. Even after all these years, they still couldn't get used to it. 

They all turned their heads away simultaneously, refusing to look at Guy's antics.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Guy scratched his head awkwardly. Did he say something wrong again?

<End Chapter>

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