
The Strongest Master in Shinobi World

Traveled through the world of Naruto and became a Master of many ninjas. The Strongest Master in the World makes his name as a Legend Disclaimer: This is a Translation Story. Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Support me by joining my patr**on. Have 15 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >TSMSW NOVEL TIER Original Title: 从火影开始做师尊最新章节 Author: 脆甜香蕉干 Link: uukanshu.com/b/137828/

Saitama_Blast · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 113: Sakumo Ogami, Code Name: Byakko

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After contemplating for a moment, Asahi finally made up his mind. After all, becoming the Master of Ogami Clan, he had to consider the development of the Clan.

Currently, the members of the Ogami were all his disciples, except for himself. It was indeed time to find some assistants, at least so that he wouldn't have to handle everything personally in the future.

Not only would this elevate the status, but more importantly, it would save him a lot of trouble.

"Now that Konoha has gathered information about me, you should be aware that I am the Ogami Clan Master."

"If you want to follow me, then joining the Ogami Clan is the only way. After this, there is no turning back."

Asahi said seriously to Sakumo. Sakumo also nodded solemnly, without hesitation, he answered:

"I understand. From today onwards, there is no longer Sakumo Hatake in this world, only Ogami Sakumo."

Sakumo Hatake or now Sakumo Ogami then directly knelt on the ground, expressing his allegiance to Asahi. Seeing this, Asahi didn't hesitate any more and spoke directly:

"Very well, from today onwards, you are part of my Clan. Just stay by my side on regular days and help me deal with unnecessary troubles. Also, when needed, act as the guardian for my disciples."

"I will also teach you the Clan's training methods to further enhance your strength."

"However, since Konoha's White Fang is considered dead, I assume you wouldn't want Konoha to know you are still alive."

"So, how about this? From today onwards, I'll call you Byakko the White Tiger as a code name in public."

"Additionally, I have a mask I bought earlier; you can wear it to conceal your appearance. It will save you from the trouble of maintaining the Transformation Jutsu constantly."

Saying this, Asahi directly took out a white-faced mask from his sleeve. Hearing Asahi's words, Sakumo Hatake was also quite satisfied.

Asahi had thought of everything he could think of. Although Sakumo was a bit surprised by Asahi's use of space ninjutsu, he didn't show it.

"Thank you, Master. From today onwards, I am Byakko of the Ogami Clan."

Sakumo Hatake, as he spoke, donned the mask on his face and lowered his head, signifying his acceptance. One couldn't deny that the title of "Byakko" was quite fitting.

Not to mention, Sakumo's white hair, coupled with the white-faced mask, truly embodied the essence of the White Tiger title.

"Rise, I will impart to you the training methods of our Clan. I believe that after you learn them, your strength will make significant progress."

Asahi helped Sakumo up, and his words deepened Sakumo admiration. It was worth noting that Sakumo hadn't become Asahi's disciple; he had merely joined the Ogami Clan. Yet, Asahi trusted him to this extent!

In a world where even rogue ninjas could betray villages, both villages and organizations typically imposed an observation period on newcomers.

Take Konoha, for instance. If a powerful stranger joined, Konoha would welcome them, but they wouldn't readily teach them any crucial ninjutsu. There would inevitably be an observation period.

What about Asahi? He not only welcomed Sakumo but also imparted advanced training techniques right after his initiation.

This type of training method, which could enhance his strength further, was undoubtedly a closely guarded secret.

As for whether this training method could truly elevate his strength, Sakumo had no doubts. If Asahi said so, there was no need to question it.

Sakumo was not indecisive. Upon hearing Asahi's words, he did not decline.

This was the purpose of his journey, and from this moment on, he completely accepted Asahi and the Ogami Clan.

"Yes, Master."

Asahi was unaware of the internal changes in Sakumo at that moment; he simply recognized Sakumo character.

"Relax your mind, don't resist. I will impart the training method of Secret Art through genjutsu."

Asahi spoke to Sakumo, refraining from taking immediate action, unlike before. After all, Sakumo was not an ordinary Genin like Shisui and others.

Being the White Fang of Konoha, he was at the pinnacle in terms of strength and willpower. Additionally, Asahi was dealing with a Shadow Clone; in case it accidentally broke free, it would be quite awkward.


Sakumo replied briskly without much thought. Seeing this, Asahi cast the Kyoka Suigetsu directly, imparting the complete version of the Secret Art to Sakumo Hatake.

He did not intend to teach Sakumo Hatake other techniques. As Sakumo Hatake had come this far, his path was already clear. All that remained was for him to proceed slowly.

At this moment, Sakumo Hatake, who had received the complete version of the secret art, was thoroughly astonished. 

This time, it was not just about space-time ninjutsu; even the more mysterious Sage Mode had made an appearance.

While the basics of space-time ninjutsu were recorded in sealing techniques, what about Sage Mode?

Moreover, based on what Asahi had imparted, this training technique was not merely about enhancing one's own strength.

Once mastered, the most challenging Bloodline Limit ninja in the world would completely lose their ground against him. After all, there's always a jutsu suitable for... ahem, countering your Bloodline Limit.

More importantly, although Sage Mode was mysterious, as the head of the Hatake clan, he had heard about it.

Even the First Hokage, known as the God of Shinobi, experienced a significant power boost after using Sage Mode.

This was enough to demonstrate the immense power of Sage Mode. Sakumo Hatake had considered learning Sage Mode before, but he couldn't find any methods for training in it.

Helplessly, he had given up. Little did he know that the Ogami's training technique was, in fact, the path to mastering Sage Mode.

"Master, this..."

Even though Sakumo Hatake was mentally resilient, receiving such an inheritance suddenly was somewhat overwhelming.

Seeing this, Asahi waved his hand. "Just practice diligently. The stronger you become, the more troubles you can help me solve."

"Also, whether you call me Master or Lord, it's up to you. But don't combine them. Phrases like 'Lord Master' sound strange."

At this moment, even a seasoned ninja like Sakumo harbored thoughts of devotion to Asahi and the Ogami Clan.

"Yes, Master."

Sakumo only replied and silently stood behind Asahi, expressing his gratitude through actions.

Asahi was pleased with the outcome, feeling that his efforts had not been in vain. The two walked together, resembling a master strolling out with his bodyguard.

<End Chapter>

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