
The Strongest Master in Shinobi World

Traveled through the world of Naruto and became a Master of many ninjas. The Strongest Master in the World makes his name as a Legend Disclaimer: This is a Translation Story. Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Support me by joining my patr**on. Have 15 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >TSMSW NOVEL TIER Original Title: 从火影开始做师尊最新章节 Author: 脆甜香蕉干 Link: uukanshu.com/b/137828/

Saitama_Blast · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 101: Tobi the innocent White Zetsu

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As Asahi left, gradually, just a few hundred meters away from where Asahi and the others had been, a figure emerged from the ground. 

It was a peculiar black and white-colored body with distinct colors separating in the middle, Zetsu, the manipulator of the ninja world.

"Hehe, do you think Nagato's master still the same from four years ago? We almost got caught just by observing for a while."

A voice emanated from Zetsu's mouth, and the slightly innocent tone revealed the speaker to be White Zetsu/Tobi, one of the personalities within Zetsu.

As Tobi speaking, Black Zetsu fell into an eerie silence.

Asahi was a mysterious person. In just over four years, he had grown into such a formidable existence.

Black Zetsu could affirm that he was a variable. However, it seemed like there was nothing he could do about it. After all, his combat power was still too weak.

Considering Asahi's prowess, with his sharp perception just now, the difficulty seemed overwhelmingly high.

And as for Madara, he was just too old, and his combat power had degraded significantly.

If he forcefully intervened, he might end up in a miserable state, and he certainly wouldn't be a match for Asahi.

Hopefully, this person wouldn't interfere with his plans.

If he had known the result would be like this, he would have killed him four years ago to eliminate any variables.

"Indeed. This guy is a big variable. He might affect the master's plans. Let's quickly go back and report to the master, see what arrangements the master has."

A deep voice resonated from Zetsu, and this time, it was Black Zetsu speaking.

"Well, you say that Lord Madara is powerful, but is he more formidable than Nagato's master? Oh, but more than that, I'm curious about what the different between them."

Tobi's somewhat innocent voice rang out again, but the content of his words always seemed a bit unserious.

"Hehe, although master Madara is invincible, he is getting old after all."

Black Zetsu stared in the direction where Asahi disappeared, sighing. If Madara was still young, Asahi would definitely not be his match.

Black Zetsu deeply believed in this, after all, Madara was the reincarnation of Indra!

"Well... Is that so? In other words, Lord Madara can't beat Nagato's master. That's quite a big piece of news."

Tobi exclaimed in surprise, completely disregarding whether the information was unfavorable to their side.

Black Zetsu felt quite frustrated. It seemed that the minds of White Zetsu, even the one with the highest intelligence, he still in a stupid category.

But for the sake of resurrecting Mother, he had to endure it!

"Stop the nonsense, hurry back. Master Madara is getting impatient."

"Alright, fine. After finally coming out, I was hoping to try if a change of environment could help me poop."

(T/N: Yes it's not an Error Translation, this frkng Tobi really desperately want to know what it feel like to poop)

As the voice gradually faded, Zetsu's entire body submerged into the ground, swiftly moving towards Madara's underground base.


In the pitch-black cave, droplets of water occasionally dripped down, creating a damp environment that made people reluctant to linger.

However, in such bleak surroundings, a terrifying statue stood silently.

Several tubes were connected, leading to the old man sitting on a chair in front of the statue.


Hearing a sound, Madara, who had tightly closed his eyes, slowly opened them.

The crimson Sharingan, with three tomoe, gazed in the direction of the entrance.

With the footsteps approaching, the separated figures of Black Zetsu and White Zetsu Tobi slowly appeared in Madara's field of vision.

"Have you investigated it? What is that horrifying chakra disturbance?"

Looking at the two strange creatures before him, Madara calmly inquired.

"Master, it's a forbidden jutsu used by a Konoha ninja. After using it, the entire body emits red steam, and its power is exceptionally terrifying."

Black Zetsu, standing in front of Madara, answered honestly, completely embodying the role of Madara's will.

"Hmm? A forbidden jutsu, red steam. Is the person dead? Such a terrifying forbidden jutsu must have significant side effects."

Though phrased as a question, Madara's words carried a sense of certainty.

"Not yet."

Black Zetsu shook his head, leaving Madara momentarily puzzled by his response.

"How is that possible? Someone surviving the use of such a high-level forbidden jutsu? Could it be a member of the Uchiha clan?" Madara questioned in confusion. 

Faced with this situation, his first thought was of the Izanagi, a technique he had once used himself.

"Master, he is not a member of the Uchiha clan." Black Zetsu directly refuted Madara's assumption and continued to explain 

"Here's the situation: the person who used the forbidden jutsu was indeed supposed to die, but he was saved by someone else."

"Hmm? Who has such ability? Tsunade, that little girl?" Madara questioned in perplexity.

Without hesitation, Black Zetsu disclosed the truth.

"No, Master, you know this person. It's Nagato's master, Asahi. He is quite powerful now, easily killing the Seven Ninja Swordsmen Fuguki, the holder of Samehada. Moreover, he almost detected our presence."

Upon hearing this, Madara was left baffled.

Asahi was just a chunin level before, right? How did he grow to this extent in just four years? He and Hashirama didn't grow this quickly back then, did they?

"Could he affect our plan?"

After the initial confusion, Madara quickly accepted the reality and inquired with a somewhat sinister tone.

"I'm not sure. Based on the current information, we cannot determine Asahi's true intentions," Black Zetsu replied, expressing his own concerns about the matter.

"Can we eliminate him?"

Madara asked again, and this time, even before Black Zetsu could respond, Tobi, who had been waiting to vent, interjected:

"Oh, Madara-sama, please don't daydream. Black Zetsu already said it; you're old now, definitely not a match for that... uh.... yes! that Asahi."

At this moment, not only did Madara's face turn dark, but even Black Zetsu, this shady character, felt that his complexion had darkened a bit.

'When did I ever say such a thing? Can you refrain from exaggerating before conveying thoughts? What if Madara thinks I have ulterior motives?'

Black Zetsu's inner thoughts were filled with crazy complaints. Why did he end up with such a stupid teammate? 

If only he hadn't accepted Tobi's words earlier, he wouldn't be in this predicament now.

<End Chapter>

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