
The Strongest Man in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Follow the history of the strongest man in a post-apocalypse world Mutated Beast Zombies Fantasy Creatures Where killing, stealing, raping and anything posible for survival Tags: Apocalypsy, R-18, accion, Games-element, romance, horror, harem, fantasy, zombies, mutated animals, magic.

NobleNovelist · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Day Before Doomsday


A man sleeping suddenly wake up, holding his head because of a acute headache. Not long after, he faints.

Few hours later, he woke up, hearing someone knocking the door. "Wake up, Ye Yuan" said a feminine voice several times.He realized that 'Shit, I forgot that I have a date with Xi Shuang'.

Walking towards the door he gulped and his heart was beating crazily, fearing what will come after when his girlfriend enter.

In the moment the door opened, a enraged girl enter and babbling to the fearful Ye Yuan. "Ye Yuan, I have been waiting a long time, and you keep getting late to our dates" said Xi Shuang this time hitting him. "Sorry, when a woke up, suddenly I got a painful headache and fainted" retorted Ye Yuan, but after that she said "Don't go looking for me anymore" and slammed the door while she are leaving.

Ye Yuan tried to said something but only "b-b-but" sounds could be heard.


While Ye Yuan was taking a shower, he keeps thinking about Xi Shuang, and he feel guilty for her.

After the shower he was in front a mirror seeing his own reflection thinking 'How could she dump me when I'm this handsome?'. Keeping away his foolish thoughts in his fantasies. He keep seeing his reflection, a tall, average, but masculine face and a muscular body, 'sigh...' he feel like crying, but no tears fell.

After dressing himself he thought about the cause of this 'Fuck, if I have not a sudden acute headache that cause me to faint this will not have happened'. Focusing his mind to feel if he has headaches he saw a screen

| Status Screen |

°Strength: 8 ( 3 point above average), 10 points is the limit of human body.

°Stamina: 7 ( Can run a small marathon)

°Agility: 8 ( Faster than a majority of peoples) Insufficient Stamina to keep it up.

°Endurance: 6 ( Can keep little damage) Have a weak defense, high level can keep you immune to poison or paralysis

°Wisdom: 5 ( Average, not a wise man)

°Intelligence: 4 ( Brute, a dumb and silly man) need to acquire knowledge to increase the stats points

| Skills |

°Post-Apocalypse System ( A system to help you get stronger and be the ruler in the apocalypse)

| Missions |

°Prepare for the apocalypse ( 1~5 points, depends on how you perform)

°Sex with a woman ( 3 points for every time you had sex)

°Kill a zombie ( 3 points)

°Kill a human ( 5 points)

'What the heck, where do this come from?' thinking for a while 'What? An apocalypse???'. In panic he began to think, but he immediately rushed out to prepare.

This history will have various gramatical errors, because i'm not a genius.

I'm not very good writing about female characters, because I'm a man, and I don't talk much with girls :'(

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