
The Otherworlders' First Skirmish, Part 4: Teamwork

The battle has started.

Each of the class members immediately charged towards the enemy.

"Leah, Edna, others too, fire!" Mari commanded the rear guards while looking at the charging members at a distance.

"""Here we go!!!""" They shouted.

Several types of magic are being fired from their position, aimed at the bulk of the demonkin army. Fire burned their skin, ice chilled them to their core, and lightning pierced through their armor. Arrows rained also upon them, leaving them no margin to dodge and protect themselves.

""It hit!!!"" Leah and Edna shouted as they hold hands and facing each other while jumping merrily.

"Not yet! Don't get carried away!" Mari scolded the two.

"Uhh...sorry Mari. Hehehe."

"Sorry too, Mama Mari."

Mari cramped her cheeks when she heard that annoying nickname from Edna. She wanted to retort back but now is not the time for that.

Meanwhile, all charging members closed their distance with the enemy forces. It was a reckless charge, actually, that they went head-on against an enemy with overwhelming odds, but seeing that everyone's already devoted to fight for survival, no one would complain of their action.

"Take this, you bastards!"

"We'll send you straight to hell!"

The delinquent duo Ike and Mark covered their fists with fire and ice and started punching through the enemy ranks.

The duo stalled an advance on the left flank, making way for their classmates on the right side to priorities enemies there.

"Time to burn enemies to a crisp! [Burning Soul]!"

Ike used his fire magic to form a scorching aura around himself, causing the air temperature to gradually rise within the vicinity. At first the demons felt only a slight heat, but as time pass the surroundings started to resemble hell, as they started to get immolated while in their armor. The result, ashes of demons piled up around him.

"Hey, Mark! How's on your side, eh?" He shouted at his friend.

"Shut up! I'll show you something more spectacular using water!" Mark replied angrily.

With his magic, Mark concentrated water vapor, even the moisture found in soil, overhead him.

"Hold 'em up for a bit", Mark requested. "This'll take long, but I'll definitely show that your power is nothing once I released mine!" He boasted.

Ike only grinned at his friend's statement. With his fire magic, he diverted all demons' attention unto himself, thus creating space for Mark to complete his magic.

"How long until you finish that?" Ike asked while busily burning the demons one by one.

"Almost done", Mark replied.

The water above Mark has already formed into a huge volume at a faster rate thanks to the increase in air temperature caused by Ike's ability. Mark then finally gave Ike the signal to fall back and began releasing his stored wrath.

"Ike! This is it!-- O great Water Spirit, ravage my enemies, [Water Surge]!"

At that instant the great volume of water finally burst and flooded where the demons stood. With his hand Mark guided where the water flow, making sure to drown every demon within range.

"Pfft, not bad." Ike remarked, though his face showed a bit of disappointment.

"You're just jealous", Mark retorted.

On the other side of the battlefield most of the class helped each other in defeating the demons.

"James! On your left!"

Kai warned his friend about an attack coming from the left side.

"Wooooooaaaah! Too close!" James shouted in surprise.

James landed a swift uppercut to the demon after dodging. His attack fully dented the demon's armor, as if it was only made of tin.

"Karen! I'll cover you! Please heal Ivan over there!" Kai said while battling against another group of demons.

"Nn. I'll be in your care." Karen said while nodding.

Their classmate Ivan is currently facing against ten demons at once. As a [Weapon Specialist], he can have the advantage over large numbers depending on the situation but currently he has a wound on his left shoulder and leg, hindering his movement.

"Ivan!" Kai attacked the demons surrounding him to give Karen time to heal Ivan's injuries.

"Holy light, wrap upon this injured body and bless with your healing light! [Heal]!"

Warm light wrapped Ivan, causing his bleeding to stop and his wounds to close.

"Gee, thanks Karen, and sorry for bothering you. You're kind as always." Ivan said while smiling wryly.

Karen only smiled a little to his words.

{Kai! Can you hear me? Enemies are launching arrows from the sky!}

Meanwhile, Mari warned Kai about the arrows seen by Eina using the [Telepathy] of Violet while placing themselves far away from the battlefield.

"Understood. Everyone, watch out for arrows!" Kai relayed the message to his classmates.

"It's okay, I got this! Eyyy!"

Iza formed barriers above the heads of her classmates, causing all arrows to just bounce off them and fall to the ground.

"Muuuuu...the barrier's still small, but a lot of mana is used..." Iza said while sulking due to disappointment.

"No, it's okay. Thanks a lot." Kai said to Iza.

"He he. I'm a [Defender] after all." Iza said while doing a cute pose on the battlefield.

"Yuki, need help over here! I'm low on mana! I can't hold my dragon form any longer!" Drake shouted while blocking an attack with his arm that grew dragon scales.

Yuki, responded quickly to his request.

"Okay, here we go...wha--!"

As she was readying her mana replenishing spell, a small demon drew its blade to cut her, but Rin blocked the attack.

"What the hell. This is more troublesome than expected." Rin said in a displeased manner as she cut the demon into two with her katana.

"Rin! Thanks! Okay, Drake! [Mana Well]!"

Yuki who is a [Mana Controller] used a spell to replenish Drake's mana.

"All right!--Come at me you uglies! [Dragon Breath]!"

Drake lets out a scorching current of flame toward his enemies. The demons burned and burned till ashes are left.

"Aaahhh. How's that?" He said while laughing.

"Um...Rin, should we get going?" Yuki asked Rin.

"Un. Let's go, Yuki, Drake."

As the battle continued, Kai and the others attacked while being supported by Karen and Yuki and the rear guards from the distance.

{Help! They're attacking us!} Mari shouted through Violet's telepathy.

On the rear side of the battlefield, the demons, seeing that they are in a pinch on the front lines, decided to take advantage of the defensless rear, where Mari and all of the non-fighting crew were. The rear fighters, consisting of long-rage mages and marksmen, tried to shatter the demon's advance, but they too struggled with the number of enemies they had to defeat.

"Iza!" Kai shouted.

"I got it! [Barrier]!" Iza nodded.

The arrows and magic aimed at the back are blocked by the barriers.

"I will take care of the rear!" James shouted as he alone ran towards the back line.

{Mari, are you guys okay?} Iza spoke to Mari with constant worry for her friend.

{Y-yeah. Your ability is reliable.}

{Hehehe...I will leave some barriers to protect you guys, so don't worry about surprise attacks.}

The two girls send their messages through the telepathy.

{Thanks. We'll manage to continue giving orders from here.} Mari said.

{Nn. Take care.}

As Iza return to the middle of the battlefield, she felt the ground trembled.

"W-What is this? What's happening?!"

She looked at far away, and saw something strange.

{Everyone be careful! A behemoth is coming towards us! Height about 30 meters!}

Mari warned again her classmates.


The behemoth rushed as the whole class screamed in surprise.