
The Strongest Hokage (edited)

The Gura Gura no Mi is known as the strongest fruit in the world of one piece. In Naruto world, the Kekkei Genkai would grant the strongest power for those ninja. But what if The Gura Fura no Mi is found in the world of Naruto And after it is eaten it will be like a Kekkei Genkai power. Well the Mc just took that Fruit. This story begin before the second Ninja war by two years. * Warning * I only bring this novel for people to enjoy it, if you want you can support me through patreon. Original author: https://my.qidian.com/author/8011607 This is my patreon:: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I do not own the copyright, and all rights to the novel are owned by its author. I only translate it to make it easier for people to read..*

inferno303 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 15: The Reverse Hachimon Tonko (Edited)

Naito looked helplessly at Kushina, because he knew her good will.

Finally, he explained everything to her, but she wouldn't listen to him.

After all, Naito didn't listen to her advice either, in the end, he got angry and ran away.

With a small bitter smile on his face, Naito stood helplessly as he watched Kushina storm off.

He calmed his thoughts a little.

After washing up, Naito got dressed and walked towards the door.

He suddenly felt that there was no need to go to the Ninja Academy.

In three months, he would have to fight Uchiha Samui in a life and death battle. Those three months should be devoted to training. Going to the Ninja Academy is a complete waste of time.

After some reflection, Naito was ready to take a long vacation.

However, there is a problem, and that problem was Nakamoto, I'm afraid taking this vacation won't be easy.

When he thought about it, Naito was a bit depressed, he can't skip without asking permission, he has to inform the Ninja Academy that he won't be going to class.

At the Ninja Academy, students were acting strangely when passing by him.

Of course, the reason behind those strange actions was obvious.

He walked toward the teacher's lounge to look for Nakamoto.

Naito did not take permission and entered.

Coincidentally, they ran into each other when Nakamoto was about to leave the teacher's lounge.

"Naito?", When Nakamoto saw Naito, his expression was completely different from before.

There was no contempt or disgust, just complicated feelings.

Naito was very surprised with Nakamoto's attitude. He should have been severely punished for Uchiha Izumi's injury in training, but now he didn't show any expression of resentment?

Although it was strange, Naito didn't think much of it and directly asked for three months off.

After saying that, Naito didn't care about his answer, he made up his mind that he wouldn't come anymore.

But what Naito didn't expect was that Nakamoto patted him on the shoulder with sentimentality and directly agreed.

'Did he agree?!', Naito's expression was full of disbelief.

Immediately after, he heard Nakamoto vent and speak to himself, "My friend died on a mission in your small town, that's why I've always been hostile to you, but you're a tough guy, If only you were born in Konoha..."

Having said that, Nakamoto's voice stopped abruptly, he sighed again, patted Naito's shoulder and walked past him, "Just have fun in these three months, don't worry."

Naito stared at Nakamoto as he walked out of the teacher's lounge, 'Why is this phrase so familiar!'

Then he suddenly remembered, Isn't that the same thing the Anbu said?

Naito was so angry.

'So they think I can't win!?'

Walking out of the teacher's room angrily, he left.

Leaving the Ninja Academy, Naito gradually began to calm down.

Then he lowered his head and began to think.

So he attracted a lot of stares at him.

In fact, he was thinking about the idea he concluded last night.

He won't waste any more time.

As long as he solved some problems, then he would have an 80% chance of successfully developing the Reverse Hachimon Tonko.

The chances of success were already high.

Once he developed this technique, Naito felt that three months would be more than enough to defeat Uchiha Samui.

He got rid of some problems, but several things remained to be solved.

Then he decided to see Might Duy.

Might Duy was still training in the forest, all of Konoha knew about Naito and Uchiha Samui's battle to the death, but he knew nothing about it and greeted Naito with a smile.

Indeed, he couldn't get along with anyone in the village.

Naito was very curious and wanted to ask who Might Guy's mother was.

However, he decided not to waste time, so he directly mentioned the problems.

These few questions made Might Duy reflect as well.

After a while, he answered some of them, but others he could only answer vaguely.

Naito and Might Duy discussed the last question several times before finally arriving at the answer.

The heart was the answer, Naito was so happy that he finally deduced a perfect and clear practice method.

Naito always wanted to find a way to develop that technique.

The Reverse Hachimon Tonko!

This technique will surely surprise many people, but the most surprising thing is Naito's way of thinking and guts!

The heart gives vitality.

By opening it as the last door, of course, it is tantamount to burning the vitality of the body, causing death.

However, if we reverse it and open the first gate, the heart gate first, it will lead to opening every gate of the Hachimon Tonko safely and without side effects, it can even be a permanent Hachimon Tonko!

After Naito deduced the training methods of the Reverse Hachimon Tonko completely, he did not hesitate to tell Might Duy directly and express his thoughts.

"A Reverse Hachimon Tonko!?", The moment Might Duy heard it, he was stunned and couldn't react for a long time.

He wanted to make an objection, but he found... that every point Naito said was perfect.

It seems... really feasible.

Finally, Might Duy decided to support Naito's idea.

Because in his opinion, youth will always find their own way....

Might Duy pointed out some problems and helped Naito to solve them.

At this point, the Reverse Hachimon Tonko Reverse Tonko training method was finally complete!

Naito didn't hesitate and started to try it out directly!

Maito Duy, of course, is ready to provide help if something bad happened.

Might Duy's character makes him a trustworthy person. With him by his side, Naito can also feel completely safe.

First, he made sure his body was in perfect condition, then he began to sit cross-legged.

He cleared his mind of every thought, then entered a state of absolute concentration.

"Starting from the heart...," With a murmur, Naito stretched out his thumb and pressed it gently on his heart.

But it didn't work.

Opening the heart gate as the first gate is completely different from opening it as the eighth gate.

Naito frowned slightly, "This way doesn't work, but there are other ways..."

After that, Naito chose to use chakra to open the heart gate.

Hachimon Tonko, which releases the body's restrictions, actually breaks the body's chakra limiters.

But this chakra will not flow into the body, but will form an aura that strengthens the body.

But controlling chakra is one of the things Naito is not good at.

After much effort, he finally managed to mobilize a small amount of chakra towards the heart gate to make an impact.

However, it was like pushing a tree.

Naito felt that activating the heart gate as the first gate was impossible even for an Anbu!

No wonder that for thousands of years, no reference to Reverse Hachimon Tonko has ever been seen.

Because the difficulty of practicing it is so high, no one could do it successfully.

Naito had such thoughts, but there was a trace of determination in his eyes.

Even if others fail... It didn't mean he couldn't succeed!

After all, he still had the Kekkei Genkai Temblor!

"... Kekkei Genkai Temblor! Break the shackles for me!"