
Chapter 2: Dumbledore

While I was lost in my thoughts the door opened and an old man with a long beard came in. He turned around and stared at me for a long time before he spoke "Hello."

"Umm... Hello"

"Who might you be?"

"What do you mean I'm the Sorting Hat."

"I know the Sorting Hat quite well and you're most definitely not him."

What followed next was silence. I didn't know quite what to say since I liked Dumbledore a bit but only a bit quite a few of his actions made me furious. He was a sneaky bastard but the movies had shown him in such a way that you couldn't hate him but suddenly the doors burst open and Minerva came in.

"Sir James and Lilly Potter have just been attacked by the Dark Forces."


"Yes." came a loud voice from behind. It was Hagrid.

"Let's go what are we waiting for?" shouted Hagrid.

"Wait let me come too!" I exclaimed. I was given a rather strange look by everyone.

"Dumbledore you have to trust me on this one. Please."

He was silent for a while before saying "Very well, let's go."

I immediately hopped onto his head and large number of memories filled me suddenly and we apparated.

We arrived at Harry's house, it was desolated but you could hear a child's crying. We walked in and you could see signs of battle and then appeared the bodies. It changed something in me when I saw one for the first in real life. Something inside of me seemed to have drastically changed. It was then when it hit me I could die here and quite easily at that.

I heard Hagrid whimper at that moment and cry out in a low voice "Lilly, James"

"What do we do with the child?"

"He has to be kept with his nearest relatives. Hagrid the child will be in your safe keeping till we track down his family. Professor McGonagall please track down where his closest relatives are."

"Yes professor." Both of them soon left and I was on Dumbledore's head going through his memories. I realized that even though Dumbledore had learnt occlumency and his guards were up they didn't seem to hinder me.

"So where were we?"

"I'm not the Sorting Hat. I don't know how but I found myself in this hat suddenly and my memories before that are a bit jumbled up but I can say for sure that I bear no ill will. I hope you can do me three favours."

"And what might that be?"

"I want a body which I can control from Hogwarts and I want to join Hogwarts when I'm old enough and lastly I want you to let me be part of Harry's family."

"I can agree to the first two but the last one is something I can't agree to. Harry needs to be kept away from this world till he's ready to."

"Alright what if I don't use any magic when I'm with the family. Look I just want to protect Harry I feel like I at least owe him that." I had seen how the Dursleys had treated Harry and I couldn't allow him to go through that I don't think I could let a child go through all that and I was just saying some random stuff since I knew from Dumbledore's memories that you couldn't read a sentient artifact's memories.

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm not sure but I think had something to do with the Potters and I have now lost those memories now. It's a gut feeling. Also aren't you trusting me quite easily."

"Hmm... very well then. I'll see what I can do and as to your question it's because I don't sense any ill will from you through my magic and if I did I don't think you'd be here. Anyway I don't think I have your name."

"I'm not sure but I think it was Will and that's all I can remember." Wait a second if he can sense ill will would that mean he willingly allowed Quirrel to join the school?

Second Chapter. I'll update when I can please vote for me.

God_Of_Allcreators' thoughts