
The Strongest God Is Now Human?!

After a long war against the humans the gods began to fall one by one, to one man, Shin, The God Killer. He went around slaying every god in sight, until he came across Azir, The God of Combat. After a long battle between the two, Azir fell. "Any last words you weak god?" Shin said to Azir. "Mark my words human! Your victory will not last long! I will return! Stronger than ever!" Azir's words echoed through the entire universe before dying to the hands of The God Killer. [Blip!] [Gods death detected, All requirements are met, Welcome Azir, would you like to start anew?] With his new found system Azir, or, Asune, Now fights to regain his glory and become the strongest being there ever was. "You lack faith." Update Schedule (Subject to change): 2 chapters everyday 1000+ words each

VioletBliss · Fantasy
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21 Chs

School life (6) - Leveled Up

[Hunted: (Only available when HP is 5% or lower) Once this skill is active you can no longer equip a weapon. Instantly release a terrifying aura, range 1km. When enemies are feel your aura, all affected enemies stats are reduced by 25% and they can no longer use any skills, any exp earned from enemy is multiplied 1.5 times, and damage dealt by the player will be doubled, After the skill has ended the player will be stunned for 2.5 seconds, Duration: 15 minutes Cooldown: 5 hours.]

The dust cloud clears and Asune is seen standing, with no weapon. His head dripping with blood and his HP, in critical [1/1300], "It's time to die, fucking bull." Asune said, in a cold tone, his arms limp, determination in his gray eyes. The beast Roars once again and begins charging at Asune, swiping at his head with his axe, Asune effortlessly dodges backwards, as the axe flies over Asune, who has dodged the axe, Asune begins looking at his reflection in the axe,

"Hm, i look pretty scary." He thought before leaning back upright and dashing at the beast looking for a chance to strike.

The beast punches at Asune, only for him to dodge out of the way, the beast's punch to go into the ground, then the beast once again raises his axe for a strike but gets punched in the jaw, his spit flying out of his mouth. The beast stumbles back, dazed and confused on what just happened, "Better recover quick.." Asune said, before punching the beast on the right side of his face, and disappearing again, the beast scans the area looking for him, before getting hit in the back, the beast swings behind him to only hit air, he looks behind him to get hit in the back again, swinging behind him once more to no avail. 

 The beast begins to let out a war cry, "ROA-" "Shut up." The beasts roar is cut off by an uppercut to the jaw. The beast stumbles back, dazed. The beast throws away it's weapon and glares at Asune, now using it's skill {Beasts Rage}, "So you're getting serious too huh? Well then, lets put on a show." Asune said Devilishly smiling. 

"Where is he?" Fred said, "Has it not been two hours?!" He yelled out. "Calm down, There is a 10 minute timer before we can declare you the winner." Asane said. "How much time does he have left?" He asked. "3 minutes." 

Asune gets thrown into a tree, "I don't have much longer, i have to end this fight now." He said, dashing to the beast, the beast quickly punches at Asune, but Asune uses True Essence to buff his fists and clash fists with the beast. "Now's my chance!" He thought, countering the beasts punch, climbing up its arm, the beast tries to shake him away. but he grabs the beasts fur. "2 minutes" Asune thinks. The beast begins punching his own arm to try to strike Asune, but Asune narrowly dodges every punch, before getting thrown in the air once more.

"This is it!" Asune thought in the air, brining his fist back for a punch. 

Asune gathers all of his remaining energy into his fist, and as he descends he uses the kinetic energy to his advantage. "1 minute" Asane said, now counting down. Barrett looks to the forest and sees a bright blue light falling into the forest. Asune falls closer and closer to the beast and the beast winds up a punch and throws it at Asune, Asune, turns his body to the side and dodges his punch mid air,


Asune lets out a scream before throwing his arm forward, creating a blue explosion, with the movie titled "Kinetic Haze" A distant boom can be hear from the forest "I hope he's okay." Barrett thinks.

20... 19... 18.. 17.. "Every second is precious" Asune thought standing on the dead beast's body, 15... Asune begins to dash at full speed, 13... quicker and quicker he begins to sprint at full speed, 10... 9... 8... "I won't make it..!" Asune thought panicking, Suddenly a wood vine grabs his foot and throws him into the air  7... 6... Asune looks back to see the boy with long hair jumping and waving at him, Asune smiles and flies toward the area, "I guess my little brothers a wimp after all.." Asane thought, 3... 2... 1... BOOM! Debris and dust kicks up everywhere everyone shields their eyes from the flying rocks that Asune kicked up, As the smoke clears Asune can be standing upright, staring at the ground

"Start the match.." Asune said in a cold tone.

"Finally, i was beginning to think you were all talk." Fred said, "Shut up and start the match." Asune said coldly. "does a 10 yr old really sound like that..?" Asane Thought, "Now that both parties have arrived the battle between student Asune and student Fred, shall begin!" Asane Stated loudly.

Fred opens his inventory and Asune notices, "Oh? This is interesting.. he's a System user.." Asune thought. Fred grabs a long sword out of his inventory and other students are shocked, "How did he pull a sword from thin air?" "He must be really strong." "Its over for that kid." "Isn't this a one sided beatdown?" Students begin to side with Fred, "No one bets on the underdog" Asune thought. "Haven't any of you heard the story Jake and the Tyrant?1" Fred uses his skill [Pressure] Any enemy within 15 feet of him, feels immense pressure on their entire body and falls to their knees. "Kneel" Fred said, thinking, "Not even a level 50 can withstand this pressure, you're done kid." Fred looks at Asune and notices that he is unfazed, "What's going on? Why isn't he kneeling." Fred thought, "

"I should stand here just a little more, for dramatic effect, the crowd will be confused thinking 'why isn't he moving.' then, ill strike!"

Asune thought, snickering to himself but keeping his head down so no one sees. "You know what, i'm done waiting" Fred said before charging in and swiping his longsword downwards at Asune, Asune looks up fast beginning to react to Fred's sword, but then Asune stops and thinks, 

"Wait.. Isn't he...?"