
The Strongest Emperor : Beyond the Limitless

Satoru Gojo, is a second-year student at Kuoh Academy. Satoru used to be one of the pawns of the Rias Gremory family, but not anymore. After he was betrayed by all his friends, Satoru was determined to become a very strong person in this world. But without Satoru realizing it, his family's blood ties are actually holding a secret. A secret that will make the world crumble just because it wants that power. In the past, the Gojo family was hunted because of its powerful strength. However, in centuries' time, there was only one who would inherit that power. The ancestor of the Gojo family, once inherited that power. Making him a very strong person in this world and making him one of the World Emperors or better known as the Emperor of the World. However, the other Emperors were unhappy that one of the Human races known to be weak, became one of the Emperors. Eventually, they conspired to bring down the Emperor of that weakest race. After the fall of the Gojo ancestors, that absolute power was not passed on to the Gojo family afterwards for centuries. However, for centuries, the power patiently waited for the arrival of the legend who would inherit its power. Is Satoru Gojo the legend that the power has been waiting for centuries? Or is he just one of his family who will never inherit it? Watch Gojo Satoru's journey to become the strongest in the latest fanfic story : ×The Strongest Emperor: Beyond the Limitless× •I don't have any characters in this story, they all belong to the original creators.•

Maulana_Skyiz · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 8 : A Conversation With Two High-Class Devils! The Ties That Have Been Holding Him, Was Now Broken...

Chapter 8.

A Conversation With Two High-Class Devils! The Ties That Have Been Holding Him, Was Now Broken...


Far from the arena of the Rating Game Battle between Rias Gremory and Riser Phenex, there appeared a room that was quite large, the room looked dim, because it was only sourced from light from a few candles that had been lit and placed at several angles. The room looked very quiet and quiet, only two people were seen inhabiting the room, one man, and the other person was a woman.

Among both of them, precisely a man with long blood red hair, was a Demon Nobleman who was so highly respected throughout the Underworld, one of the four Great Devils (Maou) who ruled the Underworld, Sirzechs Lucifer. While beside him, there was a beautiful woman who had long silver hair, with her very mature body, the girl could easily attract love from all men in this world, an upper-class Devil, the Queen of Sirzechs Lucifer, Grayfia Lucifuge.

The two of them seemed to be discussing with each other, after seeing the fierce battle between Rias Gremory and Riser Phenex, however, their attention was not on Rias, but a Pawn who out of nowhere, suddenly appeared and helped the girl to achieve victory. But actually, unknown to anyone in the Underworld, the arrival of the white-haired young man had indeed been planned, to help Rias and her peerage to win, because the young man, possessed a power that could even surpass the power of the four Great Devils even if they united.

The plan was well thought out by Sirzechs Lucifer, with the arrival of the young man, in fact, he was able to reverse the condition of his younger sister who had almost lost, immediately turned into the winner. The extraordinary power that existed in the young man, was a power that had long disappeared from this world, without a trace, countless Devils, Fallen Angels and Heaven Angels, had spent thousands of years trying to find the existence of this power, but during that time, none of them managed to find it, as if the power had indeed completely disappeared from this world.

But on this day, in fact, the power has not completely disappeared, but rather, it has been waiting patiently for the arrival of someone from their family who will inherit the enormity of the power. The invincible power, the power that once shook the entire universe, has now returned, and is ready to shake this entire universe again along with its new heir.

Of course, the information that the mighty power had finally returned, would only invite a catastrophe if it spread in this world, and Sirzechs was fully aware of it. He has no other plans to keep the heir of the power on his side, because his sister has made a very fatal mistake, not only losing a very precious thing, he must also feel very vigilant, because that figure, may come back to avenge what his sister and her peerage did to him.

But fortunately, instead of intending to avenge what his sister had done to him, the heir were came to help his Former Buchou, even though it was his Buchou herself who had changed his entire life, betrayed him and let him to die at the hands of a stray Devil. The young man's heart is very pure and kind, his loyalty is beyond doubt, it's just that, his Buchou has wasted it, this time, he will not be shackled by any restrictions, there will be nothing else to restrain him from doing whatever he want.

"Welcome, Satoru..."

A gentle smile instantly formed on Sirzech's handsome face, when he felt the presence of someone he had been waiting for from the beginning to come and meet him, the long-awaited figure, turned out to be a white-haired young man, handsome faced, with his two eyes that looked so very beautiful. Who else if not, Rias Gremory's Pawn, the Pawn that the girl herself has banished, but now, it is the Pawn she has banished that has come to win her battle, the one who has been chosen to inherit an immense power, Gojo Satoru...

"Sirzech-sama... Thank you for telling me about this all... Now, that perverted young man wouldn't dare even once to touch her with his fucking fingers..." Satoru said with his voice sounding low, the look on his face seemed so very gloomy, staring at Sirzech with an inexplicable look.

"I should be the one who thanked you, Satoru... Thank you for coming and saving my sister, who even I couldn't do. But, it seems, you have something more than just thankful... Isn't it?" Sirzechs said with a gentle smile towards Satoru, he was very grateful to him for coming to save his sister and put aside the bad things that had happened to him.... But it seemed, this time, the white-haired young man had something he wanted to talk to him about... A thing more than just a thank you...

"You are right, Sirzechs-sama... I have something I want to talk to you..." Satoru replied with his face still looking gloomy, saying that he had come here not only to thank him, but also to say something important to the person he had considered his own brother.

"However, before I say that... I don't want anyone to leak this information..." Satoru said, now his voice suddenly turned very cold and intimidating, staring at the figure of the woman beside Sirzech so sharply, as if warning the girl how important the information he was going to talk about with Sirzechs was.

"Don't worry, she will keep all of what you wanna talked about... She is my wife, Grayfia Lucifuge, someone you will trust." Sirzech replied kindly, introducing Grayfia to Satoru because at this time, the white-haired young man still harbored a sense of suspicion towards her.

Understandably, Satoru had never once met Grayfia before, at this time for the first time, he met her, a Devil who is predicted to be the strongest Queen in all of the Underworld.

"Introduce, my name is Grayfia Lucifuge, I am Sirzech-sama's Queen, as well as his wife." Grayfia said politely, introducing herself to Satoru.

"In that case, nice to meet you, Grayfia-san... For me, my name is Gojo Satoru, surely you already know all about me from Sirzech-sama, right?" Satoru replied kindly, his coldness and alertness had changed with just a blink of an eye, a sign that he felt so trusting in Grayfia.

A big smile full of purity and innocence, can be seen directly by Grayfia, making her feel a little overwhelmed by the condition of the white-haired young man, after getting so many incredible injuries on his heart, he can still smile sincerely, as if nothing bad had happened to him just now. If Satoru were him, of course she wouldn't be able to smile like what the young man is now, she would certainly only hold a big grudge against who was already hurt her, however, Satoru is not so... Although everyone had abandoned him and harmed him, he did not even hold the slightest grudge against them.

"I have a lot of trust in both of you, that's why I decided to tell you both... Because, I have no one else but you that I can trust..." Satoru said with great seriousness, staring fiercely at Sirzech and also Grayfia, but from the depths of his two eyes, there was a huge sense of trust, because in this world, there was no one he could trust anymore, other than the two of them.

In order to keep all the information that Satoru said from being leaked and would affect the safety of the white-haired young man, Sirzech installed a barrier magic in the place where they are now, so that, even if it was his own parents, they would not be able to hear all the information that Satoru would give to him.

As an older brother, he will not be able to let his brother's safety be threatened, he will not let anyone know anything about what he and Satoru are going to talk about.

"It's about what happened to me... A few days ago...." Satoru said softly, starting his conversation with the events that had happened to him a few days ago, as well as a subtle satire directed at Sirzech about what his sister had done to him.

"I'm sorry, Satoru... I never thought that Ria-tan could do such a low act to you..." Sirzech said with regret, he felt very ashamed and sorry for all the bad actions that Rias and her peerage had done to Satoru, even though it was him who had saved their lives several times.

"I'm not talking about what Buchou and my friends did... But it's a figure that means a lot to me. The Rachnid family..." Satoru said again, making it clear that what he was talking about was not Rias, but another figure he called the Rachnid Family.

"Hm? What's wrong with the Rachnid Family? Do you have anything interesting about them? Or is it more than that?" Sirzech asked in confusion, because basically, the Rachnid Family was a family that had disappeared many years ago, leaving no members of the family alive in this world.

"Before, I apologized for hiding this for so many years from you... But, from the Rachnid Family, there is one member left in this world..." Satoru continued with his voice softly, but it could also be heard clearly, that every word he said, sounded trembling, making Sirzechs and also Grayfia, who realized this, become even more confused.

"Is it true? I can't find it at all these years, are you sure about it?" Sirzech asked back, staring intently at Satoru with his eyes emitting a huge and deadly Devilish energy, he felt a little incredulous of the young man's words, but on the other hand, he also felt trust... However, all these years, he could not find the person Satoru meant to be the only surviving member of the Rachnid Family.

"I didn't lie at all... She is a girl, 2 years old under me, and has been my friend since I was a child. It's just... She... She has been neutralized..." Satoru replied softly, not feeling that his eyes began to flow tears that looked so very clear, as he remembered an event he never imagined would happen...

His heart felt so broken, after Rias and all of his friends had betrayed him, he also lost someone who meant so much in his life, a friend who had helped him out of his dark past. The girl he loved so much, whom he had promised her that he would always and forever be by her side, but now, he had let her be gone from him forever.

"Mikoto Rachnid..."

Sirzech's eyes widened when he heard the name that Satoru had just mentioned, before, he had heard that name many years ago, as a daughter of the Rachnid Family who survived the terrible massacre that aimed to wipe the Family out of this world once and for all. It's just that, he has searched almost all corners of the world, and has not found the girl's whereabouts at all, which even makes him think that Mikoto doesn't really exist in this world.

"She had been killed right in front of my own two eyes, the cause of her death was a stray Devil, however, I felt that her death was not that simple." Satoru continued softly, but in every word he said, full of firmness, the death of his best friend felt so very strange to him, it was impossible for Mikoto to die at the hands of a Devil who was not even much stronger than an Intermediate Devil, while at the scene, there were many corpses of her guards who were also not an ordinary people.

"Which means, are you suspecting that his death was caused by another being? Not a stray Devil?" Grayfia asked, for the first time since the beginning of the conversation, the woman opened her voice, because she felt that the mystery of the murder of the last member of the Rachnid Family, was really very interesting to solve.

"You're right, Grayfia-san... The wounds she received on her body were not fatal to the point that she could cost her own life. I felt that it was not her blood, but someone else's blood that he or she deliberately smeared on her to deceive someone who would find her body." Satoru replied firmly, expressing his opinion about his discovery of Mikoto's body which he felt was very strange, indeed when he find her, the girl's body was full of blood, while the wounds she received, only bruises on her abdomen and face, there were no open wounds due to incisions or anything like that.

"At first, I felt that the blood was Mikoto's own blood, the blood was really the same as Mikoto's, but before her body disappeared, I felt that something was wrong. Instead of disappearing along with her body, the blood was remained and turned black, even though Mikoto was just an ordinary human being given an advantage by God." Satoru is clearly detailed, exposing any irregularities he found in Mikoto's death, to the point that he is also unaware that he carelessly mentioned a word sacred to the Devil Race.

"Advantage?" Sirzech asked, snorting softly slightly, because he felt pain in his head after Satoru said the holy words right in front of him.

"That's right. The Rachnid family is known as a family that has the power to control the souls of living beings, it's just that this power is not even recognized by the family members, because they think, controlling the soul is not their business, but the Creator. They didn't learn anything about the power they inherited at all, and seemed like they had thrown it away." Satoru explained, showing a wry smile on his face, all the information about this world, really almost made his head explode.

"How can you know their secrets in so much detail?" Grayfia asked with astonishment, considering that the Rachnid Family had disappeared many years ago, even if Satoru had been born in this world, at that time he was still only a child in the year that the family was declared extinct, it would be impossible if he still remembered a piece of information that had passed many years.

"Because of this..." Satoru replied briefly, pointing at his two eyes that looked so very beautiful, thanks to those two eyes, he could know all the information in this world, even if the information had been buried for thousands of years.

"Are those eyes also the inheritance of your family?" Sirzech asked with interest, it seemed, Satoru's background was not as simple as he had always thought, it seemed, the young man still kept a lot of secrets from him.

"That's right. These eyes are what they all want, to the point that they all have the heart to kill my entire family. It is only out of fear that the next heir of this two eyes, will take their place." Satoru replied coldly, his face seemed so furious, that it made the room feel very tight, but in a second, everything changed back to normal, when Satoru tried to contain all his anger.

"Is it also the result of the experience you used to live?" Sirzech asked back, putting on a look that looked like he was threatening, making Satoru, who saw him, couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"No. All of that is just an attempt that they had done to me to be able to awaken these two eyes immediately, while these two eyes, are the original inheritance of my family." Satoru replied with a long sigh, to be honest, he really hates anyone to mention his past, but he would make an exception for this, he felt that Sirzechs had a right to know that he was not a threat.

"Well.... It's enough to get here... I will investigate it myself first, and then after that, I will come here again. Hopefully, with this big event, it won't have any impact on this world. Yahhhh.... Also, I will miss this World..." Satoru said in his friendly and soft voice, just like his usual self, then, he began to place his right palm right in front of his chest, while starting to close his eyes.

Finding that there was something strange that Satoru seemed to be doing, both Sirzech and Grayfia immediately put on a vigilant attitude, not ruling out the possibility that the white-haired young man would make an unexpected action, however, all their suspicions and vigilance disappeared immediately, after they both saw what he was really doing.

"I'll be away for a while, just to calm myself down. So, please return this to Buchou, actually, I intend to give this to her directly. It's just that... I don't have much time." Satoru said softly while revealing a small pawn piece in his right hand.

Then, Satoru gives that piece to Sirzech, who will then give it to Rias, the previous figure who has implanted that piece in him. For now, he will give it back to Rias, and start a new life, where nothing will disturb his mind, where there will be no shackles to hold him back anymore. And most importantly... NO ONE WILL BETRAY HIM AGAIN.
