
Divide and Fall to Despair

The Griffin hovered over a house two blocks away from them. It screeched then crashed down into it. Screams and agonized wails reached their ears. Aaron's blood froze in his veins as he heard the children cry, coupled with the beast's screeches.

Dust rose from the house's direction as the beast thrashed about.

"Let's go!" Aaron screamed then ran forward.

"Oi! Don't run off like that, we need a plan," Ana screamed after him.

People ran the streets, their eyes wide with horror. Some were smeared in blood. Others cried and looked around, screaming the names of their loved ones.

Aaron cursed under his breath and urged his legs to move faster. Sofia ran beside him, silent, her eyes focused on the road ahead.

"What's your plan?" Ana asked as she joined them.

"I'll get that thing's attention then run for the bridge," he said.

She shook her head. "Do you know how fast that thing is?"

Aaron shrugged. "You got a better idea?"

"We split up," she said.

Aaron gave her a puzzled look. "That's just inviting disaster," he said.

She shook her finger. "On the contrary. One of you will be able to provoke the beast, the other will look for the kids, guide them to safety. I'll provide support from the roofs."

Aaron turned to Sofia. "What do you think?"

They reached the house and their conversation came to a sudden halt.

Wood and stone were scattered all over the place. The beast stood in the middle of the rubble. Its eagle head nibbled at a dead man, while the snakes at its tail had their fangs deeply lodged in an old woman's face.

A younger woman curled up in the corner of the house, hugging a small boy and shielding him from the beast. The Griffin was busy devouring its prey, it hadn't noticed the trio before it yet.

Aaron waved at the woman. He gestured for her to come to them, but she shook her head and whimpered.

The beast's head snapped to the side, and saw the woman, clutching the kid and retreating further into the corner.

Her kid struggled against her then wiggled free of her clutches. He ran toward them as the beast followed it with its eagle eyes. His white hair was like a flag over his head, shining with the sunlight.

"Miss Ana, you've come to save us," he screamed, excited.

Ana cursed under her breath. "Sylvian, look out!"

The beast lurched its long neck toward the kid.

Aaron pointed his gauntlet at the beast and let his mana through it. A kinetic blast shot out of his hand and slammed against the Griffin, pushing it away from the boy, but it didn't blast it away. The beast turned its eyes to them. It roared then lurched at the kid again.

Aaron blasted it once more, pushing it further back. The beast growled at them. Its eyes darted between the Drifters and the kid.

Aaron clenched his fists. 'This one's much tougher than the beasts in the woods.'

The boy ran to Ana. He looked at her with big eyes. "Is the Devil here for me, Miss Ana?"

The Griffin moved, but Aaron blasted it back again. His energy didn't wane quickly like the last time, but he already started feeling his limbs shaking.

Ana shook her head. "I won't let anything happen to you. Follow your mother to the fort, and don't run away from her again, you hear?"

The woman scampered to her feet and took her son in her arms. "Don't do that again!" she reprimanded the kid. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks as she shot the dead man one last glance.

Aaron couldn't help but feel sorry for the kid and his mother. 'So much loss, and all because of us.'

The beast growled and turned toward them. Sofia reacted before Aaron could. She jumped and kicked the beast in the neck. Her leg muscles were so large they bulged from underneath her dress.

The beast toppled back and then fell aside, whining and growling.

Sylvian and his mother ran up the street, toward the fort, as the beast got back to its feet. It roared then took flight, flapping its wide wings at them.

Ana turned to them. "We have no hope of defeating that thing alone. We draw it to the bridge and wait for reinforcements. Understood?"

Sofia faced her. "Where do I go?"

Ana pointed at a street to their right. "Take that one then take the third left turn. There's a warehouse in there, check if anyone's hiding in it. If not, follow the road to the end. It'll converge with the main road eventually."

She turned to Aaron. "You go left then immediately turn right. It's a one shot from there. If the beast gives you a hard time, I'll be around to assist you."

He nodded. "How do we get its attention?"

The beast had already lost interest in them. Its eyes were following the road Sylvian and his mother took.

Ana produced a strange stick from her pocket. Its wood curved like braided hair and culminated in a small crown on top. A red gem the size of a walnut stood on the crown, glowing, pulsating energy.

"On my signal, you run!" Ana said. "Don't let that beast get close to the Branded. Their blood makes them stronger, fiercer."

Aaron turned to Sofia. "Be careful out there!"

She nodded. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

Ana flung the stick at the beast as if she threw a small knife. The stick burst into flame as it shot toward the Griffin and hit it in the neck.

"Now!" Ana screamed.

They scattered, each one in their designated street. Aaron spotted Ana with the corner of his eye. She jumped over some barrels, hung on a balcony, heaved herself up then nimbly jumped to the house's roof, disappearing from his sight.

Two more flaming arrows shot from the roof and hit the Griffin again.

The beast was howling in pain when Aaron took a right turn. His gauntlet vibrated along with its voice. He felt its pain, and it unsettled him. He didn't have time to think about the matter further as the beast moved.

It flew toward Sofia's direction at full speed. Aaron's eyes wavered. He couldn't see the beast anymore. He flinched as he heard a loud crash in the distance.

"Keep going!" Ana screamed. She stood over a roof to his right. "She's fine. You have to meet her at the end of the road. Go!"

Aaron checked the road before him. It was a wide slope that led straight to the bottom of the hill, where the river split the town. A wide wooden bridge awaited at the end.

Another crash reached his ears. People screamed. He remembered the bloody scene at the house and clenched his fists.

"No more!" he whispered, then ran forward.

The beast howled and screamed. Aaron couldn't see what it was doing, but he heard heavy slamming and walls crumbling every time it screeched.

He reached the fork and waited for Sofia. She hadn't arrived yet. He squinted at the direction she was supposed to come from, but didn't see any sign of life. He looked up at the roofs, breathless. Ana had abandoned him too.

The beast howled, and Aaron felt its excitement. His heart sank. 'Sofia! It must have gotten her.'

His eyes narrowed as he saw small silhouettes running down the road. A few heartbeats later, a group of five Branded came running toward him, led by a boy with long curly hair.

"What happened in there?" he asked.

The kid gave him a frightened look. "Lady Drifter saved us from the Devil. Ana tried to help, now she's hurt. Is it going to eat us, Mister Drifter?"

Aaron clenched his fists. He fussed the boy's hair and gave him the best friendly smile he could muster. "It's going to be alright. Go now, take the road to the fort."

He clenched his mechanical fist and stared at it. The runes shone on his rings, humming to him.

He frowned at them. "What are you trying to say?" he asked, feeling his frustration rising.

His chest heaved. He had to do something, but shooting wind through his hands wouldn't get him to Sofia on time. He had to find a way to get its attention.

He took another look at the runes. He didn't know what effect the other glyphs inscribed in the rings had.

He had to try though. It was better than standing around, helpless.

The beast roared. Its voice wasn't too far. He felt its excitement and hunger. He knew it had Sofia cornered. He had but a few seconds to act.

Drifters are those who successfully escape the witch's clutches. Be it through a loop hole in her rules, or through sheer trickery, a stray or two would manage to escape, and make it to one of the worlds under her influence.

Our Drifters happened to land in her own world, and will experience first hand her might and power.

Devils are just the beginning.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter.

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