

As the doctors speculated fervently, Ye Xiu had already settled into a taxi.

"Harlem Community," he stated an address, removing the mask from his face as he did so, revealing his handsome yet somewhat pale countenance.

Ignoring the slight disdain in the taxi driver's eyes upon hearing "Harlem Community," Ye Xiu closed his eyes and began to gather his thoughts.

Harlem, renowned as a poverty-stricken area in New York.

Dilapidated houses, chaotic streets teeming with people of various ethnicities, and the occasional vulgar insults echoing in the air...

Everything stood in stark contrast to the affluent neighborhoods nearby, like Manhattan and Long Island.

Walking along the pathways of the community, amidst the crude language and disorderly surroundings, Ye Xiu furrowed his brows slightly.

Truth be told, he didn't particularly like it here. The noise and filth were tolerable, but what he couldn't stand were the sight of the intoxicated and drug-addled individuals...

He couldn't fathom why the old man chose to reside here.

Surely, the old man wasn't lacking in funds. Though Ye Xiu never inquired about the fees for his surgeries, he believed the old man wouldn't shortchange the likes of Director Blank. The pained expression on the director's face whenever the old man's name was mentioned hinted at significant financial transactions. Over the years, with numerous surgeries performed, the earnings could likely afford the most expensive mansion in Manhattan.

Why then choose to live in such a dark and dingy corner?

Ye Xiu had asked the old man before, but his answer was always three straightforward words: "Because I like it." It left Ye Xiu utterly speechless.

Fortunately, Ye Xiu wasn't one to fuss over living conditions. His surroundings didn't matter much to him. Besides, he had grown accustomed to the old man's peculiarities long ago.

Passing through a couple of alleys, Ye Xiu's eyes fell upon a familiar yet rundown building ahead, and a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Despite its dilapidation, it was his temporary home, where the most important person in his life resided. A person who spent his days inebriated, unkempt, and occasionally acerbic—the old man. A person who imparted upon him the skills and knowledge of medicine.

Every time he returned here, looking at the building, he felt a sense of relaxation, a sense of familiarity.

Suppressing the smile, Ye Xiu quickened his pace towards the building. But just as he took the first step forward, a strong sense of unease and warning surged within him. His face tensed with vigilance, and he instinctively halted.

It was a sharp intuition, one that had saved him from the brink of death countless times.

Without scanning his surroundings or making any unnecessary movements, Ye Xiu casually continued forward, but his trajectory shifted towards the corner of another alley.

As he reached the corner, Ye Xiu swiftly darted into the alley, crouching against the wall.


The moment Ye Xiu crouched down, a deafening explosion erupted, shaking the ground violently.

Not good!

The old man!

Despite the explosive force shaking his eardrums, Ye Xiu discerned the origin of the sound—it came from the building where he resided!

Ye Xiu's complexion paled instantly. Though the explosion was intense, he could still discern its source. The building collapsed into ruins, including the adjacent ones. The rubble echoed with cries of pain.

Tears welled up in Ye Xiu's eyes, his hands clenched into fists, nails digging into his palms, almost drawing blood. Yet, he restrained himself. He knew acting impulsively would only lead to his demise. Given the magnitude of the explosion, the old man's chances of survival were slim. Moreover, Ye Xiu's intuition warned him that those responsible might still be lurking nearby, waiting for him.

Stay calm at all times!

Survival is paramount!

Because only by staying alive, only by getting stronger, can he seek vengeance—a lesson taught by the old man.

For the first time in years, tears streamed down his cheeks. In his blurred vision, he heard the old man's stern reprimands, saw his intoxicated countenance...

Finally understanding, Ye Xiu realized why the old man had been so eccentric, why he chose to reside in such a dark corner—he was hiding from a formidable enemy.

Finally understanding, Ye Xiu realized why the old man had been so eccentric, why he chose to reside in such a dark corner—he was hiding from a formidable enemy.

He finally understood why the old man had insisted he practice combat techniques, seemingly unnecessary and nonsensical teachings to him.

Everything, all because of this hidden enemy!

But, old man, what did you do in the past? Who are you really? Why do you have such a terrifying enemy?

Old man, rest assured, whoever did this, no matter how powerful they may be, no matter how terrifying their influence, I will avenge you!

For a long while, Ye Xiu gazed at the settling dust of the ruins, at the increasing crowd drawn by the commotion, at the nearing, urgent wails of sirens. Then, with determination, he turned away, leaving the scene, heading towards the opposite end of the alley...

He didn't choose to view the old man's body, nor did he visit the ruins of the building that held cherished memories. He knew his priority was to safeguard himself, to survive, to become stronger!

An enemy even the old man couldn't confront isn't something he can handle!

New York, Manhattan district.

Inside the presidential suite of a luxury hotel.

"Hello, everyone, this is Harlem Community. Just thirty minutes ago, a heinous explosion occurred here, reminiscent of 9/11. As of now, the casualty count has reached 31..."

On the wall of the lobby, a massive LCD screen displayed a graceful female reporter standing amidst the rubble of Harlem Community, microphone in hand, reporting with fervor and indignation.

In the suite, a handsome man elegantly swirled a glass of crimson wine, his gaze fixed on the large screen TV. He watched the scene of destruction, the impassioned reporter, and the determined M country police condemning the perpetrators with a sneer playing on his lips.

"Knock, knock."

A gentle rap sounded at the door.

"Come in."

The man's voice was as magnetic as his appearance, but his words were curt.

A silver-haired old man entered the room, exuding an air of dignity despite his age. Though his face bore the marks of time, his eyes remained sharp. Dressed immaculately in a suit, every strand of silver hair in place, his shoes polished to perfection.

Approaching the handsome man, the old man performed a formal aristocratic bow.

"Is the identity confirmed?"

The handsome man arched an eyebrow.

"It's been fully confirmed. That person is undoubtedly Number One."

The old man answered respectfully, a glint of something peculiar flashing in his eyes when he mentioned "Number One."

"The clues?"

The light in the handsome man's eyes dimmed slightly.

"We found no traces whatsoever."

The old man shook his head, a mixture of shame and frustration in his eyes. "It seems Number One anticipated our arrival and eradicated all potential clues. We've investigated thoroughly, but all hard drives and disks were specially destroyed, leaving no possibility of recovery."

"Damn it!"

The light in the handsome man's eyes faded, replaced by a grimace. Slamming his wine glass on the table, he cursed under his breath.

"Find them. Dig into every place Number One has stayed over the years, uncover everything about him. I refuse to believe he left no trace whatsoever! In this world, there's no way to completely erase all traces. And I don't believe he would willingly leave no evidence!"

A cold glint flickered in the handsome man's eyes.

"Yes, sir!"

The old man stiffened, respectfully acknowledging the order.