
The Strongest Demon Lord Reincarnated as a

Ard Meteor seems like an ordinary boy, but beneath the surface lies the dormant might of the legendary Demon Lord, Varvatos. Bored with absolute power, Varvatos reincarnated himself, suppressing his overwhelming strength to experience life as a 'nobody'. Yet, even as a child, his true nature peeks through – a spark of genius in his eyes, his surprising potential. As Ard grows, he must navigate the challenges of an ordinary life while keeping his extraordinary past a secret. Will the hunger for power tempt him to break free from his self-imposed limitations? Or will he find a new kind of fulfillment in this seemingly mundane world? The tale of the strongest Demon King disguised as a commoner is about to unfold!

RSisekai · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Echoes of a Demon Lord

he gateway pulsed. Not with the mindless hunger of the Void, but a focused, terrifying intent. It was a monstrous beacon, drawing in something far more potent than the ravenous hordes we had become accustomed to. This was a hunter, drawn to the echoes of my own monstrous nature as it seeped through the cracked veil.

"This is it," Serpahina gasped, the strain of the prolonged psychic battle etching itself onto her face. "They've found their champion…and it's coming through."

And then…It arrived. Not with a horrifying shriek or the shattering of reality, but a subtle shift, a wrongness that seeped into the very air. The temperature plummeted, not with natural cold, but a soul-deep chill that even Ginny's defiant flames struggled to pierce. Shadows elongated, twisting into grasping, sentient forms.

And at its heart…a figure. Tall, impossibly thin, its very presence a negation of existence. It moved with eerie grace, not the lumbering advance of a mindless Void beast, but the deadly precision of an apex predator.

"That's not… that's not a creature," Elara breathed, the ever-present scientific curiosity in her eyes tainted with fear. "It's a conduit…like Seraphina, but refined, perfected."

This was no mere soldier in the Void's legions. It was their weapon, aimed at the heart of our desperate resistance. And it was drawn to me, a twisted reflection of my own monstrous nature.

"Ard…" Ginny's voice held a fearful plea, but her grip on my hand was fierce, unwavering.

Sylva's instincts were as sharp as ever. "It wants the gateway," she rasped. "Don't let it through!"

A battle plan, brutal and simple, formed in my mind. "I'll hold it here," I growled, the words echoing with the harsh certainty of my demon past. "The rest of you – dismantle the rift, even a sliver left is a door we can't risk."

Terror and a desperate sort of courage battled across their faces. This was an impossible task, a suicide mission. Yet, they nodded, the trust in their eyes almost my undoing.

The rift throbbed as I poured monstrous will into it, not to maintain it, but to twist it into a lure. And the hunter, this eerie echo of my own demonic nature, took the bait. I felt its focus, its terrible hunger, not merely on destruction, but the challenge I represented.

When it launched its attack, it was not with overwhelming force, but terrifying precision. Shadows coalesced into spears that pierced my hastily erected barriers. Frost bloomed, chilling my monstrous constitution, slowing my reactions. This wasn't a mindless beast, but a warrior, a master of a terrible, alien power.

Yet, its very skill was its undoing. For in those moments, I allowed the demon within me to fully awaken. The restraints, the humanizing effect of Ginny's warmth and Elara's ambition and Sylva's stark pragmatism, all were cast aside in the face of pure survival instinct.

My power surged, not with careful control, but the reckless, boundless energy of my demon realm. Reality warped and twisted around me, not as a tool, but as an extension of my will. The shadowy spears shattered against tides of pure force. The creeping frost was met with blasts of searing heat, not born from focused magic, but raw, uncaring might.

This wasn't a duel of warriors, but a clash of titans, the monstrous echoes of two entities born from different forms of darkness. With each exchange, I felt the rift straining behind me. Ginny's desperate fire, Elara's chilling precision, and Sylva's uncanny strikes chipped away at the weakened fabric of the tear. Yet, the hunter was relentless. It adapted, shifted tactics, seeking not merely to overwhelm, but to find that single, fatal flaw in my defense.

A spear of pure negation sliced through my defenses, not injuring, but erasing a portion of my conjured barrier entirely. Panic flared hot and bright, then banked into cold rage. This…thing… it sought not merely to win, but to unmake me entirely.

It was then, as I teetered on the precipice of oblivion, that the most terrifying weapon emerged from the depths of my monstrous past. It wasn't a spell, or a psychic attack, but a simple, devastating truth I had buried beneath my carefully constructed human facade.

I was not merely a powerful mage, or a skilled strategist, nor even a conduit for Void energies. I was Varvatos, a Demon Lord whose existence had spanned millenia.

With that single, brutal realization came the unleashing of not merely power, but experience. Eons of battle, victories and defeats, the annihilation of armies and the rise and fall of empires. It all flooded through me, a torrent of instinct and cunning born from a lifetime that dwarfed the entire history of this fragile world I now fought for.

The hunter hesitated, not from fear, but an instinctive wariness in the face of something it didn't fully comprehend. That hesitation was its downfall. I struck not with overwhelming power, but calculated strikes aimed at the subtle distortions surrounding its unnatural form. It relied on twisting the rules of reality. I would break those twisted rules entirely.

The ensuing clash was less a battle and more a cataclysm. Ripples of annihilation tore outwards from our duel, yet, through sheer, monstrous will, I held the chaos in check, forcing it inwards, threatening to consume both hunter and hunted.

The rift behind me flickered and imploded as Ginny, Elara, and Sylva completed their desperate task. The hunter, realizing its avenue of attack was cut off, unleashed its full fury. Yet, it was the fury of a cornered beast, while mine was the cold, calculating rage of a demon who had played this game far longer.

It died not with a scream, but a horrified gasp of disbelief as I tore apart the very fabric of its monstrous form. The resulting detonation was contained not by skill, but the absolute refusal to let the fragile remnants of my world be destroyed.

When the dust settled, I stood alone, not as Ard the mage, nor even Ard the flawed echo of a better man, but as Varvatos. Ancient power thrummed through me, the burden of its potential a monstrous, exhilarating weight.

A flicker of movement resolved into Ginny, fear and awe warring in her eyes. She reached out, and for one terrifying moment, I thought she would recoil in horror from the monster I had become.

But her touch was not one of fear, but of a fierce, desperate defiance. "Come back to me, you idiot," she choked out, "Come back."

And I, Varvatos, Demon Lord, who had conquered worlds and reveled in my monstrous power, found that the fragile touch of a brave, flawed woman was the only thing that could pull me back from the abyss.