
The Strongest Demon Lord In The Omniverse

What makes a demon lord a demon lord? Does power make one a Demon Lord? Fame? The power to lead others? What is it? Being the Demon King means being myself. And if my subordinates are threatened, I shall retaliate with destruction. It doesn't matter if I'm up against fate or providence, that is what it means to be the Demon King. Follow my story, as I go from Zero to being an All Powerful God. Just a warning, I might kill a few of your favorite characters.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

War 3

Within the sky, a thunderbird appeared while shooting toward the Wizard King Academy. To say the least, the appearance of this bird caught the attention of those within the academy, leading to the powerful elders stepping out. the first was a firey red-haired woman who came out, happy seeing what was pretty much her daughter...

"You're alright!" She cried while shooting forward, hugging the thunderbird which happily hugged Veronica who was pretty much her mother.

"What happened? How did you escape hell? did you use the angel's attack to escape?" the wizard king asked, fully on guard against Blitz.

"No... this is complex. for the past few weeks, the demon realm had stopped attacking this world. they had put all of their attention into trying to transform hell. the new demon lord wants to create dorms in hell, this way demons would no longer come to our world seeking land to claim of their own." Blitz said stunning everyone.

"The whole reason for the demons fighting us was because they wanted to leave the demon realm which was... well, Hell. but they had just begun creating dorms when the angels attacked. Why? the war could have ended right there." Blitz said in confusion,

"Blitz..." Veronica had a complex look at her words, it was now she realized she might have protected her from the outside world, that she couldn't even tell something so simple.

"Demons are... if demons have peace, they would sooner or later try and take over our world. the demon realm can't hold demons if they exist in peace. their numbers would grow, and even if the demon realm is boundless. it would be overwhelmed by their high numbers." The Wizard King said in a deep sigh.

"Ruthless demons amongst them might just slaughter their kind to lower the numbers and save resources... but others would point towards our world to fight for more resources. If their numbers reached such a level... we would be overwhelmed without a chance to even resist. all of creation would be in great danger." The Wizard King said causing Blitz to frown slightly.

The demons in a time of unease and war still birthed high numbers, even as their kinds were slaughtered, new demons were always born to replace the fallen. if peace came, and a balanced system like that within the human realm appeared in hell, then peace would not weaken the demons by much and instead would strengthen them as the resources and numbers would benefit them greatly.

Low-level demons needed food, and the only food in hell was other demons. so of course the demons eat each other. who knew how many talented demons were killed before they had the chance to grow. now with all of that, on top of them learning how to be as smart as humans and in things other than scheming that was scary.

But Blitz didn't think of such things, she wasn't a deep thinker to see the possible danger in the demons having peace. Lucifer has outdone himself by creating such a race, Luckily for all of creation, Lucifer fell into battle before he could do anything major with the race.

"We can work together with them, we can try and find a more peaceful way around this matter. battle would only harm us, so many people have died... it doesn't have to be like that. they just want a better home, and we are all tired of this war." Blitz said, only to be confused as to why Veronica started hugging her so tightly.

"The risk far outweighs that. Demon having peace means demons growing, their minds getting the chance to rival our own. schemers would grow amongst them, and many seeking benefits would spread. One day the demon lord would fall and a new not-so-friendly demon lord would replace the old. would he be the same as the old and be so friendly with the people who had slaughtered his kind for billions of years?" Veronica asked, Blitz didn't know what to say at those words.

"There has to be another way other than war..." Blitz said to which Veronica looked at Blitz, tears in her eyes. She of course wouldn't kill someone who she saw as a daughter, but she would pretty much be locked up after this.

Blitz seeing Veronica's tearful eyes understood something wasn't right. She wanted to break free, but seeing as she was surrounded, she realized things were bad. She was about to speak but froze as a fist slammed into Veronica's face, sending her flying away while throwing up Blitz.

"Daniel!" Blitz said in shock, I just nodded towards her while looking at around at everyone there.

"You're the man my disciple deeply loved." an Ice Fairy said coldly and emotionless, but this was her way of being shocked. I didn't say anything as I simply touched Blitz and teleported out of there before any of them could do anything to stop me. it was too fast and I had teleported on instinct, this left them all shocked at the level of teleportation I had reached.

"That boy is... dangerous. So long as the demons have him, we are in great danger." The wizard king said with a deep sigh. 

"We should tell them all about what is awaiting them. they all should get ready to kill him or something if the time calls for it." The Wizard King said making the group's faces drop as they knew how much that group of students trained for the sole goal of saving him, and not killing him.

But they agreed with the Wizard King and went back to the academy to tell Ava and the others the news. ever since the demons attacked, this group pushed themselves to quickly rise to rank 7. That was scary for the short amount of time they had been training, but they pushed themselves by using all of the resources the academy had to offer, going as far as even entering a time room where time flew many times faster compared to the outside world. within there, they trained for years. they didn't need to worry about getting old as with their strength, they could live for a long time without worry.

they even got unique bloodlines from their teachers, or through other means, allowing them to further draw out their potential. they were monsters.

War was around the corner, and everyone was getting ready. Blitz was also going to join this war as thanks to the deal we had made. even the demons were currently getting ready as within a dream world, an army of demons stood in a straight line with me standing in the center of all of them. I was in a demon-like form, as not all demons knew I was a human.

"In the past, demons fought randomly without a plan in mind. easily falling into traps and not being able to draw out your full power in war. In a war, personal strength isn't what deters the winner. but it's the side with the best army and leader." I said to the sea of billions of demons.

"We are facing many enemies out there. Humans, dragons, Faires, beastmen, angels, and the list goes on. we must be united! We must unite if we want a new life. A life where we don't have to be in pain all of the time, a life in which we don't have to eat each other, a life in which we can enjoy the beauty of creation which our enemies don't even appreciate." I said causing the blood of the demon to boil.

"Set off, and conquer. follow your demon lords, and bring me victory." I scream to which the demons all awakened, bloodshot filling the sky as they all shot off, following the demon lord assigned to them, while in position...

The Omniverse was split into 3 parts. Heaven. Heaven was considered the light of the world, and this is where angels and many races of light are born.

Below that was the second part of the Omniverse to come into existence. the universe, multiverse, or whatever you wanted to call it. This is where you can find the many verses you read about in stories, from Marvel, down to something like Planet Of the Apes. everything exists out there, no matter how big or small it is. they exist somewhere, governed by their unique rules

Following this is Hell. Hell is a region created to punish the sinners, anything that enters this region would instantly suffer. it was a region that brought only pain and suffering. But this pain was heavier for sinners, but even if you had no sins you would still suffer in hell. a normal human who had never sinned in their life would instantly die in hell due to the harsh conditions.

If by chance, they can survive such harsh conditions, it would take only a few hours for them to not handle hell. So yes, demons didn't like hell. and yes, these 3 layers that made the Omniverse were all the same size.

the verse, or universe the demons were currently locked to, it was a world of magic. the whole universe was filled with mages of all kinds and all types of unique mages. but the center of all of this was earth which had drawn the demon's attention, leading to it being sealed away.

But the rest of the universe has been locked in battle, and as of today, all over the universe in key spots, demons appeared... and this time they were going all out. In the past, the demons couldn't even bring themselves to harm a tree, so wars were done in outer space, or far above ground.

But this time? They were not fighting to survive, but fighting for a better life. to say the least, the sudden attack and the fact there were so many willing to destroy planets led to many planets falling, leading to the death of billions of lives on planets.

But forget them, as I was also on the battlefield alongside Amon. Near the center of the Milky Way galaxy, would see the Wizard King Academy. remember, the Wizard King Academy was in more than one place at once. the best way to explain this was to get a book and stab a sword through it.

If the pages were space, then the sword was in more than one place at the same time. that was somewhat what the Wizard King Academy was doing. The Academy was pretty much stabbed through layers of space, existing all over the place at once.

"How! This is the second time I didn't see this ahead of time." The wizard King said with a deep frown seeing the sea of demons standing before the barrier. he had the power to foresee the future. yet with every move the demons have made, he had not seen a thing. He understood that this had to do with Ainz's reincarnation, but he had not seen a hint of Ainz.

"Everyone! The demons are attacking all over the universe, we must stand and fight." A scream caught through the air as a man in golden armor stepped in front of all of the students. this was Jacob's elder brother, a powerful Knight at tier 7

the students all held their swords, staffs, or whatever in hand while looking nervously at the demons. Unlike last time, they were going to join the battles. but their attention couldn't help but be drawn towards Blitz... wasn't she a teacher?

"Master... Daniel..." Lisa said while looking at Daniel who held out his palm, and instantly, the barrier around the whole academy was destroyed. This being the main barrier pretty much made sure that the academy was no longer in more than one place, it disappeared from all other places with this act.

"FIre" Jacop's elder brother screamed, and with that, a sea of attacks shot toward the demons. Amon also gave the order for the demons to attack, and the demons also launched their sea of attacks... and this scene caused everyone's heart to drop.

Since when did demons work like this? Demons would have normally run forward once the barrier was down, in fact, at times the demons would attack the barrier, tiring themselves out before the main battle. but they stood, awaiting orders and fired at command?


The attacks hitting each other caused large explosions to go off, sadly for the academy side... they were outnumbered. Most of their attacks hit a demon's attack, and those that passed through were met with shields that were in the hands of demons. these weapons were made using dream magic, as the demons brought them out of their dreams.

The academy was hit with the rain of attacks, causing many to be injured, while taking a few lives. The demons didn't rush forward and continued with the rain of attacks, and stopped when a huge Ice wall appeared, blocking them.

Amon's eyes glowed, wanting to destroy the Ice. but he stopped realizing how much magical energy it would cost to do so, so I flew over to touch the Ice. As my arm reached forward to touch the Ice, time seemed to come to a stop as from the Ice, Emily reached out towards me. The Ice was too powerful as my thinking speed, reaction time, and pretty much everything was slowed down, so she managed to catch me off guard and hug me.

"Such powerful Ice," I said calmly while Looking at Emily who was made out of Ice at the moment, but slowly, her body appeared, and she hugged me deeply, 

"... your emotions are here. Why didn't you come back." She asked while pressing her head on my chest, feeling my calm heartbeat.

"Because I want to leave this small world and travel the Omniverse. Defeating you all and giving the demons a stable home is the way to that. So, step aside." I said calmly,

"Are you willing to harm your kids?" She asked with some tears in her eyes, but at her words I just looked at Hannah, Rose, and everyone who was standing on the Ice, looking at us at the moment.

"Did they not force me to sign away my right to them as a father? no blood connections, and no papers saying I'm their father. adding the fact they cut me off for good... am I their father?" I asked calmly, making Emily's body shake at those words.

"You can't even look me in the face, but you did nothing wrong. you would have been dumb if you stayed with me after seeing the proof placed before you. So, look me in the eyes knowing you did the right thing. if that is as an enemy, so say it. if you're staying away from it, then say it. I will not judge you any less." I said calmly, leaving Emily in tears at this.

"I don't want to fight against you... but the demons are just too dangerous. I just want things to go back to how they used to be. I'm so sorry for what I did. but this isn't you. you were kind, and caring. you were the last person to do something like this." She said while looking at me, 

"The past will stay in the past, only living within our heart... If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present." I said softly while looking into her pure blue eyes, and removing her tears

"Where are you living right now? I have moved on, and am fighting for a brighter future. If I look at this in the future with regret, then thats for the me of tomorrow to deal with. My Mind is set on helping the demons gain peace, and that isn't changing." I said lightly, to which Emily held my face before slowly placing her lips on mine.

'... I live in the past, for the present hurts, and the future hurts even more... maybe that is why I have Ice power. I can freeze things to make them last forever.' Emily thought while her hair turned completely white. The kiss grew deeper as her tongue made its way into my mouth, instead of trying to enjoy the kiss, I wanted to push her away... but it was too late as my inside was frozen. 

Emily's whole body transformed, becoming Ice which fused into my body. the world before me changed, as I found myself in bed. Emily in my arms. I blinked as I felt like something was off, but I shrugged it off while hugging my wife to go to sleep, just for the door to burst open.

"Dad! Rose is playing with my makeup!" a 13-year-old Hannah cried while opening the door, causing both me and Emily to let out a sigh.

"What did I say about knocking? and can't you just share?" I asked while sitting up to look at her, while Emily just watched this with a faint smile.

"She isn't even using the makeup right. She just wants to use it to draw on the wall." Hannah cried, causing my eyebrow to twitch

"Rose, you better not be drawing on the wall again!" I said while running out. Emily didn't get up and simply lay in bed, looking at her baby.

"What?" Hannah asked in confusion seeing her mother who was looking at her.

"Nothing... I just can't help but live in the moment. it's perfect." She said with a smile, Hannah rolled her eyes, thinking it was some old people talk. She went to go see how her dad would deal with Rose, just to heal Rose's scream. 

She was shocked at that scream and ran into Rosa's room, just to see Rosa on the ground, with me madly tickling her, to the point she was screaming while laughing.

"What did I say about drawing onto the wall?" I asked while Rose cried

"I'm sorry... Haha... stop! Stop! I'm sorry!" Rose cried, to which I snorted while looking at the wall, which was covered in lipstick.

"Well, it's better than your skills," I said while looking at Hannah, who was not expecting to catch a stray bullet like that. She wanted to fight back, but my next words caused her to jump at me

"When people come over, I will just say you tripped and your face hit the wall or something... they would believe it," I said, to which Hannah jumped.

"I'm not praying with you!" She cried while trying to hit me, but I easily caught her hand and caused her to spin around on one leg.

"Haha, you don't want to join me in prayer? how about you play with me then?" I asked making Hannah's face red in both embarrassment and anger. she had a hard time saying play. to say the least, her hot-headed personality was gained thanks to being bullied at home. She ran after me while I ran off while laughing.

"At it so early..." Emily said with a smile while looking at them play fighting in the living room, just for Rose to join, trying to get her payback on me for tickling her. She watched this scene, a smile written all over her face... this was perfect.