
The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

"So, that's how this all ends, what a waste..." When the Demon Lord Aziel Vor'thega was banished by his own brothers' and sisters' betrayal, he thought that everything was lost. Colluding with those worms, those despicable humans and their Holy Guardians, Aziel and his blood brother Cahal the Demon God found themselves in a hopeless, situation! He wasn't ready to give up, and let those wretched traitors, those mongrels have the last laugh! His anger, his rage didn't allow his immortal soul to rest, but instead something unexpected happened! Tearing a rift in space, he was sucked into the void. Reduced back to a single soul shard, the core of his eternal existence, he found himself in a strange new world... and with that, a new start. A chance to climb back, and enact his vengeance upon those betrayers! ---

Shaele · Urban
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191 Chs

Chapter 71 - Surprise

Aziel smirked as he looked at the stunned, confused-looking expression of this pig of a human guard captain. He stepped forward and started moving, closing in, casually making his way towards Captain Liam Briggs in a roundabout way.

Meanwhile, as he casually strolled amidst the gaze of the shocked, confused, and bewildered Guard Captain, Aziel glanced over to the side where now in the darkest corner, the poor unlucky sod, the young recruit sobbed silently. Her shoulders shivered as she tried to calm her chaotic storm that raged inside her poor heart and soul.

The sight, though looked rather sad and even heartwrenching to some, Aziel merely smiled and ignored it in the next instant. Instead he shifted his calm, hearty gaze back on the man, as he continued approaching him from the side.