
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

the demon and the corrupt guild official

As the old man goes berserk Lucifer reminisces.

Oh, the strength of the hero that is summoned by the Gods to kill me and this old man is the same. They are more like toys for me to play with. Moreover, his aura is similar to those heroes that I killed.

If I could remember. I have my secretary investigate the origins of the hero but she never returned. Also, the hero summoning ended as well.

Well, she might have died stopping them after all she has no combat experience but I have someone assigned to assist her so who knows what might happen.

Gastor speak up and said, "If you're not going to attack first. Then, I'll go first!"

Lucifer looked at Gastor coldly and said, "I knew it, you have similarities to those heroes."

After saying it the time slowly stops.

Now then, time to see how are you related to those heroes.

Lucifer reveals her fangs like a vampire and sucks a lot of Gastor's blood.

A few moments later

This guy is surprisingly a corrupt Blue eagles guild official. He takes bribes from so many people even if he has to betray everyone.

3 things caught my attention in his memory. First, he takes bribes from the eastern empire to destroy this kingdom. Second, he was also related to that experiment that I saw last night at the red light district (refer to Chapter 6). That experiment I saw made me burst into anger and cursed Rika a lot. Lastly, this guy is targeting my family.

According to his memories. This kingdom that I got reincarnated in joined the allied force that opposes the powerful threat of the eastern empire.

The eastern empire bribed a lot of people to betray their own nation including this guy.

"Kamui, can you tell me what's with this eastern empire?"

Kamui came out of Lucifer's shoulders and said, "Eastern empire is the biggest empire that existed for 200 years.

The eastern empire is the 3rd to the biggest nation that ever existed in history followed by Teratio a kingdom that's led by the strongest God, and Avalon a kingdom that's led by the strongest demon lord."

Lucifer seriously asked, "Can you tell me how many and what kingdoms joined the allied force and what is the current situation of these kingdoms."

"the allied forces have 5 kingdoms in it Hella, Falnir, Genia, Meltra, and Oratio.

The current situation of these kingdoms is going very badly due to the increased population of monsters around the area. If this keeps up they will lose their stand against the empire. They will lose at this war."

"Well, I guess I need to step in to stop this war but I'll have to do it without exposing myself."

Kamui stopped Lucifer on her plan and said, "Why don't you just leave this to your subordinate, master? It's better to do it that way. You see if your subordinate help the allied force. They might help your subordinate to reconstruct your kingdom here."

Lucifer was dumbfounded so she asked, "Isn't it the same thing if I'm the one who made the move?"

Kamui was being annoyed he said, "Master, listen to me. If you do this on your own you'll be forced to show your full power. Once that happens the Gods and Demon lords will target you and your peaceful life will be gone for good and no kingdom will lay a finger to help you reconstruct your kingdom here."

"that makes sense, I guess I have to find a way to be able to summon the 7 pillars of the Demon kingdom and leave this matter to them.

Now, that's 1 down problem and there are 2 to go. I need to find a way to dispose of this scum without exposing myself. He has to pay for what he has done with those children and I have to make them stop targeting my family. I want to tear him to pieces but I have to keep a low profile

Wait, I guess I'll just use that book to dispose of him."

Kamui was frightened and said, "Are you going to use that terrifying book master?!"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

"None at all master."

That terrifying book is created using a hundred souls of the Gods that he killed and he amplified its power with his curse energy.

The reason why that book is terrifying is that it has the power to manipulate someone's else life. You could even decide how a person will die.

Lucifer took out a black book that has a lot of live eyes.

Lucifer uses his finger to right and produces ink using his curse energy.

"This is the first time I used this book since I created it. He should be grateful since he will die as I use him as my experiment. Since he's wearing holy equipment why not I write that due to his wickedness, the equipment turned into demonic equipment, and his soul got consumed by the equipment."

Lucifer is done writing.

"Well, that solves the second problem and 3rd problem is quite an issue. He was hired by a masked clown to target my family and it seems that they have people outside the kingdom ready to target Kris."

Wait, this woman that got in my way. She might be in cahoots with this old man so I might as well check on her just in case.

Lucifer sucked the female adventurer's blood.

I see, my suspicion was right. Although they didn't meet up face to face they were hired to kill my father. Moreover, their leader looks so familiar. Have we met before? He's currently leading a highly skilled group in the forest. This red-haired bitch is name Flerida. A childhood friend of my father. She's trying to take this opportunity to have my father's memories wiped out and have my father for herself.

They're planning to assassinate my father. Now that I know there are a lot of humans hired to mess with my family are. The only thing that I don't know is who is that masked clown targeting my family and what the hell does he want?

Well, I'll find it out soon once I eat those bandits outside.

When I continue the time the curse that I put upon this man will take effect.

The time slowly continues and just like what she have said the curse took effect.

The holy equipment turned into black and red color and show a demonic aura.

Gastor is screaming in pain like he's burned alive but there is no fire all over his body.

He asked for help but no one can understand what is going on either.

He just keeps on screaming for help until he just dropped dead and lost his life.

Lucifer smirked and whispered, "Serve you right. Scums like you deserve to die."

The whole crowd was in turn oil when they saw Gastor die.

Lucifer was just about to leave the scene but she saw a demon passing through the crowd unnoticed like a ghost.

The demon speak up in a demonic voice and said, "What an interesting battle."

Lucifer asked, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I'm since you're about to die!"

The demon charges at Lucifer like a madman and Lucifer just grabs him by his neck and one-handedly carries him.

Lucifer looked at the demon with her demonic eyes and said, "Do you really think a threat like that will make me fear you? You have no idea who are you dealing with."

Lucifer radiates as he shows her aura.

The demon becomes frightened as he observes the aura of Lucifer.

This little girl's aura. It screams death, pain, and sorrow. She possesses an aura that has killed countless of Gods. I must retreat, I can't deal with someone like that.

Lucifer asked coldly, "Let me ask you again. Who are you?"

The demon asked Lucifer to let her go so that he could speak clearly and Lucifer let her go.

The demon said, "Uhm, uhm, I don't how should say this but I'm a nameless demon."

"Huh? Are you trying to mess with me?"

"I'm really a nameless demon. I have no name at all since I haven't been summoned in my whole life. All of the demons from hell like me are nameless."

Lucifer got curious and asked, "And why is that?"

"I don't know, it's probably how we're created. We only gain a name when our summoner gave us a name."

"Then how did you got summoned here?"

The demon pointed at Gastor's demonized equipment and said, "That equipment's overwhelming energy summoned me here."

Lucifer got curious and asked, "How was that possible?"

"Well, when a holy artifact turns into a demonic artifact it releases a negative energy that creates a demon-summoning power and attracts a monster."

Kamui sneaks at Lucifer's shoulders and said, "She's right master, a horde of monsters is coming to this kingdom."

"I can see it as well. I didn't expect this outcome. I guess I have to clean this mess."

The demon stop her and said, "You don't have to take care of all this my lord. Let me handle this."

"I'll leave it to you then."

The demon disappeared and Lucifer saw the demon at the kingdom walls.

The demon smiled right in front of all of the monsters and the monsters fell to the ground. the knights that are guarding the wall start to panic like they saw something frightening.

Did she just destroy the reality in that place?

Well, as long as everything goes well it won't be bad.

The demon returned and said, "The monster are all gone without a trace."

"yeah, I can see that."

The demon looked at the equipment and was surprised and said, "What happened to the equipment? How did it end up like this?"

"I already destroyed it. Since it's causing this place a lot of trouble. Now that the equipment is gone what are you going to do now?"

The demon hesitantly said, "To be honest I want to grow more stronger. So I decided if I want to grow stronger I have to stay by your side and serve you."

Lucifer was surprised and asked, "Huh? Are you serious about this?"

The demon answered without fear, "Yes, but there's only one problem."

"What is the problem?"

The demon hesitantly said, "I need at least 100 human bodies to construct my own vessel and a name to live in this World."

Lucifer smiled and said, "That's perfect. I want to dispose of a lot of humans today and you happen to be just around the corner. I'll give them to you once I'm done with them. Is that ok with you?"

The demon smiled and said, "I don't mind as long as I can serve a powerful being like you."

Just wait. I'll give you those humans outside that's waiting to assassinate Kris and so as this bitch alongside us.